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Welcome back!. Sit wherever you like. You may socialize until time to begin. Introduction to US History. We are learning about the history of the United States, from the year 1877 to modern day. I can create a general outline of the events that occurred in American history from 1877 to now.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome back! • Sit wherever you like. • You may socialize until time to begin.

  2. Introduction to US History • We are learning about the history of the United States, from the year 1877 to modern day. • I can create a general outline of the events that occurred in American history from 1877 to now.

  3. US History: Post-Reconstruction to the Present -America after the Civil War (c. 1877) -How America became a world power -WWI -Why the Depression happened & its effects -WW2 -How America changed in the ‘50s and ‘60s -Events from the ‘60s to now

  4. I. Industrialization (1877-1900) -Standards US.01- US.07 -Rise of Industry -Changing social and political conditions in America -Migration to cities -Immigration to America

  5. II. Progressive Era (1890-1920) -Standards US.08- US.18 -Growth of cities -Push for many reforms

  6. III. Imperialism and World War I (1890-1920) -Standards US. 19- US. 27 -Rise of the US as a world power -US role in World War I

  7. IV. The 1920s (1920-1929) -Standards US. 28- US. 38 -Historical events and trends after WWI -Modernism vs. Traditionalism -New technology -Old thinking vs. New thinking

  8. V. Great Depression and the New Deal (1929-1941) -Standards US. 39- US. 44 -Great Depression (causes & effects) -FDR’s New Deal Program -Changing role of US government

  9. VI. World War II (1936-1945) -Standards US. 45- US.58 -US path to involvement -US participation in the War -Effects on Americans at home & at war

  10. VII. Cold War (1947-1991) -Standards US. 59- US. 70 -US response to Communism -US vs. Soviet Union -Nuclear Weapons -Cuba -Vietnam War -Nixon to 1991 -Space

  11. VIII. Nation in Transition (1950s-1963) -Standards US. 71- US.77 -Development of American society after WW2 -Changes in American society after WW2

  12. IX. Civil Rights Movements (1950s-1960s) -Standards US. 78- US. 82 -Origins and goals -Key events and accomplishments

  13. X. Modern United States (1960s-2016) -Standards US.83- 95 -1960s- Present -Important trends & events

  14. Of the ten topics we will discuss this year, which topic(s) do you already know the most about? Give a brief explanation of what you know about this topic(s). 2. Of the ten topics we will discuss this year, which topic(s) do you feel like you don’t really know much about? What do you think this topic(s) is about? 3. Of the ten topics we w ill discuss this year, which topic(s) are you most excited to learn about? Why?

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