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Cold And Flu Home Remedies – Top Remedies Which You Can Rely On

If you are someone who doesnu2019t prefer medicines, then you can go for the cold and flu effective home remedies. Visit here: https://bit.ly/3pTGOXn

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Cold And Flu Home Remedies – Top Remedies Which You Can Rely On

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  1. Cold And Flu Home Remedies – Top Remedies Which You Can Rely On

  2. Have you seen that there is always someone around us who complains that they are having a cold? Especially if you have someone who has low immunity power, then you would find that they constantly get cold. It is said that adults get cold two to fours times a year on average whereas the kids will get six to eight times in a year. Cold is nothing but a mild upper respiratory tract infection of the throat, sinuses, and nose. Viruses which belong to the Rhinovirus group are responsible for it. This can be caused by other viruses too. But it’s important to understand that it’s completely harmless unless you experience severe symptoms. The virus usually enters the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. it spreads through the air by contacting the infected droplets or with direct contact with the person who is infected.

  3. It can also spread through the touch of contaminated objects like telephones, keypads, towels, doors, and so on. The symptoms of a cold will last for about one to two weeks based on the people. The symptoms of cold include headache, blocked nose, runny nose, sneezing, cough, fever, itchy eyes, watery eyes, sore throat, body ache, and so on. It’s important to understand that going out in cold weather will not cause flu and cold. Only the rhinoviruses will cause this infection and you are recommended not to go out since these viruses survive better in the cold climate. Although they say that there is no permanent cure for the common cold there are cures that you can use to reduce the symptoms.

  4. If you are someone who doesn’t prefer medicines, then you can go for the cold and flu home remedies. The home remedy for flu is also highly effective if you take them regularly. Know that treating the cold with the home remedy for fluis essential so that you will not get severe outcomes like sinus, ear infections, bronchitis, and so on. What are the top cold and flu home remedies? Raw honey – How can you miss a naturally powerful ingredient when you suffer from a cold? Honey will greatly help in soothing the cough and irritated throat. The high amount of enzymes and nutrients found in the honey will help in killing the viruses that cause the cold. There is evidence that honey helps in decreasing the secretion of mucus and cough. But use raw honey or Manuka honey which are highly effective for cold.

  5. How to use it? The most simplest way of using the honey is to consume one teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey in warm water. You can take it every three to four hours to get relief from cold and sore throat. If you wish, you can also swallow a teaspoon of raw honey. If you are using it for children then know that using ½ teaspoon of honey is enough before bed. (Note – Use raw and organic honey. Also, avoid using honey as a remedy for the children who are below one year age) Ginger – Many people still don’t understand that ginger is the main ingredient that can fight the cold easily. It has many medicinal values. It removes the chills which are due to the common cold. It will also keep the body warm always. Since it has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties it will effectively help in treating the common cold and flu.

  6. How to use it? You can drink a cup of ginger tea thrice a day. To make the ginger tea, just boil a cup of water and add a spoon of chopped ginger to it. Cover it and let it sit for about five to ten minutes. Now strain the tea and add a little lemon and honey to enhance taste and health effects. You can also add ginger to your soups if you wish to improve your health. Black pepper – Black pepper which is also known as the king of spices has a lot of health benefits. It is rich in many compounds which are responsible for its antimicrobial, antioxidant and gastroprotective effects. It also contains a compound called piperine which makes it pungent and also responsible for all its medicinal properties. It helps in curing the cough, cold and other throat issues. It also improves your breathing and reduces the cough.

  7. How to use it? If you are suffering from a runny nose, add pepper to your food while you eat the food. You can also gargle with warm water of one teaspoon of black pepper and salt. You can also add a pinch of turmeric and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper powder to the milk and have it twice a day. Cinnamon– Cinnamon will help in fighting the common cold and help in easing the pain of the dry and sore throat. The cinnamon bark is Cinnnamaldehyde which is responsible for its medicinal properties.

  8. How to use it? You can mix a small bark of cinnamon, 2 cloves and pepper into a cup of boiling water. Let it boil for five to ten minutes. Now strain and drink the tea when it’s warm. For better results, you can add some honey to it and drink it twice a day. If you wish you can also mix ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and honey. You can have this mixture thrice a day for better results. Note that there is no point in stressing your body and mind when you get cold. All you need is to try out these natural remedies for flu to get instant relief. If you have tried the home remedy for flu and find that the cold still disturbs you for more than two weeks then visit a doctor immediately. If you don’t have any severe symptoms then know that all these cold and flu home remedies will effectively help you in recovering soon.

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