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Quantitative analysis in social sciences for PhD Research Scholar – PhD Assistance

To determine that association, youu2019d need to Collect Data on workersu2019 years of schooling and their pay. You will find the best dissertation for future researchers enrolled in business and management.<br><br>For #Enquiry:<br>website URL: https://www.phdassistance.com/blog/importance-of-quantitative-research-in-social-sciences-for-phd-research-scholar/<br>India: 91 91769 66446<br>UK: 44 7537144372<br>Email: info@phdassistance.com<br>

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Quantitative analysis in social sciences for PhD Research Scholar – PhD Assistance

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  1. IMPORTANCE OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH INSOCIAL SCIENCES FOR PHD RESEARCHSCHOLAR An Academic presentationby Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Phdassistance Group www.phdassistance.com Email: info@phdassistance.com

  2. TODAY'SOUTLINE In-Brief Introduction Pearson’s product-momentcorrelation coefficient Concludingremarks

  3. IN-BRIEF Youwillfindthebestdissertationresearchareas/topicsfor future researchers enrolled in Business andmanagement. In order to identify the future research topics, we have reviewed the management literature (recent peer-reviewedstudies).

  4. INTRODUCTION Quantitative analysisis used in social sciences to determine the relationship between an independent variable (a type of quantity that captures observed values of things that can be manipulated) and a dependent variable (the observed results of manipulating the independent variable) in agiven population.

  5. For example, you might be interested in identifying the association between years of schooling (the independent variable) and earnings paidtogarmentworkers(thedependentvariable). To determine that association, you'd need tocollect dataon workers' years of schooling andtheir pay. You might also be interested in finding the link between a balanced diet (the independent variable) and schoolchildren's cognitive abilities.

  6. In this situation, you'd need to gather data on food intake, such as the number of meals consumed each day, as well as administer cognitive achievementexamsinreading,math,andwrittenlanguage. PhDDissertationonSocialSciencesResearchMethodologymustcontain clearacademicevidenceandjustificationforalltheresearchchoices.

  7. PEARSON’SPRODUCT-MOMENT CORRELATIONCOEFFICIENT The Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, often known as Pearson's rho, or simply Pearson's r, is a standard methodfordeterminingthedirectionanddegreeofacorrelation between twovariables.

  8. It is the product of the linear relationship between a dependent and independent variable. 3 The Pearson's correlation coefficient is defined as the product of two variables' standard deviations divided by theircovariance. The standard deviation is a measure of how much variation exists between the observed values of the two variables and the mean, whereas covariance is a measure of how much the two variables varytogether.

  9. You'llneedtoemployhypothesistestingandconfidencelevelsprocedures todeterminetherelevanceofsuchcorrelations. Youwillfindthebestdissertationforfutureresearchersenrolledin business andmanagement. These topics are researched in-depth at theUniversity of Glasgow, UK, Sun Yat-senUniversity,UniversityofStAndrewsandmanymore.

  10. When utilising Pearson's r, the independent and dependent variablesmust bemeasuredcontinuouslyinintervalorratioscales. Even though they have no meaningful zero value, interval variables allow ustodetectequallyspacedvaluesinintervals. Temperature measured on the Fahrenheit scale, where a zero degree does not mean there is no temperature, but rather a very cold temperature of around -17.78 degrees Celsius, is a popular example of an intervalvariable.

  11. In the social sciences, however, we rarely use interval variables and instead rely on ratio scales. PhD Qualitative Research Methodology Services&Helpyoutoselectaperfectresearchmethodologywork. The qualities of ratio scale variables are similar to those of interval variables, but they differ in that they have a definable zero point. Ratio scale variables include income, expenditures, revenues, costs, profits, and other continuousvariables.

  12. Ratioscalesoffertheadvantageofbeingabletobemeasured,compared, and ranked in terms of magnitude differences, such as when two individuals, A and B, report monthly incomes of US $2000 and US $1000, respectively, in adataset. The correlation coefficient's direction can range from -1 to +1, passing through zero. Increases in the independent variable, x, are related with an increase in the dependent variable, y, whereas increases in the independent variable are connected with a reduction in the dependent variable,y.

  13. If your data shows that workers with more years of education earn more money, you can conclude that there is a positive relationship between education andpay. The plotted points migrate from the lower left-hand corner to the upper right-hand corner of the scattergram in this hypothetical scenario, as shown in Figure1. Similarly, if your data shows that higher alcohol use among workers is linked to premature death, you can conclude that alcohol intake and life expectancy are negativelyassociated.

  14. Hire PhD Assistance expertsto develop your research work for your Business and Management dissertationServices. Youshouldbeawarethatthelevelofcorrelationbetweentwovariables,in eitherapositiveornegativedirection,maynotbeasobviousasyoumight think in manycircumstances. Figure 2 depicts the relationship between the number of children in a householdandthehouseholdhead'sage.

  15. The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r= -0.17) demonstrates a weak and negative relationship between the two variables, indicating that the relationship is not astraight line. Phd assistance has vast experience in developing dissertation topics for students pursuing the UK dissertation in both engineering and management.Order Now

  16. The existence of exceptionally low and high values in the scattergram, whicharereferredtoasoutliersbyacademics. The inclusion of a few outliers in a dataset might lead to misleading results,especiallywhenthesamplesizeofyourdataissmall. Phdassistance experts hasexperience in handlingQualitative& Quantitative Researchin Business and managementresearchwith assured2:1distinction.TalktoExpertsNow

  17. CONCLUDINGREMARKS I'vebrieflyaddressedquantitativeresearchapproaches commonlyutilizedindevelopmentresearchinthiswork. thatare Someoftheseproceduresarecomplicatedandnecessitateahighlevelof statistical, econometric, andstudy design knowledge. Ifyouwanttoconductastudybutdon'thaveabackgroundinEconomics, Statistics, or Behavioural Sciences, you should seek advice from a quantitative research methods expert, keeping in mind the difficulties I've raised throughout thiswork.

  18. Keep in mind that your methodological approach will be guided by your study aims. Data gathering will decide whether or not randomization is viableintermsofcontextand/orethical,budgetary,andtimeconstraints. It is significant to select a social science research methodology, which exactly suits your research work, and you must clearly state the reason whyyouhavechosenaparticularresearchmethod. If you found difficult in identifying research methodology, you can consult with Best PhD Research Methodology Help provider online to identifyBest Dissertation ResearchMethodology.

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