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Конспект урока. Учитель Лукашенко В.В. Классы 9А 9Б. Topic: Let’s the music begin ! Theme: Astrakhan musical guide. Marathon – lesson. Цели урока:. Образовательные: 1.Совершенствовать навыки говорения. 2.Практиковать учащихся в устной речи.
Конспект урока • Учитель Лукашенко В.В. • Классы 9А 9Б
Topic: Let’s the music begin ! Theme: Astrakhan musical guide Marathon – lesson
Цели урока: • Образовательные: 1.Совершенствовать навыки говорения. 2.Практиковать учащихся в устной речи. 3.Активизировать изученную лексику по теме. • Развивающие : 1.Развивать умение работать в группе . 2.Развивать навыки говорения . 3.Развивать языковую догадку и логическое мышление. 4.Развивать познавательные, эмоциональныеи креативные способности. • Воспитательные: 1.Воспитывать положительное и уважительное отношение к культуре родного региона. 2.Воспитывать чувство сотрудничества.
Оборудование : • Компьютер • Презентации учащихся выполненные в Power Point • Наглядный материал
Ход урока • Введение в тему. Good morning ! Today our lesson is unusual. We called it a marathon-lesson Astrakhan musical guide .It is devoted to one aim –to brainstorm all the information about Astrakhan musical life into one large project and to prove the idea that our city can be called a real centre of music.
Мозговая атака So our lesson will be divided into musical styles – folk ,classical , pop , bards , rock. During our lesson we’ll try to answer these questions : • What well-known musicians were born in Astrakhan ? • What well- known bands or groups were founded in Astrakhan ? • What famous musicians, orchestras visited our city ? • What musical festivals take place in Astrakhan ? Just like in a marathon very quickly one by one you’ll present your information so that others will be able to take notes and to learn something useful for themselves.O.K. We’re ready to start.
Презентация материала • Astrakhan can be called a musical region.It has deep roots. Lots of musicians were born here. Some names are well-known.But there are some names we don’t know.
Konstantin Guzenko the graduate and a senior teacher of the Astrakhan conservatory today is well-known in all villages. Since 1976 he has been collecting musical folklore and not only Russian. Thus for more than twenty years he is a professional radiojournalist of TV-company “Lotus” and has an official recognition- the winner of the premium of the governor in the field of journalism. But one of the important parts of life of Konstantin Guzenko is created by him youth folklore ensemble “Budarochka”. Debut of ensemble was held in interclub of Astrakhan state university. The program consisted from three songs of the Belgorod and Astrakhan areas. To some extent it also became the original manifest of the collective which till now includes similar songs in repertoire in 1987 the ensemble took part in festival “Caspian sea- the sea of friendship” in city of Shevchenko. The program was made of Astrakhan songs- fishing, calendar, lyrical, comic a folk theatre and a play “Boat”. And in one of folklore expeditions in settlement Volga- Caspian participants of ensemble heard a word Budarochka- a fishing boat. And it was somehow naturally taken as the official name of collective.
In the same year ensemble “Budarochka” received a rank “national”. A special page in the creative biography of ensemble-participation in performance of the Astrakhan drama theatre “infected family”. Results of work were marked and maintained by Academy of pedagogical sciences of Russia. • For six seasons ensemble “Budarochka” and “Balagan-chik” have worked in the pavilion of Musical Theatre .
Balagan-chik Made by: Alexander Nagurny Nadezhda Tupikova Anastasia Borisova Form 9-B 2006
As a folk collective since 1990 by Budarochka at the gymnasium № 1there was founded children's collective-sputnik home theatre Balagan-chik. • From the beginning on it was founded on the model of yuoth band. It regularly took part in all the regional festivals and contests. • It was a diplomant of 11 contests Golden Key. • Now Balagan-chik has about thirteen children's tales, plays,perfomances. • Konstantin Guzenko is a director of the home theatre Balagan-chik.
Now we can see that our region can be called a region of folk music.That’s why some of musical specialists from Moscow got interested in Astrakhan folklore.
Astrakhan folklore.Vyacheslav Shchurov . In August 2002 a well-known Russian specialist in folklore arrived in Astrakhan. Viacheslav Mikhaylovich Shchurov is a protessor of the Moscow conservatory, a scientist and a favourite of students and young specialists in folklore. His works are translated into foreign languages. He is very sociable and besides has a beautiful ‘’national’’ voice He is a fanatical enthuasiast of folklore. He explained his arrival to Astrakhan simply- in the Moscow conservatory practically there is no folklore material from the Volga regions. That’s why his research group came to Astrakhan to collect folk songs. V. Shchurov collected and recorded lots of songs and voices of Astrakhan people. Now Astrakhan folk music is a property of history of Russia. Undoubtedly we are proud of it. Made by Oleg Lapshin Yaroslava Bondareva Yury Kasimov 9-A
Astrakhan gave birth not only to folk bands and groups. Our city is also rich in modern pop and rock groups.
