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BBMB Kewangan Berhad Performance, Availability/Recovery and Support Recommendations

BBMB Kewangan Berhad Performance, Availability/Recovery and Support Recommendations Presentation to EXCO 16 July 1997 BBMB KEWANGAN Bh. Agenda • Performance Management Strategy • Availability/Recovery Strategy

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BBMB Kewangan Berhad Performance, Availability/Recovery and Support Recommendations

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  1. BBMB Kewangan Berhad Performance, Availability/Recovery and Support Recommendations Presentation to EXCO 16 July 1997 BBMB KEWANGAN Bh

  2. Agenda • • Performance Management Strategy • Availability/Recovery Strategy • — Interruption/Disaster Architecture — Contingency Planning Program — Emergency Operations Teams — Application Release Procedure — Other Availability Elements • • Help Desk Approach • Recommendations

  3. Recommended Performance Management Strategy • Measure UNIX Host Production System Performance • ON-LiNE PERFORMANCE - 95% in 3 seconds committed • (Method: Insert time stamp into test transactions) • - Need 8 Transactions per Second • Committed 10 transactions per Second • BATCH PERFORMANCE • (Method: Development System Drives Data into the Production System) • - Need & Committed End-of-Day in 5 Hours - Need & Committed End-of-Month in 7 Hours

  4. Recommended Performance Management Strategy (Continued) • Measure Branch System Response Time- 95% in 2 seconds committed • (Method Insert time stamp into test transactions) Workstations will create transactions at maximum teller input rate • Measure Network Response Time - 95% in 2 seconds expected • (Method: Insert time stamp into test transactions) • High volume branches will create transactions at maximum branch system throughput

  5. Responsibility for Performance Testing • UNIX Host Production System - Executing - Monitoring and review • Branch Systems - Executing - Monitoring and review • Network - Executing - Monitoring and review Sanchez & DEC BBMBK DEC BBMBK DEC & Telékom BBMBK

  6. Recommended Availability/Recovery Strategy • • Interruption/Disaster Recovery Program • - Architecture - Contingency Plunning Program (Disaster) - Restart Training (Interruptions) • • Hardware/Systems Software Program • - Data Center Maintenance & Escalation - Branch Systems Maintenance & Escalation • • Application Architecture Program • - Application Release Procedure - Restart Training (Interruptions) - Application Architecture Review

  7. Interruption/Disaster Architecture

  8. Contingency Planning Program • • Backup Site Contract • Decision & Notification Procedure • Team Structure & Membership • Operational Testing • Management Simulation Exercises

  9. Recommended Availability/Recovery Strategy (Continued) • Interruption/Disaster Recovery Program • Architecture - Contingency Planning Program (Disaster) - Restart Training • • Hardware/Systems Software Program • Data Center Maintenance & Escalation - Brunch Systems Maintenance & Escalation • • Application Architecture Program • - Application Release System - Restart Training (Interruptions) - Application Architecture Review

  10. Recommended Actions • Conduct Performance Testing • 2. Upgrade Development System (needed for Phase 2 interruptions) 3 .Create Architecture Review Team 4. Implement Application Architecture Review 5. Implement Disaster Plan 6. Contract with Disaster Backup Center 7. Implement Application Change/Release Procedure 8. Implement Help Desk WHEN Phase 2 Rollout Phase 2 Rollout Phase 2 Design Phase 2 Design Phase 1 Rollout Phase 1 Rollout NOW NOW

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