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Prkruti, The Technology That Helps Cities Control Air Pollution

Here mentioned the technique of reducing air pollution. you can do AQI calculation, check air quality index by city and many more.

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Prkruti, The Technology That Helps Cities Control Air Pollution

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  1. Ch o ose y o u r way Mo-9909909314 vignesh@dnktechnologies.com www.prkruti.com

  2. DID YOUKNOW? • Air Pollution Is Responsible For 65% Of Deaths In Asia & 25% In India • According to the figures release d by the World Health Organization (WHO) there is an untimely death of 14 Lakh People in India every year due to Pollution. That is on an average two Indians die every minute to Polluted Air. • In 2013, a report by Global Burden of Disease (GBD) said that outdoor air pollution was the 5th largest killer in India • Nearly 1 Lakh Premature Deaths Happen Annually Due To Air Pollution In India. • According to a World Health Organization (WHO) study, Delhi has surpassed Beijing and is currently the most polluted city in the world. This puts its people at a dangerous risk of respiratory diseases. • Toxic Air Pollution poses a greater threat to children due to their smaller size and lung capacity.

  3. The Prkruti device is a solar powered, IOT enabled robust technology which measures all the parameters of pollution. This low cost, easy to maintain device is weather and water proof which is easy to use- you can just plug in the device and it will start monitoring data right away. The device can be easily installed anywhere, whether it is a wall or a pole. Prkruti monitors air quality real-time- the outdoor device communicates via Wi-Fi and GPRS to a central server which then displays the data on the website. What’s more, the device runs on solar power, so it can work independently.


  5. KEYSPECIFICATIONS • Working Temperature: -20 to 65°C • Humidity: 5 to100% • Operating voltage: 3.3 to5V • Data interval: 15 to 60min • GPRS:900-1800mhz • WiFi: 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g • SDCard: FAT32, 2GB,4GB • Solar Cell: 5w,500mA • Battery: Li-ion, 3.7v,7800mA • Cryptography:AES128

  6. SENSOR’S SPECIFICATIONS PPM 0-1000ppm Electrochemical Co PPM 0-10ppm Electrochemical No2 PPM 0-500ppm Electrochemical NH3 PPM >1000ppm Electrochemical CH4


  8. AIRQUALITY MONITORING • Wild Life Conservation • Smart City Solution • Public Awareness • Tourism Business • Industrial Air Pollution Control & Monitoring • Precision Indoor Farming • Climate Control • Forest Fire Detection APPLICATIONSOF PRKRUTIIOT

  9. SMARTCITYAIRQUALITYMONITORING Prime Minister NarendraModi started the Smart City initiative to ensure people in urban areas have access to a better standard of living along with good infrastructure, good education and health facilities and access to a healthy environment. This means, among other things, that City corporations have to ensure a reduction in pollution levels in their respective cities. Prkruti is a device that will come in handy to monitor, regulate and inform the respective corporations of the levels of noise and air pollution in the city. gasgas INDUSTRIALAIRPOLLUTIONCONTROLANDMONITORING Industries emit various pollutants like Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Oxide etc. which are harmful for plant and animal life. Especially in cities where the pollution is at its peak, there needs to be continuous monitoring of pollution statistics to ensure that the pollution is within safe limits. Prkruti provides real time data of the pollution statistics from various locations within the city.

  10. CLIMATECONTROL Due to the excessive use of natural resources and an ever increasing pressure on current resources by a growing population, we run the risk of having to live in a degraded environment within a short period of time. To halt the increase in pollutants like Carbon Dioxide and other gases, constant monitoring of the environment is needed. Prkruti aims to be that single device which monitors all the pollutionlevels in our environment. REALESTATE Scouting for a new property involves a lot of due diligence and factors which have to be considered before zeroing in on the best property. One of the factors involves checking for pollution levels in the vicinity. Generally people do not consider this as an issue but a higher pollution level has a corresponding rise in the amount of health problems people face in the vicinity. Pre checking the pollution levels through Prkruti can help in takingthe right decision at the right time.

