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Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in South Carolina:. Strength in Collaboration. Name Organization Date. South Carolina & Hydrogen: A Natural Fit. SC has a 50+ year history of hydrogen research A Harvard study identified hydrogen and fuel cells as a major economic focus for SC
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in South Carolina: Strength in Collaboration Name Organization Date
South Carolina & Hydrogen: A Natural Fit • SC has a 50+ year history of hydrogen research • A Harvard study identified hydrogen and fuel cells as a major economic focus for SC • In 2006, the South Carolina Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Alliance was formed to coordinate and collaborate SC’s hydrogen initiatives with economic development goals in mind
Hydrogen is a universal fuel that will be a major part of our state and our nation’s clean, sustainable energy future. Hydrogen can: • Improve our economy by creating jobs for our citizens • Improve our energy independenceby lessening our reliance on foreign sources of oil • Lessen our environmental impactby eliminating carbon emissions
What is hydrogen? What is a fuel cell? • The most abundant element in the universe • A universal fuel that can be used to power anything from cars to cell phones • Non-toxic, lighter than air, colorless, odorless, tasteless
SC has many existing hydrogen strengths • Multi-level governmental support of hydrogen • Long-existing strength in research • Emerging strengths in a variety of hydrogen markets • Long-existing manufacturing expertise encourages economic development and private investment • Coordination and collaboration through SCHFCA activities
Multi-Level Governmental Support • National Support: Rep. Bob Inglis and Sen. Lindsey Graham chair House and Senate Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Caucuses • State Support: Gov. Mark Sanford formed SC Competitiveness Initiative, identified hydrogen and fuel cell markets as major focus • SC Legislature passed the Hydrogen Infrastructure Development Act in 2007 • Community Support: Aiken County funded the $10 million Center for Hydrogen Research; City of Columbia passed a resolution to become a leader in hydrogen and fuel cell innovation
Strength in Research • Hydrogen production and storage • Savannah River National Laboratory • Center for Hydrogen Research • Fuel Cell Research • University of South Carolina; NSF Industry/University Collaborative Research Center; Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Center of Excellence • Automotive Integration • Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research • Transportation Issues • S.C. State University James E. Clyburn University Transportation Center
SC’s Unique Hydrogen Markets • Focused on feasible near-term applications • Portable applications – Such as ETV fuel cell cameras and emergency responder packs • Off-road applications – Such as USC/Hydrogen Hybrid Mobility fuel cell Segway and Bridgestone hydrogen forklift projects • Automotive – Federal Transit Administration’s National Fuel Cell Bus Program, Fall 2008
Columbia Activities and Demonstrations • In 2007, the City of Columbia unanimously passed a resolution to become a leader in fuel cell innovation • The Greater Columbia Fuel Challenge funds projects of various scales, including: • Portable fuel cell battery packs for ETV cameras • First responder extended fuel cell power packs • University of South Carolina professors unveiled two hydrogen fuel cell Segways in 2007
Aiken Activities and Demonstrations • $10 million Center for Hydrogen Research opened 2005 • SC’s first hydrogen vehicle, a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado truck, unveiled February 2008 • Bridgestone plant deployed 23 hydrogen forklifts in 2008 with plans to create an all-hydrogen forklift fleet by 2009
SC’s coordinated manufacturing system could attract more private investment • SC has vast network of manufacturing resources • More than 50 statutes provide financial incentives for manufacturing • Statewide coordination through the SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership • Skilled workforce programs with the ReadySC program and SC’s Technical College System
Hydrogen still needs your support • Let your state and local representatives know you support hydrogen and the work of the SCHFCA • Educate yourself on hydrogen and fuel cells • Visit schydrogen.org for information on SC’s activities • Plug into national activities at hydrogenassociation.org and h2andyou.org • Learn more about favorable state incentives for adopting alternative energy technologies at www.energy.sc.gov
Please join us in Columbia in March 2009 as we host the National Hydrogen Association’s Annual Conference and Hydrogen Expo
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