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AosiMachine.dll. Gjuro Kladarić MS EDU IT Pro sastanak 2012-12-21. AosiMachine.dll. API za AOSI servis Za .NET okolinu Bit će slobodno dostupan Besplatno Uz nešto dokumentacije Negdje sa aaiedu.hr. Prije. Nakon najmanje pet godina vrludanja… CUC 2012 http://www.ffzg.hr/LDAP4DOTNET

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  1. AosiMachine.dll Gjuro Kladarić MS EDU IT Pro sastanak 2012-12-21

  2. AosiMachine.dll • API za AOSI servis • Za .NET okolinu • Bit će slobodno dostupan • Besplatno • Uz nešto dokumentacije • Negdje sa aaiedu.hr

  3. Prije Nakon najmanje pet godina vrludanja… • CUC 2012http://www.ffzg.hr/LDAP4DOTNET • Dan AAIhttp://www.ffzg.hr/AOSI4DOTNET

  4. Danas • Prezentacija AosiMachine.dll API-ja • Prezentacija aplikacije napravljene s tim API-jem

  5. API (1) Sub New() PublicFunctionGetOrgInfo() As String PublicFunctionGetAdminInfo() As String PublicFunctionTestUserExist() As Boolean PublicFunctionTestUserPassword() As Boolean PublicFunctionSearchToXML() As XDocument PublicFunctionSearchToList() As List(OfDictionary(OfString, String))

  6. API (2) PublicFunctionAddUser() As Boolean PublicFunctionDeleteUser() As Boolean PublicFunctionAddAttributeValues() As Boolean PublicFunctionModifyAttributeValues() As Boolean PublicFunctionDeleteAllAttributeValues() As Boolean PublicFunctionGetAllUids() As List(OfString) PublicFunctionGetAllOIBs() As Dictionary(OfString, String)

  7. Public properties Public ErrorMessage As String Public Result As String Public ResultStatus As Integer Public Const StatusOk As Integer = 0 ' Unicode line separator Public Const LineSeparator As Char = ChrW(&H2028)

  8. New() Sub New( baseDn As String, adminUid As String, adminPwd As String, OptionalreturnPrettyPrintedXML As Boolean = False )

  9. GetOrgInfo() Public Function GetOrgInfo( ) As String

  10. GetAdminInfo() Public Function GetAdminInfo( uid As String ) As String

  11. TestUserExist() Public Function TestUserExist( uid As String ) As Boolean

  12. TestUserPassword() Public Function TestUserPassword( uid As String, password As String ) As Boolean

  13. SearchToXML() Public Function SearchToXML( filter As String, fieldNames As String ) As XDocument

  14. SearchToList() Public Function SearchToList( filter As String, fieldNames As String ) As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, String))

  15. AddUser() PublicFunctionAddUser( uid As String, passwd As String, oib As String, ime As String, prezime As String, email As String, istek As String, statusUUstanovi As String ) As Boolean

  16. DeleteUser() Public Function DeleteUser( uid As String ) As Boolean

  17. AddAttributeValues() Public Function AddAttributeValues( uid As String, attributeName As String, newAttributeValue As String ) As Boolean

  18. ModifyAttributeValues() Public Function ModifyAttributeValues( uid As String, attributeName As String, newAttributeValue As String ) As Boolean

  19. DeleteAllAttributeValues() Public Function DeleteAllAttributeValues( uid As String, attributeName As String ) As Boolean

  20. GetAllUids() Public Function GetAllUids( Optional pattern As String = "*" ) As List(Of String)

  21. GetAllOIBs() Public Function GetAllOIBs( Optional otherFieldName As String = Nothing ) As Dictionary(Of String, String)

  22. DEMO • Demo-aplikacija

  23. Nema više  Pitanja? gjuro@ffzg.hr

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