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More Motor Theory + Obstruent Acoustics

More Motor Theory + Obstruent Acoustics. March 31, 2009. To Begin With…. Homework exchange! Today: Some more thoughts on perception And then a brief review of obstruent acoustics On Thursday, we’ll be doing: A brief description of vocal tract musculature. Static palatography demo!

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More Motor Theory + Obstruent Acoustics

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  1. More Motor Theory + Obstruent Acoustics March 31, 2009

  2. To Begin With… • Homework exchange! • Today: • Some more thoughts on perception • And then a brief review of obstruent acoustics • On Thursday, we’ll be doing: • A brief description of vocal tract musculature. • Static palatography demo! • You’re welcome to bring in a camera, if you so desire. • Also, a link: • http://sakurakoshimizu.blogspot.com/

  3. Motor Theory Review • Last time, we discussed the basics of the motor theory of speech perception. • Some basic precepts: • Humans have a special neurological module for speech perception. • (And other species don’t.) •  Speech perception doesn’t work on the basis of general principles. •  We perceive speech as gestures, not sounds. • Some basic evidence: • Categorical perception

  4. A Modular Mind Model central processes judgment, imagination, memory, attention vision hearing touch speech modules transducers eyes ears skin etc. external, physical reality

  5. More Evidence for Modularity • It has also been observed that speech is perceived multi-modally. • i.e.: we can perceive it through vision, as well as hearing (or some combination of the two). •  We’re perceiving “gestures” • …and the gestures are abstract. • Interesting evidence: McGurk Effect

  6. McGurk Effect, revealed • Audio Visual Perceived • ba + ga  da • ga + ba  ba • Some interesting facts: • The McGurk Effect is exceedingly robust. • Adults show the McGurk Effect more than children. • Americans show the McGurk Effect more than Japanese.

  7. Original McGurk Data • Auditory Visual • Stimulus: ba-ba ga-ga • Response types: • Auditory: ba-ba Fused: da-da • Visual: ga-ga Combo: gabga, bagba • Age Auditory Visual Fused Combo • 3-5 19% 36 81 0 • 7-8 36 0 64 0 • 18-40 2 0 98 0

  8. Original McGurk Data • Auditory Visual • Stimulus: ga-ga ba-ba • Response types: • Auditory: ba-ba Fused: da-da • Visual: ga-ga Combo: gabga, bagba • Age Auditory Visual Fused Combo • 3-5 57% 10 0 19 • 7-8 36 21 11 32 • 18-40 11 31 0 54

  9. Audio-Visual Sidebar • Visual cues affect the perception of speech in non-mismatched conditions, as well. • Scientific studies of lipreading date back to the early twentieth century • The original goal: improve the speech perception skills of the hearing-impaired • Note: visual speech cues often complement audio speech cues • In particular: place of articulation • However, training people to become better lipreaders has proven difficult… • Some people got it; some people don’t.

  10. Sumby & Pollack (1954) • First investigated the influence of visual information on the perception of speech by normal-hearing listeners. • Method: • Presented individual word tokens to listeners in noise, with simultaneous visual cues. • Task: identify spoken word • Clear: • +10 dB SNR: • + 5 dB SNR: • 0 dB SNR:

  11. Sumby & Pollack data • Auditory-Only Audio-Visual • Visual cues provide an intelligibility boost equivalent to a 12 dB increase in signal-to-noise ratio.

  12. Tadoma Method • Some deaf-blind people learn to perceive speech through the tactile modality, by using the Tadoma method.

  13. Audio-Tactile Perception • Fowler & Dekle: tested ability of (naive) college students to perceive speech through the Tadoma method. • Presented synthetic stops auditorily • Combined with mismatched tactile information: • Ex: audio /ga/ + tactile /ba/ • Also combined with mismatched orthographic information: • Ex: audio /ga/ + orthographic /ba/ • Task: listeners reported what they “heard” • Tactile condition biased listeners more towards “ba” responses

  14. Fowler & Dekle data orthographic mismatch condition tactile mismatch condition read “ba” felt “ba”

  15. Another Piece of the Puzzle • Another interesting finding which has been used to argue for the “speech is special” theory is duplex perception. • Take an isolated F3 transition: and present it to one ear…

  16. Do the Edges First! • While presenting this spectral frame to the other ear:

  17. Two Birds with One Spectrogram • The resulting combo is perceived in duplex fashion: • One ear hears the F3 “chirp”; • The other ear hears the combined stimulus as “da”.

