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TB Advocacy Support: Needs Assessment & Toolkit Development

TB Advocacy Support: Needs Assessment & Toolkit Development. FIFTH MEETING OF THE SUBGROUP ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE MIX FOR TB CARE AND CONTROL 3-5 June 2008. Agenda. Introductions Thad Pennas Taryn Brucia Project overview Methodology Our role at the conference Advocacy and PPM.

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TB Advocacy Support: Needs Assessment & Toolkit Development

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  1. TB Advocacy Support: Needs Assessment & Toolkit Development FIFTH MEETING OF THE SUBGROUP ONPUBLIC-PRIVATE MIX FOR TB CARE AND CONTROL 3-5 June 2008

  2. Agenda Introductions Thad Pennas Taryn Brucia Project overview Methodology Our role at the conference Advocacy and PPM

  3. About Edelman 3,100 employees worldwide; 500 recently added 51 Offices worldwide #1 largest independent PR firm Partners in Global Health

  4. Project Overview Situation • Multitude of publications and guides created by diversity of partners • Vary in content, style and availability • TB program managers have to sort through several resources to find right information Goal To equip National TB Program managers, staff and partners with necessary information to increase awareness and USE of tools to support internal and external advocacy and program goals Expected Outcome An updatable and user-friendly advocacy toolkit to serve as a central information source based on your needs and preferences that illustrates the interdependent nature of these tools in advocacy settings

  5. Methodology • PHASE 1: GAP ASSESSMENT • WHY ARE WE HERE TODAY? • Survey national TB program managers and partners to: • identify advocacy and political commitment needs • inform overall advocacy and communications strategy • determine marketing trends and preferences for TB publications and tools • RESULT • Understanding of advocacy material penetration • Insights into best combination of materials to meet needs • PHASE 2: DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADVOCACY TOOLKIT • APPROACH • Consolidate existing materials and products into a central information source • based Gap Assessment and communications expertise • RESULT • Comprehensive, organized advocacy kit that is both user-friendly and updatable • PHASE 3: TOOLKIT LAUNCH AND COMMUNICATIONS • Orientation workshop to facilitate toolkit usage • Ongoing communications to program managers and partners • Information sharing with key individuals in partner organizations

  6. YOUR INPUT HERE We Need Your Help What? One-on-one interviews • Assess awareness • Determine utility • Understand needs • Obtain recommendations Time requested with each participant: 10 minutes How? • Side conversationsduring breaks, meals or before and after each day’s session Why? • Understand your needs, point of view, and ideas to directly inform final toolkit

  7. YOUR INPUT HERE What’s Going to Happen This Week Preliminary Data Sharing • Snapshot of current results • Discussion Tier 2 Tier 1 Tool’s Utility Tier 2 Tier 3 Program Managers’ Awareness of Tools • Brainstorm • Your recommendations for the new advocacy toolkit • Format • Content • Design New Toolkit?

  8. A few words on PPM advocacy • What value does PPM bring? (not impact) • Articulate the value proposition to the targeted audiences • Reverse your message • You need case reporting • They need ?? • Consider the message: What can PPM do for you? • Match the audience to the message • Private providers • Professional associations • Donors—ROI • Marcos and Mario

  9. So do what to do 1) Determine your value and write it down • Care • Engagement • Other 2) Messages and messengers You, partners, media 3) Corporate Social Responsibility Ask larger corporations to make a commitment 4) Failure attracts attention: Sad, but true 5) Branding and Marketing (global and local) Tricks: Awards Certificates Engagements Speaking opportunities PPM Certified Partner


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