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Wilson Reading System

Wilson Reading System. Substep 1.5. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill. a apple /a/. a. e Ed /e/. e. i itch /i/. i. o octopus /o/. o. u up /u/. u. Chicken Letter. qu.

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Wilson Reading System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5

  2. Part 1Sound Cards Quick Drill

  3. a apple /a/ a

  4. e Ed /e/ e

  5. i itch /i/ i

  6. o octopus /o/ o

  7. u up /u/ u

  8. Chicken Letter qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well.

  9. digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.

  10. th thumb /th/ th

  11. ch chin /ch/ ch

  12. sh ship /sh/ sh

  13. wh whistle /w/ wh

  14. ck sock /k/ ck

  15. Part 2Teach and Review Concepts for Reading

  16. m man /m/ m

  17. n nut /n/ n

  18. Make the /m/ sound. Plug your nose. Make the /n/ sound. Plug your nose. These are nasal sounds because they come from the nose. This means it sometimes makes the short vowel sound different.

  19. Welded Sounds The consonants change the short vowel sound. The vowel is still considered short.

  20. am ham /am/ am

  21. an fan /an/ an

  22. b b b a a a d ck t b am an

  23. t d p a am an

  24. Part 3Wordcards

  25. ham

  26. than

  27. fan

  28. jam

  29. Pam

  30. Sam

  31. pan

  32. Jan

  33. Dan

  34. can

  35. man

  36. am

  37. sham

  38. dam

  39. ban

  40. ram

  41. bam

  42. yam

  43. zam nonsense word

  44. zat nonsense word

  45. han nonsense word

  46. kem nonsense word

  47. roff nonsense word

  48. heg nonsense word

  49. kep nonsense word

  50. cax nonsense word

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