  18. Duplex Interpretation • Check out the spectrograms in Praat. • Mann and Liberman (1983) found: • Discrimination of the F3 chirps is gradient when they’re in isolation… • but categorical when combined with the spectral frame. • (Compare with the F3 discrimination experiment with Japanese and American listeners) • Interpretation: the “special” speech processor puts the two pieces of the spectrogram together.

  19. fMRI data • Benson et al. (2001) • Non-Speech stimuli = notes, chords, and chord progressions on a piano

  20. fMRI data • Benson et al. (2001) • Difference in activation for natural speech stimuli versus activation for sinewave speech stimuli

  21. Mirror Neurons • In the 1990s, researchers in Italy discovered what they called mirror neurons in the brains of macaques. • Macaques had been trained to make grasping motions with their hands. • Researchers recorded the activity of single neurons while the monkeys were making these motions. • Serendipity: • the same neurons fired when the monkeys saw the researchers making grasping motions. •  a neurological link between perception and action. • Motor theory claim: same links exist in the human brain, for the perception of speech gestures

  22. Motor Theory, in a nutshell • The big idea: • We perceive speech as abstract “gestures”, not sounds. • Evidence: • The perceptual interpretation of speech differs radically from the acoustic organization of speech sounds • Speech perception is multi-modal • Direct (visual, tactile) information about gestures can influence/override indirect (acoustic) speech cues • Limited top-down access to the primary, acoustic elements of speech

  23. Moving On… • One important lesson to take from the motor theory perspective is: • The dynamics of speech are generally more important to perception than static acoustic cues. • Note: visual chimerism over the weekend. • Back to phonetics: • (static) internal cues to stop place are mostly useless. • Solid objects filter all but the lowest frequencies from the signal.

  24. Closure Voicing • The low frequency information that passes through the stop “filter” appears as a “voicing bar” in a spectrogram. • This acoustic information provides hardly any cues for place of articulation. Armenian: [bag]

  25. Stop Transition Cues (again) • With the transition between stop closure and vowel, the perceptual task becomes much easier: • Try the same with Peter’s productions: • stop closures: • with transitions: • The moral of the story (again): • Dynamic changes provide stronger perceptual cues to place than static acoustic information.

  26. Release Bursts • Note: along with transitions, stops have another cue for place at their disposal. • = release bursts • (nasals do not have these) • Here’s a waveform of a [p] release burst: duration  5 msec • What do you think the [p] burst spectrum will look like?

  27. Burst Spectrum • [p] bursts tend to have very diffuse spectra, with energy spread across a wide range of frequencies. • Also: [p] bursts are very weak in intensity. • Extremely short duration of bursts requires lots of damping in the waveform. •  broader frequency range

  28. Release Bursts • In a spectrogram: • bilabial release bursts have a very diffuse spectrum, weakly spread across all frequencies. [p] burst • [p] bursts are relatively close to pure transient sounds.

  29. Transients • A transient is: • “a sudden pressure fluctuation that is not sustained or repeated over time.” • An ideal transient waveform:

  30. A Transient Spectrum • An ideal transient spectrum is perfectly flat:

  31. Burst Filtering • The spectra of more posterior release bursts may be filtered by the cavity in front of the burst. • Ex: [t] bursts tend to lack energy at the lowest end of the frequency scale. • And higher frequency components are somewhat more intense. [t] burst

  32. Release Bursts: [k] • Velar release bursts are relatively intense. • They also often have a strong concentration of energy in the 1500-2000 Hz range (F2/F3). • There can often be multiple [k] release bursts. [k] burst

  33. Another Look • [k] bursts tend to be intense right where F2 and F3 meet in the velar pinch: Armenian: [bag]

  34. Finally, Fricatives • The last type of sound we need to consider in speech is an aperiodic, continuous noise. • (Transients are aperiodic but not continuous.) • Ideally: • Q: What would the spectrum of this waveform look like?

