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PRiSSM. A three-year project focused on supporting high quality learning and teaching (HQLT) in secondary mathematics and science Supported by funds from the Department of Education’s Title II Science and Mathematics Partnership Awarded by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

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  1. PRiSSM • A three-year project focused on supporting high quality learning and teaching (HQLT) in secondary mathematics and science • Supported by funds from the Department of Education’s Title II Science and Mathematics Partnership • Awarded by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

  2. PRiSSM Project Goals 1. A common vision for HQLT in secondary science and mathematics 2. Improved student learning 3. High functioning professional learning communities 4. A plan for continuous improvement

  3. Starting PointsPRiSSM seeks to: • Build on existing building/district initiatives: • School improvement plans • Research-based curriculum and practices • Help teachers work with new content/process: • Shared understanding of high quality learning and teaching (HQLT) • Data driven dialogue based on a variety of sources • Teacher led collaborative inquiry to improve student learning

  4. Professional Learning Community • Professional learning is a life-long process • Mutual learning from joint planning • Co-development of skills related to new practice that advance expertise and improve student learning • Use of reflective dialogue to close the gap between theory and practice

  5. Year One Lead Teachers in Mathematics and Science commit to three-years of cross-building based work: • Participate in a Professional Learning Community to improve student learning • Begin to explore shared beliefs about High Quality Learning and Teaching (HQLT) and conduct a collaborative inquiry for year one • Evaluate the work of the PLC in classrooms, share findings • Identify the expanded team for 2005-2006

  6. Year Two PRiSSM participants: • form a Professional Learning Community at the building level: lead teachers + expanded teams • are supported by the principal, School Improvement Plan, building/district facilitators • use data for planning and directing the building or district plan (teacher led) • revisit and revise plans for collaborative inquiry

  7. Year Three • Sustainability • Professional Learning Communities in place • Collaborative Inquiry defined • Teachers and administrators side-by-side • Teachers are reaching toward high quality instruction • Collaboration between mathematics and science across buildings and grade levels

  8. PRiSSM Professional Learning Communities Characterized by trust, sharing, participation, fellowship, reflection, and continuous learning and improvement. Teacher-initiated questions for inquiry across mathematics/science and middle/high school. Teachers in the PLC define the scope and focus of their Professional Development, which emerges from and is in support of their collaborative inquiry.

  9. Research Implementation Evaluation

  10. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Research Implementation Evaluation

  11. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Implementation Evaluation

  12. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Implementation Evaluation

  13. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation

  14. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Develop consen-sus for adoption

  15. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Develop consen-sus for adoption Devise Implementation Plan

  16. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Develop consen-sus for adoption Develop plan to monitor implementation Devise Implementation Plan

  17. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Teach & Collect Data Develop consen-sus for adoption Develop plan to monitor implementation Devise Implementation Plan

  18. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Analyze Data Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Teach & Collect Data Develop consen-sus for adoption Develop plan to monitor implementation Devise Implementation Plan

  19. Develop a visionfor teaching & learning Derive implications for changing practice Formulate Inquiry Question Research Compare current practice to vision Analyze Data Study strate-gies to adopt Implementation Evaluation Teach & Collect Data Develop consen-sus for adoption Develop plan to monitor implementation Devise Implementation Plan

  20. Lead Teacher Expectations for the End of Year 2 Project-wide • Provide a common HQLT experience for the expanded team • Explore how teacher-selected PD supports the shared vision of HQLT • Compare/contrast views of HQLT among team members • Examine how personal beliefs compare to national and state standards • Relate all of the above to student expectations

  21. Lead Teacher Expectations for the End of Year 2 Classroom/Students • Lead the Expanded Team (with facilitator support) in exploring diverse data sources and identifying a PLC inquiry focus • Lead the Expanded Team (with facilitator support) in research, selection, and implementation of data collection strategies that address the inquiry focus, and use analysis strategies to look for evidence of student learning • Summarize findings and recommended next steps for improving student learning

  22. Lead Teacher Expectations for the End of Year 2 Building/Teachers • Lead building-level PLCs (with facilitator support) • Develop facilitation and leadership skills • Increase knowledge and understanding of how PLCs work • Compare/contrast the content and process of facilitation with the process and content of collaborative inquiry

  23. Lead Teacher Expectations for the End of Year 2 Project/Leadership • Complete 40 hours of PLC work through ongoing and regular meetings • Develop effective communication habits between facilitators, project staff, Lead teachers, and expanded team members • Keep up-to-date records that “tell the story” of the PLC • Identify needs and propose activities for work in year three

  24. Expanded Team Expectations for the End of Year 2 Complete 80 hours of work during the year • Participate in 27 hours of PLC meetings • Use 2 substitute days for classroom observations • Complete 40 hours of PLC work through ongoing and regular meetings • Complete 40 hours of study in the content area you teach

  25. Support for Expanded Team during Year 2 $500 stipend for 40 hours of work 2 substitute days for classroom observations $300 registration for a class in the content area you teach

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