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GPS. Ed Lazowska Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington August 2010. Smithsonian. The time it takes the signal from a satellite to reach the GPS receiver places the receiver somewhere on a sphere that’s a certain radius from the satellite.

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  1. GPS Ed Lazowska Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington August 2010

  2. Smithsonian

  3. The time it takes the signal from a satellite to reach the GPS receiver places the receiver somewhere on a sphere that’s a certain radius from the satellite. • Multiple satellites describe multiple spheres. • Calculate the intersection of the spheres, and you know where you are. • There’s some slop, because clocks are not perfectly synchronized.

  4. Wikipedia

  5. Maps: There are several public datasets that describe all the roads as line segments. This is a huge volume of data. • Route planning: Treat the road network as a graph. • Traffic congestion: FM radio communicates congestion to the GPS unit. • Ideally, you’d use historical congestion data to plan a route based upon where the congestion will be, not where it is! • I’m at Microsoft, headed for UW, at 8 a.m. An accident has just occurred westbound midspan on the 520 bridge. How long is it likely to take I-90 to become congested? How long is it likely to take Bothell Way to become congested? What’s my best option, given all of this?

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