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CHEMISTRY IS EVERYWHERE. Nature: Microorganisms shuttle chemicals (to provide nutrients for plants). Plants photoysnthesize (convert simple molecules into their food source) Release Oxygen. Animals and humans are hosts to countless microorganisms. Ecosystem Chemical Connectivity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHEMISTRY IS EVERYWHERE Nature: Microorganisms shuttle chemicals (to provide nutrients for plants) Plants photoysnthesize (convert simple molecules into their food source) Release Oxygen Animals and humans are hosts to countless microorganisms Ecosystem Chemical Connectivity ?

  2. Shifting Baselines What people expect as “normal” on our planet has changed over time; especially with regard to ecosystems

  3. Box 00.01

  4. Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

  5. 2005 figures

  6. Box 00.04

  7. In 2009 the world population is estimated to be 6.8 Bn people Biologically productive area in the world 11 Bn hectares 11 Bn hectares per planet Remember, average “ecological foot-print” in USA 9.7 hectares per person What if the average “ecological foot-print” for the whole world was 9.7 hectares per person That would require a biologically productive area of 66 Bn hectares

  8. For everyone in the world to have the same life style as the average US citizen, a total (biologically productive) area of 66 Bn hectares is needed. But the planet only has a total biologically productive area of 11 Bn hectares. Therefore, 6 planets are needed!

  9. Table00.02

  10. Write a three-paragraph essay 1st paragraph: Introduce yourself 2nd paragraph: Describe what is important to you as you begin your study of chemistry? 3rd paragraph: Describe what you most wonder about that relates to planet Earth

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