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Reason Why Social Media Stories Matter

Social media stories are a fun and interactive way to engage your audience. Most of the social networking platforms have it, except Twitter. The use of stories function began with Snapchat. Instagram followed by Facebook, further included this idea in their apps.u00a0<br>Source : https://firstmcafee.com/reason-why-social-media-stories-matter/<br>

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Reason Why Social Media Stories Matter

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  1. Reason Why Social Media Stories Matter • Social media stories are a fun and interactive way to engage your audience. Most of the social networking platforms have it, except Twitter. The use of stories function began with Snapchat. Instagram followed by Facebook, further included this idea in their apps. Stories have taken a higher position than the news feed as people get to see stories before they see anything else on the app. By the end of last month, Twitter announced that they would soon introduce the story feature and it will be known as ‘Fleets’ which will disappear after 24 hours, like any other story. But Fleets will focus on engagements and insights of the user’s account.

  2. List of benefits • Now that the social platforms are encouraging the stories feature more than ever, what could be the benefits that brands, influencers and other users can gain from it? Here is the list of benefits to look at: • Complementary Engagements • The stories help the brands to increase their engagements with their viewers and customers as it allows them to create engagements without interrupting their news feed or main page. Brands can share stories of their customers, tagging the brand in their stories. These mentions make your brand look more trustworthy and reliable. Read your engagements carefully to know peak hours of engagement in your stories and post on those durations. • No Restrictions • You can post as many stories as you want. There are no restrictions or limitations to post stories. You can choose from different frames, text styles, etc. to make your stories look more creative. There is no rule for posting stories. You can use hashtags, stickers and mentions as well. • Source : Social Media Stories | mcafee.com/activate

  3. Website Engagement • Brands and influencers with over 10,000 followers on their business and creators profile have access to insert links to any websites directly to their stories. This helps with creating website traffic in a more manageable way as the viewers can directly go to the websites by swiping up on brand’s or influencer’s stories. This way, the website engagements don’t come in the course of their news feed. • Get Creative • As we mentioned earlier, you can use hashtags, stickers and mentions in your stories. You can also select a theme for your accounts to look more organized and professional. Creative stories are more likely to attract the eyes of your viewers. You can also add images, videos, GIFs, polls, etc. Organizing your highlights in the main feed with a cover and brief details/ name of the highlight will let you achieve a more polished look on your stories. • Use in-built Features • Use the trending stickers and hashtags to reach a larger audience. Please don’t shy away from adding locations as it brings your stories in the limelight. Using the ‘Ask Me a Question’ feature can help you know your audience’s queries and feedback. Collaborate with other influencers and brands and take over each other’s page’s stories to engage with different kinds of audience. It can be beneficial to both of you. • Source : Social Media Stories | mcafee.com/activate

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