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School Improvement Planning

School Improvement Planning. The Journey Continues… Spring, 2018. Brothers and sisters: No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord;

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School Improvement Planning

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  1. School Improvement Planning The Journey Continues… Spring, 2018

  2. Brothers and sisters: No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.

  3. As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. 1 COR 12:3B-7, 12-13

  4. A Time to Plan Leader: Lord Jesus, open our hearts and minds to the guidance of Your Spirit. We give You thanks today for the many blessings which enrich our lives. As we gather, help us to discern the paths we will take on our professional journey. Teach us to listen to those around us and be especially mindful of the students we serve. All: Hear us, O Lord, for we gather today in Your name. Leader: Spirit of God, help uspray for the direction that only the Spirit can give. All: Come Spirit of God and be with us. Leader: Spirit of God, direct our minds in our planning. All: Be in our understanding that we might know our needs. Leader: Spirit of God, be in our eyes that we might see clearly what direction You desire us to take. All: Give us the vision to see clearly what is Your will for us. Leader: Spirit of God, be in our ears that we might hear what you are saying to us. All: Give us the wisdom to listen and reflect as we discern the next steps in our journey. All: May the Lord guide and strengthen us. May He enlighten our minds and inspire our hearts. May He grace us with His presence. May He bless our efforts. May He give us joy and satisfaction in our work together. This we ask in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  5. The NSBECS provides the …”Catholic community a common framework of universal characteristics of Catholic identity and agreed upon criteria for Catholic school excellence. With this framework, we can and must hold ourselves accountable for the excellence and rigor, faith and nurturance that have been the hallmark of Catholic education, and which we must now guarantee for future generations.” -Lorraine A. Ozar, PH.D. Director, Center for Catholic School Effectiveness School of Education, Loyola University Chicago

  6. National Standards and Benchmarksfor Effective Catholic Schools NSBECS http://www.catholicschoolstandards.org/

  7. Intentionality • Improvement is only possible when you know yourself. • Make the opportunity to reflect and analyze

  8. Reflect and Analyze • Gathers information • Used in creating a plan for future development

  9. Identify… • Catholic learning environment • High quality culture of the school • Excellent educational programs • Ensuring viability and sustainability

  10. Intentional Planning • Gives future direction • Providing a process • Provides accountability • Provides opportunities

  11. Intentional Planning • Reflection and Analysis • Identifying Areas of Strength and Needed Growth • Goal Setting • Progress monitoring, revision, and accountability

  12. Previously…3 School Improvement Plans • Catholic Identify • Academic Excellence • School’s choice

  13. Transition to… 4 Domain Action Plans A- Mission and Catholic Identity, B - Governance and Leadership, C - Academic Excellence, D - Operational Vitality.

  14. Analysis, Reflection, Identification

  15. Goals

  16. Progress monitoring, revision, and accountability

  17. School Improvement Planning The Journey Continues… Spring, 2018

  18. Outcomes • To connect the dots between WCSA (Wisconsin Catholic Schools Accreditation), the Teacher Effectiveness Framework, assessment and grading practices, and professional development planning. • To create your school’s Professional Learning Plan for 2018-19.

  19. Professional Learning Reflection • How are educator practices changing? • What external factors are influencing changes in practice? • What is changing within the system to support educator changes in professional practice? • How are changes in educator practice influencing student success?

  20. It’s a paradigm shift… Content Orientation Results Orientation

  21. …and a process. Professional Learning Program Continuum

  22. Why Professional Learning? Learning emphasizes expected changes in educator knowledge, attitudes, skills , aspirations, and behaviors. Development emphasizes the activities to accomplish those changes.

  23. Professional Learning Program • Set of planned and implemented actions, • guided by research, evidence, and standards, • accompanied by adequate resources, • and directed toward the achievement of defined outcomes related to educator practice and its impact on student learning. JoellenKillion, Assessing Impact: Evaluating Professional Learning, 2018.

