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Session 2: Secret key cryptography – stream ciphers – part 2

Session 2: Secret key cryptography – stream ciphers – part 2. The Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. Computational complexity of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm is quadratic in the length of the minimum LFSR capable of generating the intercepted sequence.

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Session 2: Secret key cryptography – stream ciphers – part 2

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  1. Session 2: Secret key cryptography – stream ciphers – part 2

  2. The Berlekamp-Massey algorithm • Computational complexity of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm is quadratic in the length of the minimum LFSR capable of generating the intercepted sequence. • Thus, if the linear complexity is very high, then the task of predicting the next bits of the sequence is too complex.

  3. The Berlekamp-Massey algorithm • Then, in order to prevent the cryptanalysis of a pseudorandom sequence generator, we must design it in such a way that its linear complexity is too high for the application of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.

  4. Pseudorandom sequence generators • Based on LFSRs • The goals: • Preserve good characteristics of the PN-sequences • Increase the linear complexity • The key is the initial state • Different families of generators

  5. Combinational generators LFSR LFSR LFSR • Non linear filter • Non linear combiner

  6. Non linear filters • In general, it is difficult to calculate the value of the linear complexity of the resulting sequence. • However, under some special conditions, it is possible to estimate the linear complexity of the resulting sequence.

  7. Algebraic normal form • It is the form of a Boolean function that uses only the operations  and  • In the ANF, the product that includes the largest number of variables is denominated non linear order of the function. • Example: The non linear order of the function f(x1,x2,x3)=x1x2x3x1x3 is 2.

  8. Algebraic normal form • The ANF of a function can be determined from its truth table. The Möbius transform

  9. Algebraic normal form • Example: n=3, u=001 x 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

  10. Algebraic normal form • Example: n=3, u=010 x 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

  11. Algebraic normal form • Example: n=3

  12. Algebraic normal form • u=000u=001 u=010 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a000=f(0,0,0)=0 a001=f(0,0,0)+ +f(0,0,1)=0+1=1 a010=f(0,0,0)+ +f(0,1,0)=0+0=0

  13. Algebraic normal form • u=011 u=100u=101 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a101=f(0,0,0)+ f(0,0,1)+f(1,0,0)+f(1,0,1)=0+1+0+1=0 a011=f(0,0,0)+ f(0,0,1)+f(0,1,0)+f(0,1,1)=0+1+0+1=0 a100=f(0,0,0)+ +f(1,0,0)=0+0=0

  14. Algebraic normal form • u=110u=111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a111=f(0,0,0)+ f(0,0,1)+f(0,1,0)+f(0,1,1)+ f(1,0,0)+f(1,0,1)+f(1,1,0)+ f(1,1,1)=0 a110=f(0,0,0)+ f(0,1,0)+f(1,0,0)+f(1,1,0)=0+0+0+1=1

  15. Algebraic normal form • f(x0,x1,x2)=a001x2+a110x0x1=x2+x0x1

  16. Non linear filters • Theorem (Rueppel, 1984): • With the LFSR of length n and with the filter function with the property that its unique term in the ANF of maximum order k is a product of equidistant phases, the lower limit of the linear complexity of the resultant sequence is

  17. Non linear filters • Design principles: • The feedback polynomial: primitive • The filter function must have various terms of each order. • kn/2 • Include a linear term in order to obtain good statistical properties of the resulting sequence (balanced filter function).

  18. Non linear combiners • In these generators, the keystream sequence is obtained by combining the output sequences of various LFSRs in a non linear manner. • Example – it is possible to use a Boolean function (without memory).

  19. Non linear combiners • Two cryptographic principles by Shannon: • Confusion – we must use complicated transformations – as many bits of the key as possible should be involved in obtaining a single bit of the keystream sequence (and the ciphertext). • Diffusion – Every bit of the key must affect many bits of the keystream sequence (and the ciphertext).

  20. Non linear combiners • Possible flaws of non linear combiners (to be considered during the design): • Bad statistical properties – e.g. too many zeros/ones in the output sequence. • Correlation – The output sequence coincides too much with one or more internal sequences – this enables correlation attacks.

  21. Non linear combiners • Correlation attacks: • It is possible to divide the task of the cryptanalyst into several less difficult tasks – “Divide and conquer”. • In order to prevent the correlation attacks, the non linear function of the combiner must have, at the same time: • as high non linear order as possible • as high correlation immunity as possible. • These two requirements are opposite – we must find a trade off between these two values.

