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Biodiversity and Reproductive Structures in Plants

Explore the diversity of plant reproductive structures and the classification of different plant divisions. Learn about the unique characteristics and evolutionary trends across various plant groups.

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Biodiversity and Reproductive Structures in Plants

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  1. PSPM2 2003/04 Chapter 11: Biodiversity 3. FIGURE 2 shows the reproductive structures of plants from Division X and Y. (a) State the name for : Division X: __________________________________ Division T : ____________________________ [2marks] (b) There are two classes in Division X. Identify the two classes. ________________________________________ [2marks] (c) State one difference between the ovule structure, phloem and xylem tissues of Division X and Division Y. [3marks] Division X Division Y Ovule : ___________________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ Phloem : ___________________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ Xylem : ___________________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ (d) State the gametophyte for Division X. [1mark] _______________________________________________________________________________ (e) How do flowers help in the survival of Division X? [2marks] _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ FIGURE 2

  2. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2004/05 9. (a) Describe sexual reproduction in pteridophytes and bryophytes. [10 marks] (b) Pteridophytes are considered more advanced compared to bryophytes but are less advanced than higher plants. Explain why. [10 marks]

  3. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2005/06 7. (a) Discuss the five-kingdom system as proposed by R.H. Whittaker. [10 marks] (b) Describe the characteristics and classification of Kingdom Fungi. [10 marks]

  4. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2006/07 7. (a) Compare and contrast between Nematode Ascaris and Annelid Pheretima. [11 marks] (b) Discuss the classification of Fungi into three major phyla. [9 marks]

  5. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2007/08 8. (a) Describe the unique characteristics of phylum Chordata. [10 marks] (b) Differentiate between plant from the group conifers and angiosperms. [10 marks]

  6. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2008/09 7. (a) Discuss the Whittaker five-kingdom classification system of living organisms. [10 marks] (b) Compare between the phylum Platyhelminthes and phylum Annelida. [10 marks]

  7. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2009/10 8. (a) Explain the characteristics of Arthropod that allow them to successfully conquer various types of habitat. [12 marks] (b) Discuss the alternation of generation in the life cycle of Marchantia. [8 marks]

  8. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2010/11 7. (a) List the unique characteristics of phylum Cnidaria, and describe briefly the life cycle of Obelia. [12 marks] (b) Explain why bryophytes are considered to be more advanced than green alga but more primitive than ferns. [8 marks]

  9. Chapter 11: Biodiversity PSPM 2011/12 5. (a) Name the four major groups in the plant kingdom and discuss the major evolutionary trends across the groups. [10 marks] (b) Differentiate the characteristics between Nematoda and Annelida. [10 marks]

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