  24. Professional Learning Program Continuum • Learning Teams/PLC – a learning team/professional learning community is any collaboration involving faculty, school leadership, and/or archdiocesan personnel. • Professional learning models – ways in which professional learning is delivered, accessed, and evaluated for impact on student learning.

  25. Self-assessment As an individual team member, review the Professional Learning Program Continuum. Highlight the key words in the progression from one level to another. As a team, discuss the Professional Learning Program Continuum, specifically where you are on the knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations, and behaviors spectrum.

  26. Break

  27. Professional Learning Map 2018-19 School Improvement Goal Domain C (Academic Excellence) School Improvement Goal Domain A (Mission and Catholic Identity) Additional Accreditation Days Teacher Effectiveness Goals

  28. Professional Learning Map – Step 1 Fill in sections of the map with what you know now: • School Domain Goals for Academic Excellence and Mission and Identity

  29. Professional Learning Map 2018-19 School Improvement Goal Domain A (Mission and Catholic Identity) School Improvement Goal Domain C (Academic Excellence) Only one Domain C Goal Required Vocabulary Acquisition (K-4) Parish/school relationship Faith formation of faculty Additional Accreditation Days Teacher Effectiveness Goals

  30. Professional Learning Map – Step 1 Fill in sections of the map with what you know now: • School Domain Goals for Academic Excellence and Mission and Identity • Teacher Effectiveness Framework Goal Category Summary

  31. Professional Learning Map 2018-19 School Improvement Goal Domain A (Mission and Catholic Identity) School Improvement Goal Domain C (Academic Excellence) Only one Domain C Goal Required Vocabulary Acquisition (K-4) Parish/school relationship Faith formation of faculty Additional Accreditation Days Student self-assessment and monitoring Using assessment data to guide instruction Setting instructional outcomes Classroom Culture Learning Engagement Teacher Effectiveness Goals

  32. Collaboration Time!

  33. Professional Learning Map – Step 1 Fill in sections of the map with what you know now: • School Domain Goals for Academic Excellence and Mission and Identity • Teacher Effectiveness Framework Goal Category Summary • 10/12 Professional Learning Day topics/content

  34. Professional Learning Map 2018-19 School Improvement Goal Domain A (Mission and Catholic Identity) School Improvement Goal Domain C (Academic Excellence) Only one Domain C Goal Required Vocabulary Acquisition (K-4) Parish/school relationship Faith formation of faculty Additional Accreditation Days Parish/school staff retreat AM: STM AM: STM Educators’ Convention Archdiocesan PD Day PM: PM: Student self-assessment and monitoring Using assessment data to guide instruction Setting instructional outcomes Classroom Culture Learning Engagement Teacher Effectiveness Goals

  35. Collaboration Time!

  36. Professional Learning Map – Step 2 Add other professional learning opportunities that will support school and individual goals • On-site offerings • Archdiocesan programming (EdCamp, Pre-conference, New Teacher Seminars) • External support (Professional Learning Calendar hosted by the Office for Schools, professional organizations, social media networks)

  37. Professional Learning Support Professional Development Calendar of Events

  38. SIP Retreat Professional Learning Map 2018-19 School Improvement Goal Domain A (Mission and Catholic Identity) School Improvement Goal Domain C (Academic Excellence) Only one Domain C Goal Required Vocabulary Acquisition (K-4) Parish/school relationship Faith formation of faculty Additional Accreditation Days Parish/school staff retreat AM: STM AM: STM Educators’ Convention Archdiocesan PL Day PM: PM: Student self-assessment and monitoring Using assessment data to guide instruction Setting instructional outcomes Classroom Culture Learning Engagement EdCampJuly 31 Oct. 4 Pre-conference Teacher Effectiveness Goals

  39. Collaboration Time!

  40. Professional Learning Map Review Guiding Questions: • Are your required professional Learning days tied to student learning? • What professional learning needs are not currently supported? • Are multiple professional learning models represented?

  41. Team Planning • As a team, what are your priorities now? • How will your team move forward in involving the entire staff in the review and possible revision of your professional learning plan?

  42. Collaboration Time!

  43. Lunch

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