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Power-Aware Operator placement and broadcasting of continuous query results

Panickos Neophytou , Mohamed Sharaf , Panos Chrysanthis , Alexandros Labrinidis. Ενεργειακα-επικερδης τοποθετηση τελεστων και Εκπομπη Αποτελεσματων Ερωτηματων διαρκειας. Power-Aware Operator placement and broadcasting of continuous query results. MobiDE 2010 – June 6, 2010. Motivation.

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Power-Aware Operator placement and broadcasting of continuous query results

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  1. Panickos Neophytou, Mohamed Sharaf, PanosChrysanthis, AlexandrosLabrinidis Ενεργειακα-επικερδης τοποθετηση τελεστων και Εκπομπη Αποτελεσματων Ερωτηματων διαρκειας Power-Aware Operator placement and broadcasting of continuous query results MobiDE 2010 – June 6, 2010

  2. Motivation Energy Constraints

  3. Streams: Collection, Processing, Delivery Social Media Events Environment Readings Q1 DSMS Broadcast Q2 Stock Market Q3 Q4 News Events Continuous Queries (CQs)

  4. Problem Definition Goal: Design operator placement algorithms that balance the tradeoff between the overall Tuning and Processing energy at the clients. Tuning Energy Processing Energy Q1 Q1 Tuning Energy Q1 Processing Energy Q2 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q3 Tuning Energy Processing Energy Tuning Energy Tuning Energy Tuning Energy Processing Energy Processing Energy Processing Energy

  5. Roadmap • Motivation/Introduction • System Model • Stream Processing Model • Broadcast Access Model • Operator Placement Algorithms • Experiments • Conclusion

  6. Stream Processing Model Selectivity Projectivity Cost in cycles Tuning Power Processing Power Processor Speed Client Tuning Energy: Client Processing Energy:

  7. Streams Broadcast Model A broadcast is broken into cycles Q1 Q1 Broadcast Organization Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 Cycle:

  8. Streams Broadcast Model A broadcast is broken into cycles Q1 Q1 Broadcast Organization Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q4 Cycle: Q1 Q4 Q3

  9. Streams Broadcast Model Q5 (1) Q1 (2) Q2 (3) Q3 (4) Q4 (5) Sorted By size Tuning Energy Q3

  10. Roadmap • Motivation/Introduction • System Model • Stream Processing Model • Broadcast Access Model • Operator Placement Algorithms • Experiments • Conclusion

  11. Algorithm - MinDataCut Query Plan: Minimal Edge Clients’ Overall Energy Consumption: Tuning Energy Processing Energy MinDataCut gives us the minimal Broadcast Size

  12. Algorithm - MinPowerCut Query Plan: Minimal Edge Tuning Energy Processing Energy Clients’ Overall Energy Consumption:

  13. Drawbacks of MinDataCut and MinPowerCut MinDataCut MinPowerCut • Oblivious to Processing costs • High processing energy • Processing-energy aware • High impact on tuning energy Tuning Energy Processing Energy Tuning Energy Q1 (1) Q4 (5) Q3 (6) Q1 (3) Q4 (5) Q3 (6) Processing Energy 4 1 MinPowerCut is oblivious to Broadcast Organization

  14. BOSe: Broadcast Aware Operator Selection Query Plan (MinDataCut): Query Plan (1 step further): Calculate the impact on: processing energy globaltuning Tuning Energy Start from the MinDataCut point. For each query, calculate the amount of energy reduction provided by each segment of operators if it were brought back to the server. Bring back the one segment with the maximum reduction. Repeat until no more energy reduction is attainable. Processing Energy Tuning Energy Processing Energy

  15. BOSe: Cost-Benefit Segment from Q1 (at Client N1) Cost Benefit Q1A (2) Q1B (4.5) N1 N1 tr0 tr1 tr2 N4 N1 N2 N3 N4 Tuning Energy Processing Energy Broadcast Organization (Sorted by size): Q5 (1) Q1A (2) Q2 (3) Q3 (4) Q4 (5) Tuning Energy Processing Energy

  16. Roadmap • Motivation/Introduction • System Model • Stream Processing Model • Broadcast Access Model • Operator Placement Algorithms • Experiments • Conclusion

  17. Experimental Setup Query Workload: Broadcast: Mobile Clients:

  18. Processing to Tuning Power Ratio 22% improvement BOSe always performs best

  19. Scalability: Number of Queries

  20. Scalability: Number of Operators per Query

  21. Indexed Broadcast Model Ix (0.5) Q5 (1) Q1 (2) Q2 (3) Q3 (4) Q4 (5) Indexed Tuning Energy Q3

  22. Processing vs. Tuning Power 53% improvement

  23. Conclusions • 3 power-aware operator placement algorithms for broadcasting CQ results • BOSe algorithm improves by 53% over centralized processing • Future: • Support sharing of operators • Support sharing of queries • Study the tradeoff between Energy and Response Time

  24. Thank you – Questions? • Advanced Data Management Technologies Laboratory • http://db.cs.pitt.edu • Part of AQSIOS project: • NSF GRANT IIS-0534531 • NSF career award IIS-0746696

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