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Central Texas Science And Engineering Fair

Central Texas Science And Engineering Fair. To enter the CTSEF all projects must be reviewed (the review dates are listed on the CTSEF website). All projects must be approved before experimentation begins. Please read the following pages carefully and follow all instructions.

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Central Texas Science And Engineering Fair

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  1. Central Texas Science And Engineering Fair To enter the CTSEF all projects must be reviewed (the review dates are listed on the CTSEF website). All projects must be approved before experimentation begins. Please read the following pages carefully and follow all instructions.

  2. Think about what you would like your project to be about. • Go to the library or internet to gather information about your idea. • Narrow your thoughts to one main idea. • Organize all your information. • Your idea is now becoming your topic.

  3. What is the question you are asking? What is the purpose of your experiment? What is your hypothesis/problem/engineering goal? Make a materials list of all items you will need. Include any special equipment you need. Describe in detail all methods and procedures. Safety considerations and precautions must be listed. Datatables are also a good way to track your results. Each project must have a bibliography.

  4. Make a timetable to help you meet the deadlines that your teacher has set for you. Thisisuptoyou. • If you do not have a set deadline check www.ctsef.orgto make sure you get your project paperwork to your teacher/sponsor in time for the CTSEF review deadlines. • You must go to the CTSEF website and fill out your student profile. Follow all instructions listed. • Your teacher/sponsor must make sure to get your paperwork to the CTSEF by the review deadline via the online process.

  5. All projects must have the following forms and paperwork: • Waiver and Release of Liability • Form 1 • Form 1A • Research Plan • Form 1B • Other forms may be required depending on the type of experiment.

  6. Make sure to write your research plan in a step by step explanation in A, B, C order. The research plan will explain how you will do your experiment and exactly what will be involved.

  7. You must download the ISEF forms to your desktop, complete the forms that are required, and add any tables, charts or drawings. You must also include your complete research plan. • Upload everything to your profile page.  • Follow the instruction list on your profile page to complete this process. • Make sure that you hit the SUBMIT TO REVIEW button once you are sure that you have completed all steps.

  8. Your teacher will review and submit your project online to the CTSEF review committees. • If you are doing any project involvinghumans you may be asked to attend a personal interview with the IRB committee review board (even if you are only doing a survey).You and your teacher will be notified to call the CTSEF office to set an interview time. • If you are not doing a human study project, your teacher will send in your paperwork to be reviewed by either the SRC or PRT review committee online. • Your review should take one week to complete (the one week begins on the deadline date set by the CTSEF office). The review dates are listed on our website atwww.ctsef.org • To enter the CTSEF your experiment must be approved before experimentation begins and must be judged at your local fair.

  9. Once your project has been reviewed, it will be returned to your profile page online. This reviewsheet is very important to you. You mustread the review sheet. The information will tell you if your project has been approved for experimentation to begin. • If it is notapproved, you must makethechanges listed on the review sheet, to your project paperwork where indicated, return the complete corrected project online for the next review.

  10. The CTSEF will review your project again. You may or may not get approved. • If you donot get approved, you will need to repeat the process until you are approved. • No experimentation may begin before your project is approved by the CTSEF review committees.

  11. Once you are approved you may begin your experimentation. • Your teacher will be sent the official entry forms from the CTSEF office. You must place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in your category at your local fair to enter the CTSEF. • The OfficialCTSEF entryforms must be completed, signed, and returned to the CTSEF office on or before the deadline in order to participate in the Central Texas Science and Engineering Fair. • Along with the official entry form you must include a copy of yourcompletedprojectpaperwork (this means the abstract, research plan, data tables, and all the required forms). • The media release form must be the original form as well as the CTSEF waiver (not a copy). This must be the ink signature.

  12. For more information regarding science fair projects, please go to the student section on the website: www.ctsef.org • We look forward to seeing your completed project at The Central Texas Science and Engineering Fair. CTSEF Office Phone: 254-753-3093 Susan Wilson CTSEF Office Coordinator Baylor University

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