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Muon Track Reconstruction and Matching for Central Tracker

This tool provides algorithms for muon track reconstruction and matching with the central tracker, including error matrix propagation and combination of tracks. Future plans include efficiency and resolution checks.

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Muon Track Reconstruction and Matching for Central Tracker

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  1. muo_trackreco (1) http://d0-france.in2p3.fr/WORKING_GROUPS/MUONS/muons.html • fit algorithm: • algorithm run in WAMUS and FAMUS • use a stand alone non linear fit class • when fit fails: returns first momentum estimation • compute the error matrix F. Deliot

  2. muo_trackreco (2) • what is new : • the fit can change the particle sign (first calculated when computing geometric momentum estimation) • fit improvement when it tries too low Pt • error matrix variables adapted to propagation through calorimeter: (x,y,z,px,py,pz): 5 independant variables • new constructor for MuoTrack object adapted to fit algorithm  new Ntuple block in muo_analyze F. Deliot

  3. Analysis variables • trackfit block in muo_analyze: • track position in A layer: xa, ya, za • track momentum in A layer: pxa, pya, pza (set to first estimation if fit failed) • octant and region • charge result of the fit • chi2 of the fit • more information if needed (variables in BC layer) F. Deliot

  4. Future plans • need some more developments: • check the efficiency and resolution for FAMUS • check the efficiency and resolution for multiple muons events • bad efficiency in |  | 1 region (tracks cross two small toroid part) F. Deliot

  5. Matching Muon Tracks with Central Tracker Tracks • goals: • combine reconstructed tracks from muon system and inner detector using error matrices • match muon error matrix from the fit (computed in muo_trackreco at BC layer) with central tracker error matrix • need error matrix propagation taking into account: • magnetic field • multiple scattering in matter • energy loss fluctuation in matter • new package: muo_globalmatch F. Deliot

  6. Muo_globalmatch method: • propagate the (6  6) error matrix in position and momentum variables by infinitesimal step through a given materiel with a given magnetic field ( see Note) • combine the two tracks and the two error matrices and provide the final ones: F. Deliot

  7. Muo_globalmatch (2) choice for the user: in principle, we want the algorithm to provide the following choice: • for the error matrix propagation: • propagate muon error matrix backward through toroid and calorimeter to central track • propagate central error matrix forward through calorimeter and toroid • for the error matrices matching point: • at the preshower limit (beginning of calorimeter) • at the DCA point F. Deliot

  8. Muo_globalmatch (3) • what is currently done : • backward propagation of muon error matrix through toroid, calorimeter and solenoid (taking into account matter and real mapping for magnetic field) • matching of the propagated muon matrix with central error matrix at the DCA point • we are only at the beginning of testing this  still a lot of things to do F. Deliot

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