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INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only. PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE. Procedure: 50.00 lbs of potatoes pulled from each plot Samples placed in a plastic tray

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  1. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE • Procedure: • 50.00 lbs of potatoes pulled from each plot • Samples placed in a plastic tray • Trays placed on catwalk in the growers’ storage buildings Freihe Storage

  2. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE • Procedure: • 50.00 lbs of potatoes pulled from each plot • Samples placed in a plastic tray • Trays placed on catwalk in the growers’ storage buildings Calloway Storage Catwalk

  3. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Trays placed on catwalk in the growers’ storage buildings

  4. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE • Procedure continued: • Samples weighed on 24 Apr 2012 • Each sample weighed to the nearest 1/4 of a pound

  5. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE This chart presents the results for each location and the average for all. There were 2 rotten tubers in the untreated at Quincy.

  6. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE This chart presents the average of all locations. Differences, while large, were not statistically significant.

  7. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE There was a fairly good correlation between the in-season yield and the increase in storage for Employ. This suggests that the application may have been less than optimal at the lowest site.

  8. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - WA Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Results and Conclusions: • 50 pound samples were pulled from the harvested crop and placed inside growers’ storage buildings for approximately 7 months. • Overall loss in storage was slight. All 3 treatments resulted in less storage loss than the untreated. • Employ alone had the largest effect on storage loss, reducing it from about 3.25% in the untreated to about 1.25% in the Employ treated tubers. • At the current market value of stored potatoes, about $150/ton, the dollar value of the saved tubers was $15,000 per storage building or about $120/acre. Summarized by Paul Bystrak

  9. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Procedure: • At all 9 locations, a single sample of potatoes was pulled from each of the plots. Starting weights were recorded before storage and ranged from 50 – 75 lbs. • After 7-8 months in storage, potatoes were counted, separated by grade and weighed. Rotten potatoes were counted and weighed. Internal defects were evaluated by taking 25 tubers and cutting the stem end to look for discoloration and the depth of the discoloration, then splitting them to look for hollow heart and brown center. • At 2 locations, unusual amounts of tubers were ‘lost’. This may have been a recording error at the start (unlikely, since the samples from each location were about the same size) or they may have been lost to rot. In ARM, the missing data are replaced with Yates estimates, which were not used for analysis. • Data were entered into ARM as a 9 replicate trial and analyzed statistically (Fisher’s Protected LSD, P = 0.1). This technique does not provide an estimate of the location*treatment effect. Summarized by Paul Bystrak.

  10. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE This chart shows the percent of original weight remaining after 7-8 months of storage for each trial site and the average of all. Unreplicated Grower Demo trials: Myconate HB applied to seed pieces at 2 oz/acre’s worth of seed; Employ applied at 2 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after. Means associated with the same letter are not statistically different (Fisher's Protected LSD, P = 0.10).

  11. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE This chart shows the average percent of weight lost during storage for each trial site. Results for entries with Employ are very similar to each other, as are those without Employ. Unreplicated Grower Demo trials: Myconate HB applied to seed pieces at 2 oz/acre’s worth of seed; Employ applied at 2 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after. Means associated with the same letter are not statistically different (Fisher's Protected LSD, P = 0.10).

  12. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Brown Center is a physiological storage condition caused by stress during the growing season. Reduction in Brown Center occurrence closely matched reduction in weight lost for Employ. Unreplicated Grower Demo trials: Myconate HB applied to seed pieces at 2 oz/acre’s worth of seed; Employ applied at 2 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after. Means associated with the same letter are not statistically different (Fisher's Protected LSD, P = 0.10).

  13. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Yield Increase correlated positively with the reduction in loss during storage. Unreplicated Grower Demo trials: Myconate HB applied to seed pieces at 2 oz/acre’s worth of seed; Employ applied at 2 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after. Means associated with the same letter are not statistically different (Fisher's Protected LSD, P = 0.10).

  14. INFLUENCE OF PHC PRODUCTS ON POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD PT-06-11 Summary Across Studies - ID Only PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION EFFECTS ON POST-HARVEST STORAGE Results and Conclusions: • At all 9 locations, a single sample of potatoes was pulled from each of the plots and placed into storage. • After 7-8 months in storage, potatoes were counted, separated by grade and weighed. • Overall losses were slight except in a few situations. Losses in the Employ treated samples were substantially less than in the untreated or Myconate treated samples. • The effects of Employ in storage were positively correlated with the effects on yield. • Samples treated with Employ had a lower incidence of Brown Center than samples that were not treated with it.

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