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Protecting and promoting quality products in Europe: the role of AREPO

Protecting and promoting quality products in Europe: the role of AREPO. Carolina Gario Policy Officer AREPO policyofficer@arepoquality.eu. What is AREPO?. Association of European Regions for Products of Origin. > 27 Regions > 40% of GIs in. Our mission.

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Protecting and promoting quality products in Europe: the role of AREPO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protecting and promotingqualityproducts in Europe: the role of AREPO Carolina Gario Policy Officer AREPO policyofficer@arepoquality.eu

  2. Whatis AREPO? Association of EuropeanRegions for Products of Origin > 27 Regions > 40% of GIs in

  3. Our mission • Protecting and promoting quality products in Europe; • Strengthening the European policy on geographical indications and quality products; • Granting a fair communication to consumers; • Granting a reasonable remuneration of the work of producers.

  4. AREPO’sassets: • A consolidated network of regions and professionals that generates negotiated and comprehensive policy guidelines • Multinational expertise on quality policies • Strong relations with European institutions • A representation office in Brussels • Recognition as one of the main stakeholders in the sectors of quality policies.

  5. How wework • Conflictingideas • Stakeholdersinvolved • … • Letters • Bilateral meetings with relevant stakeholders and policy-makers • Events

  6. How wereachstronger positions

  7. Main working areas The Quality Package The CAP 2014-2020 PromotionPolicy LocalProducts Sectorialworking groups Communication EuropeanProjects ThematicPartnerships Improving our representativeness

  8. Main goals reached over the pastyear The Quality Package The CAP 2014-2020 • A better protection of GIs • Ex-officio • Third countries • better definition • Recognition of mountain products • Simplification of the procedures All of our amendments presented by the ComAgri - Ongoing - PromotionPolicy LocalProducts The report by Mr Bové highlights the importance of targeting support for promotion to quality - Ongoing- Recognition as expert members within the restrained consultative group on local products of DG Agri - Ongoing-

  9. Thank you for your attention Carolina Gario Policy Officer AREPO policyofficer@arepoquality.eu www.arepoquality.eu

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