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Don Olmstead

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Don Olmstead

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    1. Don Olmstead Vermont Elementary School 5th grade

    2. Vermont Elementary School School Profile 2004 API 603 Enrollment: 1430 95% Free meals 75.4% English learners 80% Full teacher credentials Title I School

    3. Observation Notes The students sit in pods of 4, 5, or 6 Technology: 4 old computers, 2 chalk boards, overhead, and cassette player. Students were eager to help out peers Usually lose interest between 45 min.- 60 min. after breaks. Teacher did a great job of discipline: pod points, stern manor, and kept kids participating.

    4. Lesson Plan #1 Standards: 1.1 Use information taken from a graph or equation to answer questions about a problem situation. Objective: Students will be able to collect data from a graph and use it to answer the question.

    5. Lesson Plan #1 Motivation: Show students a graph of foods teachers in the school enjoy, then ask them questions about it. Input of information: Explain what a chart does? How it helps organize data? And why people use it? Checking Comprehension: Students will receive graphs from the book and answer multiple questions.

    6. Lesson Plan #1 Structured practice: Take a survey of the students and form a chart. Guided practice: Take a survey at home as well as neighbors of any topic, only give the person 4 choices to choose from. Bring the data to class for up coming activities.

    7. Lesson Plan #1 Closure: Carry an involved discussion by asking the class questions about a chart. Assessment: Give the students a chart, they will be asked several questions about the data on the chart.

    8. Lesson Plan #2 Standards: 1.4 Identify ordered pairs of data from a graph and interpret the meaning of the data in terms of the situation depicted by the graph. Objective: Students will be able to make a bar graph from provided or gathered information.

    9. Lesson Plan #2 Motivation: Show the kids how easy it is to read a bar graph compared to a chart Input of Information: I would lecture using the overhead. I think an overhead is a great way to show the kids how the graph develops from a chart, not just seeing the finished product. Checking Comprehension: Have the students form a graph from a example in the book

    10. Lesson Plan #2 Structured Practice: Take the chart from the previous lesson plan, now form chart to show the different levels of results. Guided Practice: Walk around the classroom, survey classmates, then form a graph to show the results. Kids will see how every child has a different graph.

    11. Lesson Plan #2 Closure: Walk the class through one more graph, focus on the labels such as the axis and where to label the graph. Assessment: Have them make up one graph completely on there own, and form another graph from information provided by the teacher.

    12. Lesson Plan #3 Standards: 1.1 Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns. Objective: Students will be able to construct double bar graphs and interpret the difference between two components.

    13. Lesson Plan #3 Motivation: Its an easy way to show the difference between two topics. Input of Information: Use the overhead to develop a graph to show the difference between two topics. Checking Comprehension: Have an open discussion with students telling me something about double bar graphs. Those who participate will receive more points.

    14. Lesson Plan #3 Structured Practice: I will give them two like topics with different numbers and they must express the difference between the two in the form of a double bar graph. Guided Practice: Boys only survey girls and girls only survey boys, then make a double bar graph for the whole class with differences between boys and girls, such as on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like sports? I am guessing that this question will have higher number of boys.

    15. Lesson Plan #3 Closure: Form a double bar graph from a survey the teacher previously took of other teachers in the school. The kids will be interested to see what foods, or hobbies other teachers in the school enjoy. Assessment: Students must pick one chart from previous assessment and make up one other one and make double bar graphs from each.

    16. References for Students Library with all grade level reading Full collection of Encyclopedias Educational posters: Times Tables, number line, and a pronunciation poster. Teacher speaks English as well as Spanish, this is a great reference considering most students were English Language Learners.

    17. Feedback Observer #1-this is a really good powerpoint and you incorporated everything that you needed. Here is my feedback 1. you shouldn't put the teacher's name on your powerpoint because it will go online 2. try to make your motivations a little more interesting and innovative instead of just showing how easy something is 3. on lesson plan 3 there was an extra bullet point between structured practice and guided practice, you might want to delete that. Again, great job! Observer #2- I thought your powerpoint was very clear and your lesson plans were concise, to the point, and comprehensive.  Good job!!  The only thing I might suggest is that I believe we are supposed to have a references page, citing the websites we used (ed data, etc.).  Other than that, I like your powerpoint! Observer #3- Nice poweroint presentation. I feel that the slide background takes away from teh presentation though. Your motivations could be improved as well. Otherwise, great lessons and congrats on a job well done! 

    18. References Ed-Data Website: http://www.ed-data.k12.ca.us/welcome.asp California State Department of Education- Curriculum and Instruction http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ Graphic Design http://www.usc.edu/identity/

    19. FIGHT ON!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did producing it. Created by: Don Olmstead Thank you

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