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Ocean Data Interoperability Platform EU-US-Australia collaborative project Grant Number: 312492

Ocean Data Interoperability Platform EU-US-Australia collaborative project Grant Number: 312492 Call: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2012-1-INFSO Activity: INFRA-2012-3.2: International co-operation with the USA on common e-infrastructure for scientific data Start date: 1 October 2012

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Ocean Data Interoperability Platform EU-US-Australia collaborative project Grant Number: 312492

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  1. Ocean Data Interoperability Platform EU-US-Australia collaborative project Grant Number: 312492 Call: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2012-1-INFSO Activity: INFRA-2012-3.2: International co-operation with the USA on common e-infrastructure for scientific data Start date: 1 October 2012 Duration: 36 months By Dick M.A. Schaap – MARIS (NL), technical coordinator - Funded in parallel by European Commission, National Science Foundation (NSF) and Australian Government

  2. Europe Australia USA E-infrastructures • A number of regional initiatives have made significant progress in addressing discovery, access, and long term stewardship of ocean and marine data on a regional basis • ODIP is a community lead initiative to overcome barriers by exploring common standards and interoperability solutions for improving exchange between regional infrastructures and towards global infrastructures such as GEOSS, IODE – ODP, POGO, ..

  3. ODIP partners Europe: 10 EU funded partners: 6 countriesNERC-BGS/BODC, MARIS, OGS, IFREMER, HCMR, ENEA, ULG, CNR, RBINS-MUMM, TNO

  4. USA: NSF funded partners (supplement to existing R2R project) • San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) • Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) • Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) • Florida State University: Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (FSU) Australia • University of Tasmania (IMOS) International • UNESCO IOC-IODE

  5. Associate partners • Europe • Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research (AWI) • MARUM • USA • NOAA US-IOOS, NOAA US-NODC, NOAA NGDC • UNIDATA • Australia • Australian National Data Service (ANDS) • Geoscience Australia (GA) • CSIRO

  6. ODIP: Objectives • To establish an EU/USA/Australia/IOC-IODE co-ordination platform to facilitate the interoperability of ocean and marine data management infrastructures • To demonstrate this co-ordination through the development of several joint prototype projects that allow effective sharing of marine and ocean data • To develop these prototype projects by largely leveraging on existing and ongoing regional projects and initiatives • To promote and disseminate ODIP approach and results widely for further uptake and feedback

  7. Progress to date………. • 1st ODIP workshop: Ostende, Belgium (February 2013) • Addressed 6 discussion topics • Formulated into an extensive list of actions • Resulted into definition of 3 prototype projects • 2nd ODIP workshop: San Diego, USA (December 2013) • Addressed implementation plans for the 3 prototype projects and 2 additional topics (vocabularies and data publishing – citation (incl DOI) • 3rd ODIP workshop: Townsville, Australia (August 2014) • Addressed progress of 3 prototype projects and actions for vocabularies, data publishing – citation and person identifiers

  8. ODIP 1 prototype: • Establishing interoperability between the SeaDataNet, IMOS and US NODC data discovery and access services using the GEO-DAB brokerage service and towards interacting with interacting with the IODE-ODP and GEOSS portals • Lead by European partners via SeaDataNet • Exchange from SeaDataNet to ODP and GEOSS is now operational at metadata level; IMOS and US NODC will follow soon

  9. pan-European infrastructure October 2014: 103 data centres connected and 4 data Centres in test for moving into operation soon => 107 data Centres from 34 countries;

  10. ODIP 1 prototype: • Aggregation of SeaDataNet metadata CDI granules to CDI collections (ISO 19115 – 19139), conversion to Common Brokerage Model, and harvesting via CS-W and OAI-PMH services

  11. ODIP 1 prototype: • ODIP 2 proposal submitted to add data brokerage, and semantic interoperability

  12. ODIP 2 prototype: • ODIP 2: Establishing interoperability between cruise summary reporting systems in Europe, the USA and Australia and also towards global POGO portal • Lead by Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) partners (USA) • SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report (CSR) adopted with ISO19115 – 19139 Schema and supporting Common Vocabularies

  13. ODIP 2 prototype approach: • Publish ISO Cruise Summary Reports at regional nodes: • Marine National Facility (Australia) • SeaDataNet (Europe) • R2R (USA) • Deploy GeoNetwork catalogues at regional nodes providing both a GUI (web portal) and API (CSW service) • Harvest GeoNetwork nodes into POGO global catalogue

  14. ODIP 2 prototype progress: • GeoNetWork software has been adapted by SeaDataNet for handling SeaDataNet CSR and supporting common vocabularies • R2R (USA) has deployed the SDN GeoNetWork tool and makes great progress with the GUI and mapping of vocabularies for R2R US cruises and also for populating EDMO directory ( >150 US organisations added) • MNF (Australia) has also deployed GeoNetWork and started with populating EDMO directory and mapping vocabularies

  15. ODIP 2 prototype new developments: • CSR Schema extension with new vocabulary for specific instruments • Embed in CSRs Linked Data URIs • Make CSRs available as RDF for semantic web applications • Interoperate with NSF EarthCube and NOAA Data Centers • Establish Cruise-ID governance because of potential overlap in case of international cruises

  16. ODIP 3 prototype: • Establishment of a prototype for a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and SensorML and O&M profiles for selected sensors installed on research vessels and in real-time monitoring systems (Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)) • Lead by AODN (Australia) • Bundling of multiple regional initiatives and best practices towards the adoption of SWE to formulate and evaluate common standards, incl involvement of 52 North

  17. ODIP 3 prototype approach: • establish a collaboration tool (Github): • compile inventory of SOS services and their endpoints • compile inventory of instrument SensorML records & O&M structures • compile inventory of vocab and registry services • working groups to assess SOS performance • propose templates for SensorML/StarFl and O&M profiles • examine vocabulary services and potential mappings • Set-up a test bed

  18. ODIP 3 prototype progress: • collaboration at https://github.com/aodn/ODIP • inventory includes: Ritmare starter kit (IT), SOS Coriolis – EuroARGO (FR), Oceanotron interaction (FR), Eurofleets SWE version 2.0 (ES), ncSOS for gliders (UK), IOOS SOS (USA), IMOS (Australia), 2 SOS installations (Australia), SMG and sensorCloud (Australia) • Analysis: => must adopt SWE Version 2.0 to stay aligned • 52 North SOS still on V1.0 but will upgrade • SensorML profiles EU and Australia quite similar in approach • Testbed is being deployed for further testing of different SOS services • Dialogue with manufacturers planned

  19. Dissemination of ODIP outcomes • Project website • Social media • International conferences • Other related initiatives • Ocean Data Portal (ODP) • Research Data Alliance • Belmont Forum www.odip.org

  20. Thank you!

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