  22. Non linear combiners • Correlation immunity: • A Boolean function is correlation immune of order m if its output sequence is not correlated with any set of m and less input sequences. • But, the higher the correlation immunity, the lower the non linear order k. • The trade off (N is the number of variables) m+kN; 1kN, 0mN-1

  23. Non linear combiners • A Boolean function is balanced if it has an equal number of 0s and 1s in its truth table. • The balanced correlation immune functions of order m are denominated m-resilient functions.

  24. Non linear combiners • Example: • The sum modulo 2 of N variables has the maximum possible value of correlation immunity, N-1, but its non linear order is 1. • If the combination function contains memory, then the trade off between the correlation immunity and non linearity is not needed – it is possible to maximize both values – a single bit of memory is enough (Rueppel, 1984).

  25. Non linear combiners • If F is a Boolean function of N periodic input sequences a1(t), a2(t), ..., aN(t), then the output sequence b(t) = F(a1(t), a2(t), ..., aN(t)) is a linear combination of various products of sequences. • These products are determined by determining the ANF of the function F.

  26. Non linear combiners • If in the ANF of the function F instead of the sum and product modulo 2 we use the sum and product of integers, the resulting function is denominated F* and for the linear complexity and the period of the output sequence of F the following holds:

  27. Non linear combiners • Example: • If the characteristic polynomials of the input sequences are: All these polynomials are primitive!

  28. Non linear combiners • Example (cont.): • Then

  29. Non linear combiners • The sum of N sequences in GF(q): • The equality holds if the characteristic polynomials of the input sequences are mutually prime.

  30. Non linear combiners • The sum of N sequences in GF(q): • Obviously, if the periods of the input sequences are mutually prime then

  31. Non linear combiners • Example: Primitive! The periods are Mersenne primes

  32. Non linear combiners • Product of N sequences in GF(q): • Theorem (Golić, 1989) If Per(ai) are mutually prime, then • Theorem (Lidl, Niedereiter) Per(ai) are mutually prime

  33. Non linear combiners • Example: Primitive! The periods are Mersenne primes

  34. Non linear combiners • The general case: • Let be the Boolean function obtained by removing all the products from the function F except those of the maximum order. Let be the corresponding integer function.

  35. Non linear combiners • Theorem (Golić, 1989) • F depends on all the N input variables. • Per(ai) are mutually prime. • Then

  36. Non linear combiners • Example: • If the characteristic polynomials of the input sequences are: Primitive, periods Mersenne primes

  37. Non linear combiners • Example (cont.)

  38. Geffe’s generator F balanced – good statistical properties

  39. Geffe’s generator • The equivalent scheme

  40. Geffe’s generator • Example: polynomials – primitive, with periods that are Mersenne primes.

  41. Geffe’s generator • Problem: Correlation!

  42. Correlation immune functions • Is there a way to find a Boolean memoryless combiner that guarantees a high level of correlation immunity? • This is a difficult problem and there is no final answer. • However, some Boolean combiners are known to have a high level of correlation immunity.

  43. Correlation immune functions • One of the classes of such “good” functions – Latin squares. • A Latin square is an n×n scheme of integers in which each element appears exactly once in each row and in each column.

  44. Correlation immune functions • Basic property of Latin squares: • If we exchange two rows/columns of a Latin square, the obtained scheme is also a Latin square. • This gives rise to a construction (one of the possible algorithms): • We start from the table of addition of the additive group with n elements. • We exchange some rows and columns of the table several times.

  45. Correlation immune functions • Example – a Latin square of order 4:

  46. Correlation immune functions • A Latin square of dimension n as a family of log2n Boolean functions (a vectorial Boolean function with log2n outputs): • There are 2 address branches, log2n bits each • The output has log2n bits. • Example (see previous slide): • The address is 0110 (the two most significant bits address the row). • The output is 10.

  47. Correlation immune functions • Basic correlation-related property of Latin squares: • Each bit of output is correlated with a linear combination of inputs that are located in both address branches. • Consequence: there is no way of analyzing the address branches individually – no divide and conquer.

  48. Correlation immune functions

  49. Decimation of sequences • The principal characteristic: • The output sequence of a subgenerator controls the clock sequence of one or more subgenerators.

  50. Decimation of sequences • Example 1: • X=1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 • Y=0,1,0,0,1 • Z=1,0,1,0,0 • Example 2: • X and Y are generated by LFSRs and the BRM is applied

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