RETRO It is considered to name the recent past by the word "retro".Nice and easy. We can call by this word style,design,clothes and footwear ,architecture and music.Famous Astrakhan singers named their band"Retro" Astrakhan stars-well-nown names are in"Retro"group:Tatyana Vazhorova (soloists).Victor Smihovsky (a Clarnet,a saxophone),Alexander Baksheev (clarnet),Alla Smihoovskaya (accordion).Igor Shubenin(guitar),Igor Kalina (a bass-balalaika,the soloist of ensemble"Scythian") Music,which is played by"Retro“band appeals to positive emotions only . That is why"Retro"has lots of fans and admirers... Made by Alexandra Romanenko Amir Maliev Alexey Zhabin 9-A
Rock group Transylvania. Made by: Selezniov N., Berezniak M., Gorbunov V. 9-B
Brief history of creation of groupTransylvania. In 2004 Ivan Kolomitsin and Michael Gritskov again were united and began to rehearsetogether. The big joint concert was held on the 11-th, of December and was devoted to Ivan Kolomitsin's 25-anniversary. Dmitry Dracula was invited to this action among other numerous friends and familiars . At the end of December Ivan and Michael have gathered at Dmitry’s. All necessary tracks have been removed to a computer, and this day the song "New Year'" was written down. Then they began to gather each week. It was initially thought, that Dmitry will be involved as the sound producer and in general will help with the sound. It seemed, they were familiar all life, but did not know about it. The 16-th, of April is considered to be a birthday of group because on this day the first joint concert was held. Now in the group the guitarist - Nikolay has appeared.The group now has following strukture: Ivan Kolomitsin -a vocal, guitar.Michael Gritskov - a bass - guitar, back-vocal. Dmitry Dracula - a tambourin. Nikolay - guitar.
Astrakhan attracted lots of world famous musicians.Astrakhan people love classical music and enjoy going to the concerts.
Celist Mark Drobinsky The rare visitor of Russian cities-the master of a cello Mark Drobinsky. On April, 12 within the framework of the international festival of chamber and symphonic music which was devoted to 60th anniversary of the Great Victory the concert of one of the brightest cellists of the (present) Mark Drbinsky (France) was held . Mark Drbinsky was born in Baku. He is one of the best pupils of Mstislav Rostopovich. He is an owner of the first premium at the international competition in Munich. Now he lives in Paris. Mark Drobinsky is invited to the largest and prestigious festivals. The cellist is a rare visitor of Russian cities. The most part of his concerts takes place on the best stages of France ,Italy, Germany, America. Mark Drobinsky is a person known in musical circles. He is called a master of a master of high flight a genius, ‘a demon of cello’’. With identical success he manages to interpret both classical, and modern music. In repertoir of the musician there are work of Beethoven, Mozart, Shostakovigh, Haydn, Shubert, Pagannini. Despite of love to classics, he excitedly opens and propagandizes music of our epoch for students; Sore, Shntke, Pabinovich,Kauffman Doffman, Gubaydullina. Mark Drobinsky’s brilliant play has got admired responses not only from Russian, but also world baa press. The sound, blinding engineering. , brilliant interpretation-all this can be combined one person.’’ The genius’’ a cellist Mark Drobinsky. Made by Yaroslava Bondareva Oleg Lapshin Alexey Zhabin 9-A
“Virtuosos of Moscow” Made by:Anastasia Kurilo Damir Omarov Yana Nuralieva Elvira Taygimuratova 9-B
“Virtuosos of Moscow” On the12th of May 2005 Astrakhan’s public met musicians of state chamber orchestra “Virtuosos of Moscow” and their artistic leader, conductor and soloist Vladimir Spivakov. The orchestra “Virtuosos of Moscow” was founded by Vladimir Spivakov in 1979. They perform mainly classical music of 17-18th centuries. “Virtuosos of Moscow” are considered to be one of the sights of musical Russia.
Musical talents are usual today. Astrakhan is rich in musical festivals,contests and concerts. What are they? Who takes part in them ?
Actor’s song • Made by • Yevgeny Stepanov • Indira Omarova • Tatiana Chumakova • 9-B
Like in literature there are lots of genres in music. The oldest one is classical; the youngest are pop, rap, rock and bard’s song. Actor’s song has a particular place in this list. This style was founded long time ago. Its founders were actors of old Russian theatres. Among them there were Vertinsky, Shulzhenko, Mironov, Kamburova and etc.
Actor’s song is a kind of a bard’s song. They sing their own songs with a guitar. The difference is only in a way they do it –there are more emotions. Actors don’t just sing their songs- they perform or act. This year Astrakhan actors hold the first concert of actor’s song. It was devoted to International Theatre Day. Seven actors from four theatres of our city-Drama, Puppet, Musical and Children’s ones-gathered together on the stage of Actor’s House. They sang and acted their own songs and songs from films. All the performers contributed their feelings and hearts into the songs. The concert became a chamber one. That’s why there were few members of the audience. These photographs and sound files haven’t been published so we have a unique opportunity to be convinced in the big talent of Astrakhan theatre school.
Подведение итогов • It was the last presentation. Let's have a look at our questions again and make a conclusion (группы отвечают на проблемные вопросы ).Now we see that Astrakhan is really a musical city. • I’m very grateful to you. Your information was very interesting and useful.
Домашнее задание • So at home you have to prepare a completed project about Astrakhan musical life and get ready to work as a guide around your city. Everybody of you gets good marks. Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.
К концу урока на доске заполняется следующая схема : Transylvania rock Budarochka Guzenko K. Musical Astrakhan folk Retro pop Balagan-chik classical Mark Drobinsky bards Actor’s song romance V.Spivakov Virtuosos of Moscow V.Shchurov