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CCSS & Technology Spring into Research for MS/HS

CCSS & Technology Spring into Research for MS/HS. Learning Intentions. Examine the CCSS related to SFRP Teachers will understand the process of creating a short focused research project using technology tools. (Part 1- Reading the research)

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CCSS & Technology Spring into Research for MS/HS

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  1. CCSS & TechnologySpring into Researchfor MS/HS

  2. Learning Intentions • Examine the CCSS related to SFRP • Teachers will understand the process of creating a short focused research project using technology tools. (Part 1- Reading the research) • Work with an example of a 6th grade research project.

  3. Examine CCSS and explain SFRP • CCSS at your fingertips! Check out the common core app at the app store. Type in Common Core State Standards by Mastery Connect Education. Free download.

  4. The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in ELA/Literacy • Complexity: Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. • Evidence: Reading, writing and speaking/listeninggrounded in evidencefrom text, both literary and informational. • Knowledge: Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction across the curriculum. http://www.achievethecore.org/

  5. What is a Research Question?Why is a Research Question Essential to the Research Process? • A research question is a clear, focused, concise, complex, and arguable question around which you center your research. • The specificity of a well-developed research question helps writers avoid the “all-about” paper and work toward supporting a specific, arguable thesis.

  6. Example • Too simple: How are doctors addressing diabetes in the US? • Appropriately Complex: What are the common traits of those suffering from diabetes in America, and how can these commonalities be used to aid the medical community in the prevention of the disease? • Source: http://writingcenter.gmu.edu

  7. A Short Focused Research Project ??

  8. Writing Standard 7 –Short Focused Research Project Grades 11-12 • Conducts Short as well as more sustained research projects --To answer a self-generated question or solve a problem; --Narrow or broaden inquiry when appropriate; --Synthesizemultiple sources; --Demonstrate understanding of subject. Grades 6-8 • Conduct SFRPs to answer a question --Drawing on several sources --Generating additionalrelated focused questions for multiple avenues of exploration Grades 9-10 • Conduct short, as well as more sustained research projects --To answer a self-generated question or solve a problem ; --Narrow or broaden inquiry when appropriate; --Synthesizemultiple sources; --Demonstrate understandingof subject .

  9. Writing Standard 8 –Short Focused Research Project Grades 6-8 *Gather relevant information from multiple print/digital sources using search terms effectively; --Assess credibility and accuracy of each source; --Quote or paraphrase data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism; --Follow standard format for citation. Grades 11-12 *Gather relevant information from --multiple authoritative print/digital sources using advanced searches effectively; --Assess strengths and limitations of each source In terms of task, purpose, audience; --Avoid plagiarism and overreliance on any one source; --Follow standard format for citation. Grades 9-10 *Gather relevant information from --multiple authoritative print/digital sources using advanced searches effectively; --Assess usefulness of each source in answering research question; --Integrate information into text selectively to maintain flow of ideas; --Avoid plagiarism; --Follow standard format for citation.

  10. Writing Standard 9 –Short Focused Research Project Grades 9-10 • Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research. Grades 6-8 • Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Grades 11-12 • Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

  11. Walking through the process • Footprints • Template

  12. Template for SFRP • Curriculum Context- What is the content/topic for the unit? Example: April Fool’s Scientists • Pictures of Scientists

  13. Content Grade Expectations • Science Grade Expectations

  14. CCSS • Reading Standards # • Writing Standards • Speaking & Listening • Language • Link to CCSS ve2

  15. 21st Century Skills • Global Awareness • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving • Information/Commmunication/Technology Literacy http://www.p21.org/overview/skills-framework

  16. Enduring Understanding • An individual’s persistence in pursuing their ideas can lead to significant scientific discoveries.

  17. Research Questions and Sub-Questions??? • Use Bubbler.com • Brainstorm map • Which would include questions from the audience (students)

  18. Sub-Questions • Add sub questions • Examples:Why was this person considered a fool? What were the scientific … • (take from Gail’s email)

  19. Learning Intentions • Students will know (vocabulary) • Technical academic language related to the individual they are researching. • Students will understand that with perseverance amazing things can be accomplished. • Students will be able to use technology resources to explore and defend their scientist as not a fool.

  20. Formative Assessment Practices • Student feedback and collaboration. Their resources show … • Notetaking- Diigo, Google Tools • Speech preparation-

  21. Summative • Presentation samples from Robin

  22. Text Resources • Livebinders.com

  23. CARDS to research

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