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Texas Industry Profiles: Growing the Texas Economy texasindustryprofiles

Texas Industry Profiles: Growing the Texas Economy www.texasindustryprofiles.com. Richard Froeschle Labor Market & Career Information Texas Workforce Commission rich@cdr.state.tx.us (512) 491-4941.

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Texas Industry Profiles: Growing the Texas Economy texasindustryprofiles

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  1. Texas Industry Profiles:Growing the Texas Economywww.texasindustryprofiles.com Richard Froeschle Labor Market & Career Information Texas Workforce Commission rich@cdr.state.tx.us (512) 491-4941

  2. An emerging priority for the workforce system:Workforce development is an essential component of economic development We are all in the business of economic development!

  3. Strategies for Economic Development • Jobs to People—Generating jobs targeted for particular places in decline or need, e.g. Enterprise zones • People to Jobs—Reducing barriers to job access: better public transportation, subsidized housing, social services • Educational Upgrading—Identify workforce skill deficiencies and focus training resources aligned with economic development priorities • Economic Growth—Expand the overall industrial base, less concern for job quality, more on job growth • Economic Diversification—Recruit specific sectors with unique criteria, complementary products, job qualities, environmental concerns

  4. Growing the Local Economy: Ten Things Government Can Do to Enhance Economic Development (part I) 1. Construct an “image” for the Place. Identify key features and amenities and create the marketing image 2. Invest in marketing the Place. Packaging is as important as creating the image 3. Engage in “imagineering” on behalf of prospective expanding or relocating employers (what could be) 4. Review local community processes to see if they work smoothly or are a hindrance. Fix what’s broke. 5. Invest in infrastructure: roads, airport access, telecommunications/broadband, utilities

  5. Growing the Local Economy: Ten Things Government Can Do to Enhance Economic Development (part I) 6. Create a viable workforce through local investments in quality basic education and skills training 7. Establish an “all stakeholders” public advisory body to serve as a rapid response team 8. Create financial opportunities e.g. tax incentives, industrial revenue bonds, land grants, private “deal-making” authority 9. Support small business assistance centers, business incubators, entrepreneurial training and related new business formation activities 10. Collect and maintain data on local industries, labor supply, growth trends, prevailing wages, profiles, etc.

  6. Goal 1: Document TWC Interactions To provide TWC administrators with pertinent information regarding how the Agency and Local Workforce Development Boards are interacting with the Texas and regional economy. Specifically how the TWC interacts with Texas industry sectors. This knowledge will be useful for reporting requirements and marketing within Texas industry segments and as a guidepost for the allocation and dispersion of targeted education and skills training funds.

  7. Goal 2: Provide Data & Tools for Regional Economic Development To provide persons engaged in Texas economic development access to decision-critical information about the dynamics of the Texas and regional economies. This system will focus on aspects of industry employment dynamics, regional characteristics, availability of labor supply, industry clustering and related analyses to provide a foundation for economic development activities. Analytical functions will overlap, or be integrated with, the SOCRATES targeting system.

  8. It’s real and on the web!!

  9. On-Line Survey:Stay in touch with your neighbors • 1. Respond to on-line LWDB Business Services survey questionnaire • 2. View survey responses from other LWDB Business Services groups on economic development activity • 3. Respond to survey questions regarding Employer Interests and Concerns • 4. View survey responses from other LWDB regarding Employer Interests and Concerns • 5. Message board for facilitated web discussions, questions, info. exchange

  10. TWC Dashboard Indicators:Connections with industry • 1. TWC dashboard indicators narrative report • 2. Interactive A.G. New Hire reporting/display • 3. Interactive UI Claimant reporting/display • 4. Interactive TWC applicant reporting/display • 5. Interactive TWC openings reporting/display • 6. TWC contract training data e.g. SDF • 7. TWC and LWDB program follow-up data

  11. Occupational Clusters:Common core skills across occupations . 1. Career cluster data sets by LWDB and 16 U.S. DoE clusters • 2. Occupational coefficients of specialization by detailed SOC • 3. Interactive O*NET knowledge & skills survey • 4. Selected interactive career pathways e.g. Pathways to Personal Independence

  12. Economic Base Analysis:Identifying comparative advantage • 1. Regional location quotients by NAICS with export sector identification • 2. Interactive shift-share tool by NAICS • 3. Texas industry projections, with graphic and statistical display • 4. Texas wage information (WIN), ad hoc occupational wage data by industry and occupation

  13. Industry Narrative Profiles: Every industry has a story • 1. Create industry narrative profiles by NAICS and LWDB • 2. View graphical industry data with on-line GIS display engine, including child care, new hire and employers • 3. Industry profile quarterly employment and wages snapshot

  14. Industry Clusters: Identifying economic growth poles • 1. View Perryman industry clusters by LWDB with definition • 2. View employment growth based on labor-based industry clusters • 3. View employment growth based on EDA industry clusters • 4. View employment growth based on financial industry clusters

  15. 1. Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Medical Services 2. Electronics & Applied Computer Equipment 3. Telecommunications & Information Services 4. Legal, Protective & Human Support 5. HQs, Administrative & Government 6. Business & Financial Services 7. General Store Retailers 8. Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure 9. Distribution, Transportation & Logistics Modified Perryman Clusters (part I)

  16. Modified Perryman Clusters (part II) 10. Heavy & Special Trade Construction 11. Energy, Mining and Related Support Services 12. Petroleum Refining & Chemicals 13. Transportation Equipment 14. Production Support & Industrial Machinery 15. Agriculture, Forestry and Food 16. Education, Training & Personal Development 17. Apparel, Leather, Wood & related Non-durables 18. Personal and Residential Services

  17. Workforce Supply:Do you have a skilled workforce? Done! • 1. County narrative profiles (CNP) with enhanced filtering capabilities, GIS display • 2. Labor Availability Estimator for labor supply by region by occupation for potentially relocating industries • 3. Interactive Industry-Occupation matrix • 4. Employer contact information with keywords and filters • 5. Dislocated worker employer job search directly from occupational narratives • 6. College location mapping and attributes Done! Done! Done!

  18. Partners & Connections:Synergy through collaboration • 1. Connections with WorkInTexas labor exchange system • 2. Useful economic development links; all state economic development sites, generic calculators, research sites • 3. Industry partner web pages: Related external partner sites organized by cluster • 4. Tools of the trade: Crosswalks, research papers, alternate clusters, economic development “how to” guides, etc.

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