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Neil Ford Subject Librarian – School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University

The Using Information Community (and beyond!): Exploring the potential of online communities in delivering information literacy. Neil Ford Subject Librarian – School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University. Bournemouth University context. Student and Academic Services.

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Neil Ford Subject Librarian – School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University

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  1. The Using Information Community (and beyond!): Exploring the potential of online communities in delivering information literacy Neil Ford Subject Librarian – School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University

  2. Bournemouth University context Student and Academic Services Library and Learning Support Subject Librarian Team School of Health and Social Care Nursing Social Work Midwifery, Health and Rehab. Sciences

  3. Background Context • Why is Information Literacy important? • Challenges to Information Literacy education Online community for developing information literacy skills within our virtual learning environment

  4. Information Literacy “the skills that students lack when they arrive at university are much the same as those students have always needed to develop; the capacity to filter and analyse sources and to access the validity and authority of the material” (Bradwell, 2009, p. 55) • Important to health students? • Changes to health education (e.g. NHS Key Skills Framework, 2004) • Online learning and health education • Changes to health information professional role • (Bury et al, 2006)

  5. IL - a core competency for health professionals NMC Standards of Proficiency for Pre-Registration Nursing Education: • “provide relevant and current health information to patients, clients and groups” • “ensure that current research findings and other evidence are incorporated in practice” • “identify, collect and evaluate information to justify the effective utilisation of resources” • “interpret and present information in a comprehensible manner” (NMC, 2004) Translates to our curricula and ILO’s!

  6. Challenges – Higher Education • Changing demographic - “2/5 students part-time, 59% mature, 15% from overseas” (Bradwell, 2009) • Funding constraints - “focus…resources where they can have the greatest return” (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, p. 4)

  7. Health student demographic We are already used to the changes to student demographics! Need to support technology use Lack of contact time Need for remote support Employed Mature students Distance learners Care responsibilities Time poor

  8. Institutional challenges • Shorter units – larger cohorts • Closure of academic development unit • Lean working

  9. Information literacy has to happen… • Outside of the classroom • At a distance • When the student needs it • In a graduated way depending on need

  10. Using Information Community Trusted brand Link from staff/ student homepage Task oriented menu Embedded user support Links to further support

  11. Using Information Community In-house and external materials Authority control Communication tools Community tools

  12. Using Information Community Embedded in Blackboard (VLE) • Trusted brand • Allows authority control • Tools for publicity • Educational tools (assessments etc.) • Links to other communities & academic units • Further support embedded (workshops, tutorials)

  13. Beyond Using Information "The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be." Isaac Asimov

  14. Academic Skills Community Task oriented navigation Academic skills Graphical interface

  15. Any questions?

  16. Contact Information • Neil Ford - Subject Librarian • Bournemouth House Library • Bournemouth University • Old Christchurch Road • Bournemouth, BH1 3LH • nford@bournemouth.ac.uk • 01202 967350

  17. References Bradwell, P. 2009. The edgeless university: Why higher education must embrace technology. London: Demos. Brettle, A., 2007. Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: A systematic review. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 24, 18-37. Bury, R., Martin, L., and Roberts, S., 2006. Achieving change through mutual development: Supported online learning and the evolving roles of health and information professionals. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 23, 22-31. Cobus, L., 2008. Integrating information literacy into the education of public health professionals: Roles for librarians and the library. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 96 (1), 28-33. Craig, A., and Corrall, S., 2007. Making a difference? Measuring the impact of an information literacy programme for pre-registration nursing students in the UK. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24 (2), 118-127. Department for Business Innovation & Skills. 2009. Higher ambitions: The future of universities in a knowledge economy. (09/1447). London: Department for Business Innovation & Skills. Ford, P. J., Foxlee, N., and Green, W., 2009. Developing information literacy with first year oral health students. European Journal of Dental Education, 13 (1), 46-51. Godwin, P., 2009. Information literacy and web 2.0: Is it just hype? Program-Electronic Library and Information Systems, 43 (3), 264-274. Grant, M. J., and Brettle, A. J., 2006. Developing and evaluating an interactive information skills tutorial. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 23 (2), 79-88. NHS. The NHS knowledge and skills framework (nhs ksf) and the development review process (october 2004). London: Department of Health. Available from: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4090843 [Accessed: 19 July 2010]. Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2004. Standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available from: http://www.nmc-uk.org/Documents/Standards/nmcStandardsofProficiencyForPre_RegistrationNursingEducation.pdf. Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2010. The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available from: http://www.nmc-uk.org/Nurses-and-midwives/The-code/The-code-in-full/ [Accessed: 16 July 2010]. Rethlefsen, M. L., Engard, N. C., Chang, D., and Haytko, C., 2006. Social software for libraries and librarians. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 6 (4), 29-45. White, S., and Stone, G., 2010. Maximising use of library resources at the university of huddersfield. Serials, 23 (2), 83-90. Wilkinson, A., While, A. E., and Roberts, J., 2009. Measurement of information and communication technology experience and attitudes to e-learning of students in the healthcare professions: Integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65 (4), 755-772.

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