  11. TOURISMBUSINESS Tourists come visiting any place seeking to explore the flora and fauna architectural marvels and the climate. They expect a healthy environment, free from pollution, dust and garbage. The Government of India is doing all it can to ensure this. Prkruti can be a good tool to help monitor the level of pollution and other statistics in any popular tourist attraction. HOSPITAL ANDHEALTH CARE Hospitals need to be situated at the most convenient location available. Toxic pollution surrounding the hospital can be a heightened health risk for its patients. The hospital needs to ensure that its infrastructure shields its patients from these possible health risks. Prkruti can be a helpful tool to monitor the pollution levels so that necessary action can be taken as and when needed. SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGES For students to learn well, a peaceful and healthy environment is a must. Unfortunately, due to increasing pollution and traffic, schools and colleges have had to adjust their infrastructure to help students study well. To protect the students from this health risk, Prkruti can help by providing real time monitoring of data which can be used to adjust classes according to the optimum time when noise pollution is lowest. School

  12. WILD LIFECONSERVATION There is an increasing pressure on our natural resources due to rapid industrialization and commercialization. The resultant pollution is not only harmful to humans but also to plants and animals. Moreover, there is the threat of poaching in wildlife areas. The Prkruti device can be helpful to track the pollution and atmospheric levels within the wildlife protected zones. FOREST FIREDETECTION Forest Fires caused either due to natural or manmade reasons can cause massive destruction on a wide scale. They occur mainly in the summers, in tropical regions which have a dry climate. Forest fires can happen anytime and anywhere without any warning or prior help. As soon as it is identified, forest fires need to be controlled in the nick of time, before it blows way out of proportion. Prkruti can be of immense help in monitoring the environment for forest fires.

  13. PRECISION INDOORFARMING With an increasing demand for food, modern agriculture technologies like greenhouse farming have become the norm. Greenhouse farming needs specific temperatures and climatic conditions to ensure good growth of the crops. A variety of crops can be grown using such technology. Prkruti can help by keeping a record of all atmospheric temperatures and other factors to keep a check on the favourable indoor climatic conditions. RESEARCHERS Controlling Air pollution is not easy. It requires a lot of research, development and implementation from various governmental and non governmental agencies. It is also an expensive proposition, with investments in specialized technologies to control, curb and manage pollution. For this there needs to be continuous monitoring of air and noise pollutants. The Prkruti device can be installed wherever necessary to record and monitor these statistics.

  14. WHO WEARE? Jal Technologies Pvt. Ltd is a company specializing in embedded systems. We create, design, develop and implement embedded systems for our clients. With the growing concerns for Global Warming and Pollution, we have developed Prkruti, a device which helps to track, monitor and measure Pollution and Climatic Levels at various locations which will help us to understand how seriously the issue of Pollution is affecting people’s lives. The Prkruti device can be used for Agriculture, Air Quality Monitoring, Data Science and Smart City Solutions. It can be installed anywhere and is independent as it can work with Solar Power, being eco-friendly in the process. Our team of dedicated experts is passionate about saving the environment, and through Prkruti we intend to help the Government, Industries and NGOs to help achieve the goal of lower emissions and a brighter future for generations to come.

  15. VISION Through our efforts and through the collective efforts of the Government, Industries and NGOs, we want to see a future which is secure for the next generation - a future devoid of any extreme climatic conditions or complications due to Global Warming.We see Prkruti as the first step towards a future of normal climatic conditions and we are currently and will always strive to liaise with the relevant authorities to arrest Climate Change. MISSION We want our Prkruti devices to be installed at various locations to ensure proper measurements of climatic conditions and pollution in the atmosphere. We want to help local governments, NGOs and industries to understand the gravity of the situation with air pollution they are currently dealing with. We will always partner with whoever shares our concerns.

  16. START SAVINGEARTH BEFORE ITS TOOLATE THANKS For Queries & Questions, Reach Us At: VigneshKaneria Jal Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 305, Sunshine Complex, Near SudamaChowk, MotaVarachha, Surat-394101. Mob: 9909909314 vignesh@dnktechnologies.com www.prkruti.com

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