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The Best General Contractor in Jacksonville

As the general contractor, Live Oak Contracting will provide all the labor, materials, and equipment you need. As part of our services, we contract and coordinate with subcontractors and vendors and manage, schedule, and supervise the whole construction process. To know more about Live Oak Contracting call (904) 497-1500 or visiting their website https://liveoakcontracting.com/<br><br>Address -<br>Company : 100 N Laura St #900<br>Address : 275 Market St<br>City : Jacksonville<br>State : Florida<br>Zip code : 32202<br>Phone number : (904) 497-1500

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The Best General Contractor in Jacksonville

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  1. Live Oak Contracting believes in building long term partnerships based on integrity.

  2. As the general contractor, we will provide all the labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete your project.

  3. Our services include contracting and coordinating with subcontractors and vendors for each scope of work and managing, scheduling, and supervision of all phases of construction.

  4. We incorporate a collaborative approach to every project, ensuring the highest quality product delivered on time and in budget.

  5. Our handpicked team covers the full spectrum of skills needed to provide the highest quality projects for our clients.

  6. LIVE OAK CONTRACTING 100 North Laura Street, Suite 900 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Call: (904) 497-1500 Email: info@liveoakcontracting.com

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