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Planning for healthy babies

Planning for healthy babies. Summarize preventable risks for preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies, including induced abortion, smoking, alcohol consumption, the use of illicit drugs, and inadequate prenatal care. O bjectives. Define preterm/premature birth

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Planning for healthy babies

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  1. Planning for healthy babies Summarize preventable risks for preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies, including induced abortion, smoking, alcohol consumption, the use of illicit drugs, and inadequate prenatal care.

  2. Objectives • Define preterm/premature birth • Review the possible negative consequences of preterm birth • List possible preventable risk behaviors for preterm birth

  3. Preterm/Premature Birth • According to the March of Dimes, a preterm or premature baby is one born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy.

  4. Potential Problems due to Preterm Birth Short Term (first few weeks of life) • Breathing problems • Heart problems • Brain problems • Temperature control problems • Gastrointestinal problems • Blood problems • Metabolism problems • Immune system problems Source: Mayo Clinic (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/premature-birth/DS00137/DSECTION=complications)

  5. Potential Problems due to Preterm Birth Long Term • Cerebral Palsy (disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture) • Impaired Cognitive Skills, like Learning Disabilities • Vision Problems • Hearing Problems • Dental Problems • Behavioral Problems • Chronic Health Issues Source: Mayo Clinic (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/premature-birth/DS00137/DSECTION=complications)

  6. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Alcohol and Other Drugs

  7. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Being underweight or obese before getting pregnant

  8. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Smoking

  9. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Poor social support as well as high levels of stress

  10. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Certain medical conditions

  11. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Some Types of Infections

  12. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Starting prenatal care late or not going to prenatal appointments as recommended.

  13. Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Having babies too close together

  14. Possible Preventable Risks of Preterm Delivery Induced Abortions

  15. Think, Pair, Share • Think of two or three ways people could reduce their risks for pre-term births. • Find a partner, each share your ideas. • Each pair partner with another pair, share your ideas.

  16. Questions?

  17. Good Sources of Information on Preterm Babies • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • March of Dimes • Mayo Clinic • National Institutes of Health

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