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Why International Students Choose Australia to Study

The Australian Education System is one of the best education systems in the world. Ozford is committed to providing quality practical educational programs designed to help students achieve their career goals, and embrace lifelong learning while study in Melbourne, Australia. Ozford Melbourneu2019s vision is to provide every student with the opportunity to achieve their academic potential and practice key employability skills attained by undertaking real-life learning based on global needs.

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Why International Students Choose Australia to Study

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  1. COLLEGE INTERNSHIP CAREER Studyin Australia Presentedby OzfordAustralia

  2. Today's Topics Whatwe'llcover 7Thingsthatmake Australiathebestplaceto study

  3. Whystudyin Australia Letustalkabout educationinAustralia today.Letusseethe reasonsbehindwhy studyinginAustraliaa penchantforhigher studies.

  4. ImportantPoint Thereareatotalof43universitiesinAustralia,outofwhich40are Australian,2areinternationaland1isaprivateresearchuniversity. Internationalstudentscanlearnfromvariouscoursesbeingofferedat theseuniversitiesorvocationalinstitutions.Thewiderangeofcourses beingofferedbytheseuniversitiesincludescience,managementand commerce,humanities,engineering,lawandhealthsciences. Diversity of Education Studentcangetenrolledfor2bachelor’sdegreessimultaneouslyandearnadouble orcombinedbachelor’sdegree.Thisisacommonpracticeinthearts,commerce, lawandsciencedisciplines.

  5. Whatisit? TertiaryEducationQualityandStandards Agency (TEQSA) isAustralia’sindependent nationalregulatoryandqualityagencyfor highereducation.Anyinstitution,whether privateorpublic,thatimpartshigher educationinorfromAustraliamustfirst registeredbyTEQSA. ThequalityofAustralianeducationcanalso bedeterminedfromthefactthatsince 1945,Australianuniversitieshave produced15Nobellaureates. Highquality ofeducation

  6. Friendly Natives Withsunnybeaches, equallywarmpeople, andaworld-renowned degree,youarebound toenjoylivingin Australiamorethan anywhereelse.

  7. OPPORTUNITYTOGAIN WORKEXPERIENCEWHILE STUDYING Coming to Australia on student visa allows students to work up to 20 hours per week while continuing their studies during a semester. During semester breaks, a student can work full time without any bounds. There are no restrictions on work hours of students with a postgraduate research sector visa (574). The work can only start once the studies have commenced. Implying that if you arrive in Australia a few weeks prior to the commencement of your studies, you may not work till your education programme starts.

  8. LuxuriousLifestyle ExperienceHighStandard ofLiving People in kangaroo nation love to live world- class. The fact that 7 of the Australian cities are ranked in the top 100 cities of the world, proves the same. These 7 cities include almost all of Australia’s major cities – Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Peth, and the Gold Coast.

  9. Popularityfor HigherEducation Employment Opportunities AfterCompleting Studies

  10. Workingalongwith studyingmayhelp studentssupportthe costsofstudyingand livinginAustralia.Also, students cangainexperiencein theirfieldwhile studyinghere.

  11. WhyOzford Ozfordiscommittedtoprovidingquality practicaleducationalprogramsdesignedtohelp studentsachievetheircareergoals,andembrace lifelonglearningwhilestudyinMelbourne, Australia.OzfordMelbourne’svisionistoprovide everystudentwiththeopportunitytoachievetheir academicpotentialandpracticekeyemployability skillsattainedbyundertakingreal-lifelearning basedonglobalneeds.

  12. Thenextstepinyour lifeexperience Howwecanhelpyou JobReady Ozfolio LifeSkills Internship OnlineJob CareerPortfolio GlobalSkills Valuablework readyprogram Interview Mindfulness experience Workshops Practice

  13. HigherEducation BachelorDegrees Educationin Melbourne SeniorHighSchool Years10-12 - VCE,VCAL EnglishLanguage Englishlearning Courses

  14. Facebook /OzfordAustralia Twitter /ozfordaustralia Instagram /ozfordaustralia OURSOCIALSITES

  15. Address Ozford,310KingStreet, Melbourne3000 Phone +61386637188 Email info@ozford.edu.au EnrolNow! Website www.ozford.edu.au

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