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The Ancient Texans Ch. 3, Section 1

The Ancient Texans Ch. 3, Section 1. Prehistory:. the period of time before writing was developed. A. People first came to the Western Hemisphere. 35,000. years ago. B. Asians migrated across a land bridge, the. Bering Strait. C. Why?. hunting for food (followed the herds

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The Ancient Texans Ch. 3, Section 1

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  1. The Ancient TexansCh. 3, Section 1

  2. Prehistory: the period of time before writing was developed A. People first came to the Western Hemisphere 35,000 years ago. B. Asians migrated across a land bridge, the Bering Strait. C. Why? hunting for food (followed the herds of animals) and warmer weather D. Humans first reached Texas about 11,500 years ago.

  3. Early Native American Migration

  4. Bering Straight Shrinking of Bering Land Bridge

  5. E. Before written records were kept, how did people pass down their history to the next generation? Stories & pictographs Click here for online Pictograph Site

  6. Era #1 Paleolithic (Stone Age) 15 to 8 thousand years ago Leanderthal Lady: female remains found near Leander, Texas that are about 10,000 years old Leanderthal Lady Link Leanderthal Lady Link #2

  7. Food Mastadon Mammoth giant bison, rabbits, squirrels, birds

  8. Prehistoric Mammals www.sdnhm.org Wooly Mammoth

  9. Wooly Mammoth www.museum.state.il.us www.prehistoriclifeafterkt.com

  10. Mastadon www.prehistoriclifeafterkt.com

  11. Mastadon • How are Mastadons different from Wooly Mammoths? • Mastadons are smaller in size. • different tooth formation • smaller, straighter tusks www.museum.state.il.us

  12. Weapons & Tools atlatl Flint-tipped spears & darts BPS Engineering Atlatl Web Site World Atlatl Organization Web Site Atlatl Web Site

  13. Shelter Caves (rock shelter) or out in the open Nomadic or Settled Nomadic and lived in small groups

  14. Add to top of next era-- Midland Minnie: female remains found near Midland, Texas that are about 8,000 years old

  15. Era #2 Archaic 8,000 years ago Climate became warmer & drier. Nomadic or Settled

  16. Food Hunted smaller game: buffalo, elk, bear, rabbits, squirrels, birds Buffalo Jump Foraged: berries, nuts, seeds, roots

  17. Ice-age bison, such as this long-horned Bison latifrons, were twice as big as the bison (Bison bison) that live in South Dakota today. They died out about seven thousand years ago. Smaller bison took their place

  18. Weapons & Tools Tools made of stone or bone Axes, picks, drills, choppers, scrappers, and grinding tools

  19. Shelter Caves or out in the open Decorated caves with pictographs Nomadic or Settled Nomadic: They would stay in one area longer, but they were always searching for food. They began to domesticate animals (dogs).

  20. On ceiling of rock shelter Rock Shelter

  21. Era #3 Mesoamerican 1800-1900 years ago (100 A.D.)

  22. Food Developed: Agriculture Peanuts, corn, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, squash, cotton Hunted: buffalo & turkey

  23. Weapons & Tools Developed: bow & arrow Tools & Pottery

  24. Shelter Crude wood and stone houses Nomadic or Settled Settled in villages More complex society: workers, warriors, leaders, farmers

  25. Why did this period (and all Prehistory in Texas) end? Spanish explorers arrived, and they kept written records (journals)…ending Prehistory.

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