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Custom result sets in Website

Supporting entire subsets of pages is cool, yet imagine a scenario in which you really want more granular command over your outcome sets.

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Custom result sets in Website

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  1. Custom result sets in Website

  2. Supporting entire subsets of pages is cool, yet imagine a scenario in which you really want more granular command over your outcome sets. That is where Result Mappings become possibly the most important factor. There are two essential manners by which mappings are utilized - to make custom outcome sets and to divert questions to explicit URLs. Ecommerce Web Development Company in Lahore This is very basic as well: you enter your inquiry of decision (e.g., a famous hunt term), our framework returns each page that matches said question, and you can reorder these list items as you see fit. You could actually mix in different questions among this set so assuming the planning is applied for, say, "pants" , it can likewise incorporate pages that'd typically be shown for "pants", however at whatever point your clients look for "pants", they'd see default list items. You can likewise naturally apply channels (with explicit qualities, might you thusly decide) and positioning techniques to your planning.

  3. Diverting questions to your URL of decision is much more straightforward - you simply have to type in the location of the page which will spring up consequently once a question is placed into the pursuit box, and you're finished. SEO Services Company in Lahore Both these sorts of mappings can be applied to questions endlessly or inside a particular time span. Added an intriguing substance to your site and believe that your clients should see it before the more seasoned stuff? Simply place those outcomes at the highest point of the page and have the pursuit return to its default state when your new happy never again needs advancement. Basic, yet at the same very successful. Digital Marketing Company in Lahore

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