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A comparison between two ways to capture these behaviours using mobile technologies

Learners’ questions and requests for help at the workplace Jean-Luc Gurtner, Anya Hitz, Dept of Education, University of Fribourg Elisa Motta, Alberto Cattaneo Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.

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A comparison between two ways to capture these behaviours using mobile technologies

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  1. Learners’ questions and requests for help at the workplaceJean-Luc Gurtner, Anya Hitz, Dept of Education, University of FribourgElisa Motta, Alberto CattaneoSwiss Federal Institute for VocationalEducation and Training A comparison between two waysto capture these behaviours using mobile technologies

  2. Asking questions, seeking help and self-regulated learning • Asking questions and Help seeking as important self-regulated learning strategies (Newman, 1994; Karabenick, 2006) • Instrumental (adaptive) help seeking vs executive (expedient) help seeking (Karabenick, 2004) • At the confluence of motivation, cognition and metacognition • Help-seeking vs help-avoiding behaviours (Butler, 1998; Ryan & Pintrich, 1997) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  3. Methodological concerns • Almost all the studies on help-seeking behaviours have been conducted in general academic contexts • Almost all the studies on help-seeking behaviours have been conducted with questionnaires and have used self-reported data • Few exceptions: • Webb, Ing, Kersting & Nemer’s study on cooperation in small groups (2006). • Kempler & Linnenbrink (2006) study on group interactions in collaborative groups in math. ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  4. Different contexts - different methodologies? At the workplace • Nobody is there just to answer your questions • Not asking when needed may have funest consequences • Are apprentices as reluctant to seek help in action? At school • Teachers are there to answer students’ questions • But asking questions may make you look stupid (Karabenick & Newmann, 2006) • Students are reluctant to ask for help even if they need it (Butler, 1998) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  5. One tool, two conditions A posteriori collection • Mobile phones “off” while working • Researcher sends a signal and apprentice calls back after completion of duties • He/she comments on what he/she has been doing recently and answers specific questions Live collection • Apprentices are equipped with mobile phones, headset and microphones • Researcher calls apprentice at work for one hour and asks him or she to comment “live” what he/she is doing • Focus on each (meaningful) interaction with another person at the WP ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  6. Participants in the research and corpus • 28 volunteer apprentices in car mechanics from 10 different garages (dual track system) • Between 15 and 19 years old In year 1 through 4 of their vocational training • 72 one hour records of work (live collection) (800 questions or requests) • 71 “a posteriori“ interviews (119 questions or requests) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  7. Overall frequency and nature of requests observed • On average, apprentices introduce one question or request every 5’ 47“ at the workplace • More advanced apprentices ask twice as many questions as beginners • Instrumental requests are approx. 50 times more frequent than expedient ones (Karabenick, 2004) • Only one out of four requests brings the helper to stay aside the helpee for more than one minute ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  8. Social Contexts in which questions or requests are introduced ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  9. Types of questions and help-requests (1) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  10. Types of questions and help-requests (2) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  11. Types of questions and help-requests (3) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  12. Types of questions and help-requests (4) ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  13. Frequencies of types of questions according to collection technique ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  14. To whom do they ask questions? ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  15. Summary of results • Apprentices introduce questions and requests more often when they are already working collaboratively (live collection) • But they are not aware of this (a posteriori collection) or.. • They appreciate to see themselves as autonomous ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  16. Summary of results • Apprentices requests are mainly introduced for information purposes (live collection) • They underestimate however the frequency of such requests and overestimate the frequency of requests for intervention (a posteriori collection) or …. • They (deliberately) minimize the importance of (simple) questions in order to feel more competent ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  17. Summary of results • Apprentices make use of a large variety of “helpers“ (live collection) • They underestimate however the support they get from other apprentices or persons outside of the workshop (a posteriori collection) or … • They value becoming more central (and recognized) in their professional environment (LPP: Lave & Wenger, 1991). ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  18. Conclusions • Mobile technologies offer good opportunities to approach apprentices self-regulated learning strategies at the WP • The way these technologies are used might however introduce some “noise“ into the data or … • Give valuable insights into the construction of apprentices’ professional identities. ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

  19. Thank you for your attention! ICM - Porto Sept. 2010

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