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Understanding Our Health in 2010

Understanding Our Health in 2010. Your District Health Authority. Who and Where are We?. Antigonish County- 42% of GASHA ’ s population. Strait Richmond County 37 % of GASHA ’ s population. Guysborough County 20 % of GASHA ’ s population. Guysborough County- 20% of residents.

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Understanding Our Health in 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding Our Health in 2010

  2. Your District Health Authority Who and Where are We? Antigonish County- 42% of GASHA’s population Strait Richmond County 37 % of GASHA’s population Guysborough County 20 % of GASHA’s population Guysborough County- 20% of residents

  3. Population by Age groups

  4. Mobility-GASHA & NS 2006

  5. Net Changes to Populations-2006 * * *

  6. Living and Working Conditions

  7. Average Income for 2006 % of Families with Low Income Average Individual Income

  8. Household Incomes -2006

  9. Establishment Size & Employee Complement

  10. Health Literacy Rates -Proportion of Level 2 and below (%) Source:Health Literacy in Canada: A Healthy Understanding 2008 (Ottawa: 2008)

  11. Understanding Our Health Survey 2010 • Demographics • Stress • Changes Made to Improve Health • Physical Activity • Height and Weight – BMI • Fruit and Veg Consumption • Food Security • Smoking Status • Stages of Change for Smokers • Smoking Cessation Aids • Exposure to Second Hand Smoke • Alcohol Use • Alcohol Dependence • Former Drinkers • Illicit Drug use • Problem Gambling • Oral Health • Health Care Utilization • Health Care Access • Home Care Services • Chronic Conditions • Health Screenings in General and for Men & Women

  12. Sampling Design 95% Confident the Results reflect Reality

  13. Gender Analysis

  14. Age Breakdown

  15. Compared to GASHA as a whole Antigonish Town and County respondents were more likely to have each kind of insurance Insurance Coverage

  16. 94 % in GASHA have a medical doctor Province 94%, but lower than the 2005 finding (97%) and higher than the national finding (86%). 97% in Antigonish CHB Access to a Doctor

  17. 38% of respondents required a visit to a medical specialist within the past 12 months. 15% experienced difficulty getting the specialist care they needed. Difficulty with Medical Specialists

  18. 12% talked to a health professional about their emotional or mental health Most often consulted a family doctor/general practitioner (45%). Mental Health Help

  19. BMI Classifications –Of respondents aged 18 years or older, excluding pregnant females- BMI Measurements NS: 57.5%† Canada: 50.9%† ^ Significant difference between particular CHB and GASHA. † Percentages combine overweight and obese.

  20. Physical Activity Levels Canada: 50.5 % NS: 48.6%† *Significant difference between 2005 and 2010 data. † Percentages combine moderately active and regularly active.

  21. 78% Affordable recreation facilities 74% Affordable recreation programs. 75% Information on physical activity, health and well-being 74% Access to paths, trails and green spaces Help in becoming more Physically Active

  22. 72 .9 % in Antigonish indicated there are some changes they should make to improve their physical health Significantly higher than what was found in 2005 (67%), and also higher than national findings (63%). Changes Made to Physical Health?

  23. 77% reported having at least one. • The most common were muscle/joint related conditions , high blood pressure (24%) and non-food allergies. • Compared to 2005 decrease in food allergies, ulcers and cancer Chronic Conditions

  24. Stress Levels Canada: 57.3%† NS: 58.7%† † Percentages combine a bit stressful, quite a bit stressful, and extremely stressful.

  25. Fruit and Veg Consumption

  26. % with Food Security

  27. Restrictions to 2nd Hand Smoke * Significant difference between 2005 and 2010 data.

  28. Alcohol Use During the Past 12 Months Canada: 76.7% † NS: 72.2%† † Percentages are for regular drinker.

  29. Illicit Drug Use

  30. Gambling

  31. Questions? Cora.Cole@publichealth.ns.ca 565-5489 Thank-you

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