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FAR, HHSAR, NIH Manual and other acronyms

Test your knowledge!. What is the website for the FAR?When was the FAR first promulgated?What happened in 1995 to the FAR?What is the name of our agency regulations?How are changes made to the FAR and HHSAR?. Answers. www.arnet.gov/farApril 1984Federal Acquisition StreamliningHHSAR

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FAR, HHSAR, NIH Manual and other acronyms

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    1. FAR, HHSAR, NIH Manual and other acronyms Susan A. Nsangou Branch Chief NIDA Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Branch

    2. Test your knowledge! What is the website for the FAR? When was the FAR first promulgated? What happened in 1995 to the FAR? What is the name of our agency regulations? How are changes made to the FAR and HHSAR?

    3. Answers www.arnet.gov/far April 1984 Federal Acquisition Streamlining HHSAR – Health and Human Services Acquisition Regulations Federal Register – comments – FAR Council

    4. Daily Operations Selection of Mechanism – BPA Call or Open Market Order Type of Order – Fixed Price Responsibility of Vendor – CCR Payment Terms – Net 30 or Net 15 Changes to Order Terms and Conditions

    5. Which regulation do I use? FAR HHSAR NIH Manual IC Guidance

    6. Resources Websites Training Manuals COAC Division of Simplified Acquisition Policy & Services (Helpline) Division of Acquisition Policy and Evaluation Ask Around????

    7. Regulations Can be your Friend Situation 1: Lab scientist wants to issue an order today to his “co-worker” at University XYZ or his experiment will be ruined! Situation 2: Vendor demands to be paid prior to delivery of supplies or services

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