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An evaluation of the use of hand-held computers for first year degree students

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using hand-held computers to enhance first-year students' approaches to learning in laboratory techniques. The study compares students' approaches using the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) and documents their satisfaction with using the hand-held computer. Results show that the use of hand-held computers can enhance deep learning approaches.

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An evaluation of the use of hand-held computers for first year degree students

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  1. An evaluation of the use of hand-held computers for first year degree students Tony M F Chan 28/02/06, DE309, 12:30-14:00 Learning and Teaching Seminar

  2. Outline • Introduction • Aim & Objectives • Methods • Results • Discussions • Research output

  3. Introduction • The use of hand-held computers (e.g. PDA) has been transforming education setting at the Universities in HK (Leung & Johnston 2000, Csete et al. 2003). • For biomedical sciences students, no study has conduct. • Therefore, we conduct this study!!

  4. Aim & Objectives Aim: • To evaluate the effectiveness of using a handheld computer to enhance students’ approaches to learning in laboratory techniques. Objectives: • To compare students’ approaches to learning in laboratory techniques using the study process questionnaire (SPQ); and • To document the level of satisfaction on students using the handheld computer in laboratory techniques.

  5. Methods • Design: RCT pre and post • (Experimental=14, Control=17). • Sample: all 1st year BMS students. • Course: SN261 (Laboratory Techniques & Safety). • Study period: Semester 1 in 2005. • Instrument: SPQ and satisfaction questions.

  6. Methods (cont.) • Outcome: • Pre (1st lecture): SPQ; • Post (last lecture): SPQ, satisfaction questions • Equipment: • PDA: iPAQ h4100; • Software includes all teaching materials (e.g. • Introduction, Video, Time-table), Glossary, & • Flash games.

  7. Methods (cont.)

  8. Methods (cont.) Instrument • Part 1: Characteristics (Sex, use PDA before, …, etc) • Part 2: SPQ: R-SPQ-2F (Biggs et al. 2001): validity (35%, 31%) and reliability (0.86, 0.87) • Part 3: 5 statements to evaluate students’ satisfaction level on using the PDA (n=14): Validity (64%) and reliability (0.84).

  9. Eligible sample (n=31) Randomization Case group (n=14) Fill-in pre-survey, receive standard teaching plus a handheld computer Control group (n=17) Fill-in pre-survey and receive standard teaching Support by subject lecturer plus help-desk Support by subject lecturer Post-survey at the end of the 1st semester in 2005 Fill-in post-survey and collect their final mark Figure 1. Workflow of the study Methods (cont.) Study procedures

  10. Methods (cont.) Training – how to use PDA for Exp. group

  11. Methods (cont.) Data analysis • SPQ: Surface and Deep approaches: • Mann-Whitney U: Exp vs. Cont at pre and post. • Wilcoxon signed: Pre vs. post for each group. • significant level set p<0.025 (=0.05/2) • Satisfaction score: • Descriptive statistics

  12. Results

  13. Results (cont.)

  14. Results (cont.)

  15. Discussions Findings: • Exp > Contr group on deep approach at post (p<0.001) (Gow & Kember 1990, Zeegers & Martin 2001); • In Exp group, deep approach at Post > Pre (p<0.019) (Zeegers & Martin 2001); • No changes on Contr group on surface and deep approaches; and • Satisfaction scores on the Exp group was high.

  16. Discussions Findings: • The 1st year BMS students satisfy to use PDA on their learning process • PDA can enhance their deep learning approach. Questions: • Why there is no changes on control? Does it imply that the general learning method is not effective? • Why there is not significant different between the examination marks between the 2 groups?

  17. Research outputs • This project was used by the EDC as one of their examples on e-learning project, the website is http://lesp.edc.polyu.edu.hk/examples.htm

  18. Thank You

  19. References Biggs J, Kember D, & Leung DYP. The revised two – factor SPQ: R-SPQ-2F. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2001; 71: 133-149. Csete J, Wong E, & Batra D. Technology in education: PDAs – their current and future potential for learning and teaching. Thematic Seminar. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University by EDC: 2003. Gow L, & Kember D. Does higher education promote independent learning? Higher Education. 1990; 19: 307-322. Leung GM, & Johnston JM. Evidence-based practice computer-assisted clinical decision support in undergraduate medical education. it@hku.hk. Information Technology. May 2001: 11-14. Zeegers P, & Martin L. A learning-to-learning program in a first-year Chemistry class. Higher Education Research & Development. 2001; 20(1): 35-52.

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