  35. White Noise Spectrum • Technical term: White noise • has an unlimited range of frequency components • Analogy: white light is what you get when you combine all visible frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum

  36. Turbulence • We can create aperiodic noise in speech by taking advantage of the phenomenon of turbulence. • Some handy technical terms: • laminar flow: a fluid flowing in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. • turbulent flow: a fluid flowing with chaotic property changes, including rapid variation in pressure and velocity in both space and time • Whether or not airflow is turbulent depends on: • the volume velocity of the fluid • the area of the channel through which it flows

  37. Turbulence • Turbulence is more likely with: • a higher volume velocity • less channel area • All fricatives therefore require: • a narrow constriction • high airflow

  38. Fricative Specs • Fricatives require great articulatory precision. • Some data for [s] (Subtelny et al., 1972): • alveolar constriction  1 mm • incisor constriction  2-3 mm • Larger constrictions result in -like sounds. • Generally, fricatives have a cross-sectional area between 6 and 12 mm2. • Cross-sectional areas greater than 20 mm2 result in laminar flow. • Airflow = 330 cm3/sec for voiceless fricatives • …and 240 cm3/sec for voiced fricatives

  39. Turbulence Sources • For fricatives, turbulence is generated by forcing a stream of air at high velocity through either a narrow channel in the vocal tract or against an obstacle in the vocal tract. • Channel turbulence • produced when airflow escapes from a narrow channel and hits inert outside air • Obstacle turbulence • produced when airflow hits an obstacle in its path

  40. Channel vs. Obstacle • Almost all fricatives involve an obstacle of some sort. • General rule of thumb: obstacle turbulence is much noisier than channel turbulence • [f] vs. • Also: obstacle turbulence is louder, the more perpendicular the obstacle is to the airflow • [s] vs. [x] • [x] is a “wall fricative”

  41. Sibilants • Alveolar, dental and post-alveolar fricatives form a special class (the sibilants) because their obstacle is the back of the upper teeth. • This yields high intensity turbulence at high frequencies.

  42. vs. “shy” “thigh”

  43. Fricative Noise • Fricative noise has some inherent spectral shaping • …like “spectral tilt” • Note: this is a source characteristic • This resembles what is known as pink noise: • Compare with white noise:

  44. Fricative Shaping • The turbulence spectrum may be filtered by the resonating tube in front of the fricative. • (Due to narrowness of constriction, back cavity resonances don’t really show up.) • As usual, resonance is determined by length of the tube in front of the constriction. •  The longer the tube, the lower the “cut-off” frequency. • A basic example: • [s] vs.

  45. vs. [s] “sigh” “shy”

  46. Sampling Rates Revisited • Remember: Digital representations of speech can only capture frequency components up to half the sampling rate • the Nyquist frequency •  Speech should be sampled at at least 44100 Hz • (although there is little frequency information in speech above 10,000 Hz) • [s] has higher acoustic energy from about 3500 - 10000 Hz • Note: telephones sample at 8000 Hz • 44100 Hz • 8000 Hz

  47. Further Back • In more anterior fricatives, turbulence noise is generally shaped like a vowel made at the same place of articulation. [xoma] palatal vs. velar

  48. Even Further Back • Examples from Hebrew:

  49. At the Tail End • [h] exhibits a lot of coarticulation • [h] is not really a “fricative”; • it’s more like a whispered or breathy voiced vowel. “heed” “had”

  50. Aspirated Fricatives • Like stops, fricatives can be aspirated. • [h] follows the supraglottal frication in the vocal tract. • Examples from Chinese: [tsa] [tsha]

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