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Essay PREP

Essay PREP. DBQ Topics. 2013: ??? 2012: Arguments about improving European workers’ lives (19 th -cen) 2011: Influences & ideas of gender & Elizabeth I’s response

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  1. Essay PREP

  2. DBQ Topics 2013: ??? 2012: Arguments about improving European workers’ lives (19th-cen) 2011: Influences & ideas of gender & Elizabeth I’s response 2010: Factors contributing toward instability of Weimar Republic (1918-33)2009: Attitudes/motivations toward European colonization of Africa2008: Peasant revolt in German-states (1524-1526)2007: Assumptions of child-rearing practices in early modern Europe2006: European perceptions of organized sports from 1860-1940 2005: Views regarding Western European unity from 1946-1989 2004: Attitudes/responses to “the poor” in Europe from 1450-17002003: Describe/analyze views toward “civil peace” in Germany (1914-18)

  3. I. The Rubric • Strong Essays: 8-9 • THESIS: Clear, well-developed, answers the prompt • UNDERSTANDING: understanding of complexity of topic • EVIDENCE: Supports thesis with frequent, specific, and relevant evidence/examples/proof • ANALYSIS: Effectively analyzes, interprets, makes inferences • ERRORS: May contain insignificant and infrequent errors • ORGANIZATION: Essay is well-organized (contains introduction, topic sentences, unity of paragraphs, conclusion)

  4. II. Read the Question “Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific works and artists.” • Time period: Renaissance • Location: Italy • The writer must identify “Renaissance ideas” and must show how these ideas influenced “Italian art” using specific art pieces and artists

  5. III. Break down question • Analyze: Break a subject down into parts (assess the connections between facts, answer how and why) • Pay attention to DIRECTIVES • “Analyze the major social and technological changes that took place in European warfare between 1789 and 1871.” • “Assess the extent to which the Protestant Reformation promoted new expectations about social roles in the sixteenth century. Refer to at least two social groups in your response.” • “Compare and contrast the attitudes of Martin Luther and John Calvin toward political authority and social order.”

  6. “Compare and contrast political liberalism with political conservatism in the first half of the nineteenth century in Europe” • What is the directive? • Compare and contrast • What is the location? • All of Europe • When? • The first half of the nineteenth century • What must you do? • Find similarities and differences between political liberalism and political conservatism

  7. IV. The Thesis • The thesis statement: • fully answers the question and establishes your “subtopics” • “subtopics” become body paragraphs • WITHOUT A STRONG THESIS IMPOSSIBLE TO EARN 7-9 pts! • THESIS EX: • Renaissance humanism led to the creation of works of art that reflected the classical ideas of Greece and Rome. The Renaissance emphasis on the individual led to the rise of art that more accurately portrayed individuals. Furthermore, the Renaissance emphasized secular ideas by artists such as daVinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael that more realistically portrayed the world. Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific works and artists.

  8. V. The Body Paragraphs • The body paragraphs prove your thesis from the subtopics • Each body paragraph consists of: • a topic sentence • sentences with evidence and analysis • concluding sentence

  9. Thesis Practice • Using examples from at least two different states, analyze the key features of the “new monarchies” and the factors responsible for their rise in the period 1450 to 1550. • Evaluate the changes and continuities in women’s public roles during the Renaissance. • Analyze how Galileo, Descartes, and Newton altered traditional interpretations of nature and challenged traditional sources of knowledge.

  10. GO TO FRQ Topics Italian Renaissance Protestant Reformation Woman's or Family History Intellectual/Cultural Movements (Enlightenment, Scientific) Commercial or Industrial Revs Russia Diplomacy 1789-1871

  11. FRQ #1 2011: 2. Centralization of Spain & decentralization if Italy (1450-1550) 3. Enlightenment & Romantic views of nature (specific individuals) 4. Political/Economic causes of French/English Revs. 2012: 2. Tech. & state power (1450-1600) 3. Religious reform & arts (16th-17th cen.) 4. French nationalism (1789-1815) 2013???: Renaissance (intellectual ideas) Protestant Reformation Women’s history?

  12. FRQ #2 2011: 5. Industrialization/imperialism & consumerism (1850-1914) 6. Stalin transformed Lenin’s policies 7. W. European integration (1945-present) 2012: 5. 1800’s middle class family structure/gender roles 6. Ideology & Nazi German foreign policy (1933-45) 7. Decolonization (1914-1975) 2013???: RUSSIA: WW I?, WWII?, Cold War? Imperialism Itialan/German Unification?

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