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PICO framework for framing systematic review research questions - Pubrica

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PICO framework for framing systematic review research questions - Pubrica

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  1. THEPICOFRAMEWORK FOR FRAMING SYSTEMATIC REVIEW RESEARCHQUESTIONS AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. Today'sDiscussion Outline Introduction Evidence-BasedMedicineProfessionalPractice PICOStrategytoFrametheResearchQuestion PICOFramework PICOElementsasperDomain CreatingaQuestionStatement Conclusion

  3. Asystematicanalysisseekstogatherdatato addressaspecific studyissue. This entails locating all primary research related to the specified review issue, critically evaluating the research,andsynthesizingthe results. Systematicanalysesmaydrawtogethervarious formsofinformationtoanalyzeorclarifythecontext. Contd... Introduction

  4. They may incorporate results from different scientific trials to create a new integrated finding or inference. Any study topic can be addressed using systematic reviews. Curiosityinasubjectandaneedtoaddressa particularquestioncanmotivateasystematic analysis. The question should define the specific demographic towhichthequestionrefersandanyactionand concernresults. Contd...

  5. A well-defined study issue will aid in the clarification of the eligibility criterion for the inclusion of related studies(andexclusionofirrelevantstudies). Forcomparativelystraightforwardsystematic reviewsofinterventionefficacy,the"PICO"paradigm isoftenusedtoinformthesystematicreviewtopic. ThePICOmethodforframingsystematicreview studyquestionsisexplainedinthisarticle.

  6. Evidence-basedmedicine(EBM)involves incorporating professional practice, the best available scientific data, and the patient's principlesandinterestsintoclinical decision-making. Evidence- Based Medicine Professional Practice ThestepsinpractisingEBMarebasedon thepatient. They include posing well-focused for the best possible data, assessing the relevance of that questions, looking evidence,andthenadaptingthefindingsto thepatient'streatment. Contd...

  7. Universalaccesstohealthcareinformationandknowledge-based resourcesisneededtosustain21st-centuryhealthcareandEBM practice. Toaddressscientificquestions,cliniciansandeducatorsnowuse varioustools andinterfaces to scanthe biomedical literature. Accordingtotheliterature,oftenclinicalinquiriesgounanswered because of difficulty formulating a specific topic, forgetting the issue, a lackofaccesstoknowledgeservices,andalackofsearchskills. The first and arguably most critical move in the EBM process is to formulatea well-focused topic. Contd...

  8. It can be challenging and time-consuming to find adequate tools and lookforvalid informationwithout awell-focused query. EBM practitioners often use a specialized system known as PICO to shapethe queryand promotethe literaturereview. Patient Problem, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome is an abbreviationfor PICO. Contd...

  9. The PICO concept can be extended to PICOTT by including details about the kind of question being posed (therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, damage, and so on) and the best kind of research design for that specificquestion. Using this approach assists the clinician in articulating the core parts of the therapeutic query that are most relevant to the patient and supports the evaluation process by defining the key principles for an appropriate searchstrategy.

  10. Successfulsearchmethodsareusuallywell- structuredandbasedonaPICOarchitecture. PopulationInterventionComparisonOutcome (PICO)systemsassistthesearcherin categorizingsearchwords. PICOStrategy to Frame the Research Question Since the medical model of study would usually beidentifiedby;atargetdemographic,for example, children; an intervention, for example, an exercise regime; the form of comparison, for example, a randomized control trial; and effect, for example, weight control, PICO is very good at recognizing medical literature where systematic analysisis popular. Contd...

  11. Awell-constructedstudyqueryshouldinclude fourcomponents. The PICO model is a useful method for grouping andnarrowingdownastudyissueintoa searchablequery,anddividingthePICO components aids in the identification of search terms/conceptstouseinliterature searches. P Patient,problem,population I‑Intervention,prognosticfactor,exposure C‑Comparison O‑Outcome The PICO strategy results in a well-constructed testtopic,whichleadstoastudydesignthat yieldsthehighestdegreeofproof. Contd...

  12. Findingappropriateresourcesandusefulfacts withoutawell-focusedquerycanbedifficultand time-consuming. PICO Framework Keep the following points in mind when creating the PICOquestion: Your patient is both a part of a society and an individualwhohas(oris atriskofhaving). Contd...

  13. Asaresult,inadditiontoageandgender,youcanneedtoweighrace,socialclass, orother demographic factors. AcomparisonisnotnecessarilypresentinaPICOstudy. The best proof comes from rigorous trials of statistically meaningful results, but outcomescan be observable. Anoutcomeshouldpreferablyassessclinicalwell-beingorqualityofliferatherthan alternativessuch as experimentaltest outcomes. Contd...

  14. PICO Elementsas perDomain When developing your question using the PICO system,considerthesortofquestionyouare posing(therapy,prevention,diagnosis, prognosis,etiology). ThetablebelowshowshowProblems, Interventions, Comparisons, and Outcomes differ dependingonyourquestion'stype(domain). Contd...

  15. CreatingaQuestion Statement Itissimpletocomposeyourquestionstatement after clearly defining elements using the your PICO question's key system. Any illustrationsaregiveninthetablebelow. Contd...

  16. These structures are instruments for guiding the creationofa searchstrategy. Conclusion Aslightmodificationtothemedicalquery structures, usually as basic as moving patient to population, allows structuring questions from both libraryandinformationsciencefields. Ratherthanconsideringanyofthesesystemsto be fundamentally different, consider the following elements:timeline,length,background,(health care) setting, atmosphere, type of issue, type of studynature,practitioners,visibility,outcomes, stakeholders,and scenario. Contd...

  17. Whererequired,thesecanbeused interchangeably. Maintaininganunderstandingofthevarious possibilities for structuring searches broadens the frameworks'future uses. A thorough understanding of the structures also allowsthesearchertotailortacticstoeach situation rather than adapt a search situation to a system.

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