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WELCOME!. We’re glad you’re here!! Children are welcome in worship, or you may take them at any time to our staffed nursery (infant through 3 years). Please pray for…. Ginger Cove Health Center: Betty Miller
WELCOME! We’re glad you’re here!! Children are welcome in worship, or you may take them at any time to our staffed nursery (infant through 3 years).
Please pray for… • Ginger Cove Health Center:Betty Miller • Recovering at home: Phyllis Orr, Elaine Thompsen, Millie Robinson, Desiré Rittenhouse • SEE BULLETIN INSERT FOR COMPLETE LIST OF NAMES!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS CHURCH PICNIC West River Retreat Center July 14th from 1:00 to 5:00 pm
TODAY! Rev. Farley Stuart, DS of the Redbird UM Mission District
A nursery is available for both the 9:00 and 11:00 am services. Please see an usher for further information and location.
So sorry . . . The Music and Drama Camp scheduled for the end of July has been cancelled due to lack of a sufficient number of registered campers.
The Trinity Church prayer chain is currently being updated. Please let Cindy Sawyer know if you would like to be added or removed.
Place your Light House Shelter donations of food and other nonperishable items in one of the two baskets located outside the sanctuary door and by the elevator.
We are now beginning our plans for the annual ASP mission trip to Guyan Valley, West Virginia. DATE: September 25-September 29 Please call Bill Finagin to signup!
Join us every Tuesday morning at 8am for PRAYER TIME FOR OUR TROOPS!
You are invited to “PRAYER TIME FOR TRINITY” every Tuesday morning at 9:30 am.
Hearing Devices are available in the Narthex AND in the hallway outside of the entrance to the Sanctuary for use during the worship services. Please see an usher if you need assistance.
If you would like to have flowers placed on the altar in memory or in honor of a loved one, please sign up on the flower chart located in the hallway of the church outside of the sanctuary doors.
TUMC Emergency Building Evacuation IF THE FIRE ALARM SOUNDS: REMAIN CALM Evacuate immediately using the nearest exit DO NOT RUN DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR Assist people with special needs in your area. Go to the designated assembly areas which are located in the parsonage front yard and Locust St. Parking lot.
TUMC Emergency Building Evacuation cont. DO NOT GO TO THE NURSERY OR SUNDAY SCHOOL for your children. They will be immediately escorted to the Locust St. designated assembly area. DO NOT GO TO YOUR AUTOMOBILE or attempt to move it from the parking lot. This could hinder access by emergency vehicles. Do not congregate near the building exits or in the parking lot or driveway. Do not reenter the building until an “All Clear” signal is given by emergency personnel.