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Explore how the World Bank implements social development strategies to empower communities worldwide, with real-life examples from Malawi and Laos. Learn about inclusive practices, accountability, and the role of communities in driving sustainable development.
The Social Dimensions of Development Effectiveness:World Bank Strategic Priorities for Social Development Robert S. Chase Senior Economist
What is “social development”? How does the World Bank support it?
In the late 1990s, an illiterate woman joined a program developed by CARE that taught her how to listen to clients and keep track of drugs in the village health facility • She got very good at it… • How many drugs were available? • How much money spent? • What the shelf life was? • Reported on: how health staff behaved? • Health staff know that they will be evaluated every six months • Ministry takes note of the evaluations • Change in performance is dramatic Drugs delivery was a huge problem throughout Malawi Complete turnaround in the performance of this health center An example from Chinje, Malawi…
In the past couple of years, through World Bank support, the CARE program was expanded throughout Malawi • When the program was introduced to other areas in Malawi, this illiterate woman was asked to present it • Clear • Articulate • Powerful An example from Chinje, Malawi…
Cohesion: Strengthening community fabric so that members can work together Chinje village worked together to solve problem Accountability: Developing ways for people to exercise voice to authorities An illiterate woman gave voice to community What is social development? Inclusion: Putting people at the center of development Involved an illiterate woman in Chinje
A village A district A national program Why not the world? What is social development? One illiterate woman
In 2001, the World Bank began talking to the Laos government about community-driven development
…eventually it was agreed to try a village gardening project in four communities Laos is a very top-down country…
Project began there in May 2002 One of those villages was Nakaikhia in the Khammouane Province
In February 2003, a Bank team came to view progress • Progress was striking • Ethnic minorities had chosen • to stop foragingin the forests • They had started communal backyard gardens • They had learnedcomposting • They were producing their own vegetables
The local governor heard what was happening… He visited Nakaikhia in the middle of the night… … and the next day announcedan “official visit” and made a big thing of the project’s success
Fast forward to February 2004… World Bank is helping the Nam Theun 2 project… They were discussing withthe State Planning Committee: How to do socio-economic development
Fast forward to February 2004… Skepticism Buy-in State Planning Committee: “Don’t think too much: just follow the example of Nakaikhia village!!!”
Cohesion: Strengthening community fabric so that members can work together Villagers in Nakaikhia did it together Accountability: Finding ways for people to exercise voice to authorities Villagers in Nakaikhia showed they could do it! What is social development? Inclusion: Putting people at the center of development Villagers in Nakaikhia did it themselves
A village A district A national program Why not the world? What is social development? The story of Naikaikhia One government willing to experiment
How does the World Bank “do” social development? • Social analysis • E.g., what social norms about girls education are relevant for achieving universal primary education? • E.g., what is the likely social impact of land reform in Zambia?
How does the World Bank “do” social development? • Participation and Civil Engagement • In Uganda, support public debates of policy changes proposed through dialogue with World Bank • In Albania, support legal changes in enabling environment for civil society
How does the World Bank “do” social development? • Community Driven Development • E.g., in Indonesia, provide resources to communities that take initiatives to develop local kecamatan plans • E.g., In North East Brazil, support community involvement in budgeting
How does the World Bank “do” social development? • Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction • E.g., help rebuild infrastructure, economies and societies in Afghanistan, Congo, Somalia
How does the World Bank “do” social development? • Social Safeguards • E.g., protect interests of vulnerable groups
World Bank Support to Social Development • World Bank accepts and supports global consensus that social development matters • Official statements • Senior management enthusiasm
Social Development Works • Review from World Bank internal auditing department shows that attention to social institutions makes projects work better
Accelerating the trajectory • Heading in the right direction • Part of portfolio that takes account of social development has gone from 1%to 30% in a short time • World Bank Social Development strategy priorities to get to 100%
What the Bank Has to Offer • Commitment to Social Development principles • Management support • Endorsement from auditors that Social Development works • Rapidly growing program • Energized staff
Yet… • We can do more… • We can do better… • We can accelerate our efforts… WITH YOUR HELP…
What Can You Do? • Support • Increase awareness of social development agenda • Official encouragement • Resources • Trust funds • Skilled people with practical ideas