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Secure Overlay Services

Secure Overlay Services. Original paper by Keromytis , ET AL. Presented By Jared Bott April 8, 2010. Overview. SOS Background Problem 1 Problem Transformation? Problem 2 Problem Transformation with an NP-C Problem NP Proof Transformation. Secure Overlay Services.

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Secure Overlay Services

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  1. Secure Overlay Services Original paper by Keromytis, ET AL. Presented By Jared Bott April 8, 2010

  2. Overview • SOS Background • Problem 1 • Problem • Transformation? • Problem 2 • Problem • Transformation with an NP-C Problem • NP Proof • Transformation

  3. Secure Overlay Services Network architecture designed to provide secure communication between certified users and a server Published in 2002 at SIGCOMM Runs upon CHORD [2]

  4. SOS Nodes • Different kinds of nodes • SOAP • Beacon • Secret Servlet • Restrict access to server to only a few secret IP addresses • Secret Servlets • Beacons know who Secret Servlets are

  5. SOS Nodes • Users verified by an access point • SOAP • Beacons and Secret Servlets externally the same as SOAPs • SOAPs pass message randomly amongst themselves • Eventually message ends up at a Secret Servlet or a Beacon • Forward to Secret Servlet or to target server

  6. Problem 1 • In a given SOS network, can an attacker disable access to the target server by disabling k nodes? • Attacker doesn’t know which nodes are Beacons, Secret Servlets, selects nodes to attack at random • Attacker may not know who users or target are • Answer is dependent upon network structure

  7. Example Users K=2 Can disable S1+S2, B3+SS1, SS1+SS2 S2 S1 B3 B2 B1 SS2 SS1 Target

  8. Restriction of SOS • Don’t care what kind of node is disabled • Arbitrary graphs • Two interpretations of the problem • Min Cut • Minimum K-Connected Subgraph

  9. Min Cut Reinterpret the problem to look at cutting links between nodes A cut is a partition of the vertices into disjoint subsets Given: A Graph G=(V, E), integer K Question: Is there a minimum cut of at most K edges? Can’t use this problem, as it is ∈ P

  10. K-Vertex Connected Graph A k-vertex connected graph cannot be disconnected by removing less than K nodes Ex. Both these graphs are 2-connected K3

  11. Minimum K-Connected Subgraph • Given: A Graph G = (V, E), positive integers K≤|V|, B≤|E| • Question: Is there a subset Eˊ⊆E with |Eˊ|≤B such that Gˊ=(V, Eˊ) is K-connected? • Will Gˊ not be disconnected by removing fewer than K vertices? • NP-Complete for K≥2 • [1]

  12. SOS 1 • Given: A Graph G=(V, E), positive integer K≤|V| • Question: Can G be disconnected by removing at most K vertices? • Is this version of SOS in NP? • Clearly a decision problem • Witness is categorization of vertices, one list for each connected group of vertices, one list of remaining edges • Find list with each endpoint – O(n) • Verification would check at most |E| edges – O(n2) • Polynomial

  13. SOS 1 Turing Transformation • Theorem: SOS 1 is NP-C • Accept an instance of Minimum K-Connected Subgraph • G=(V, E), K, B • Any subset of E can’t do better than E in remaining connected • Create an instance of SOS • H=G=(V, E), Kˊ=K-1 • Solve SOS

  14. SOS Turing Transformation • If SOS returns Yes, then G can be disconnected by removing fewer than K vertices, and G is not K-connected • MKCS returns No • If SOS returns No, then G cannot be disconnected in less than K vertices, and the subgraph that is K-connected is the entire graph • But this doesn’t take into account restrictions on the number of edges in the subgraph!

  15. Scramble To Find A New Problem • SOAPs randomly pass message to other SOAPs • One way to alter this process is to keep a list of nodes that have already received message and not send to any on the list • Can the message reach the target using this restriction and still be passed K times? • Need to specify some starting node • End node is the target server • Generalize the problem: Starting vertex s, Target vertex t

  16. SOS 2 • Given: A Graph G=(V, E), positive integer K, vertices s and t • Question: Is there a non-repeating path between s and t that contains at least K vertices? • Simple path is a path without any repeated vertices • Is this problem in NP? • Decision problem • Witness is the list of edges in the path

  17. Transformation • Hamiltonian Path • Hamiltonian path is one that contains every vertex once and only once • Given: A Graph G=(V, E) • Question: Does G contain a Hamiltonian path? • NP-Complete [1] • Hamiltonian Path Between Two Vertices • Is there a Hamiltonian path between two specified vertices? • Also NP-Complete [1]

  18. Transformation • Theorem: SOS 2 is NP-Complete • Proof by restriction • SOS 2 will give a Hamiltonian path between the two vertices if K=|V| • SOS 2 will only return Yes if there is a path that visits every vertex

  19. Conclusion • Is SOS 1 NP-Complete? • I don’t know • Is SOS 2 NP-Complete? • Yes

  20. References [1] Garey, R. and Johnson, D. “Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness”, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1979. [2] Keromytis, A., Misra, V., and Rubenstein, D. “SOS: Secure Overlay Services”, SIGCOMM '02: Proceedings of the 2002 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications, 61-72, 2002.

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