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Belgian insurance sector – e-business standards – Concepts

Belgian insurance sector – e-business standards – Concepts . Concepts existing / Implementation incomplete and/or unclear. First created 29.09.2003. These ideas are still valid. The chain : static and/or rigid view. This is the representation of :

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Belgian insurance sector – e-business standards – Concepts

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  1. Belgian insurance sector – e-business standards – Concepts Concepts existing / Implementation incomplete and/or unclear First created 29.09.2003. These ideas are still valid.

  2. The chain : static and/or rigid view This is the representation of : - a series of databases (the 3 containers), - permitting the storage of, business wise spoken, the same object-types (the 2 lines), - back- and/or front-office sytems function on top of these databases, using those stored objects. dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  3. The chain : static and/or rigid view These databases evolve (upwards) towards newer store-able object-types : completer / changed / new / ... object-types. The same happens within the back- and front-office systems. dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  4. The chain : static and/or rigid view Which is a continuous process ... dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  5. The chain : static and/or rigid view What did you see ? M.Bormans

  6. The chain : static and/or rigid view Look again ... : dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  7. The chain : static and/or rigid view Was it first this ... dBase as exchanged dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  8. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... and then this ... dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  9. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... and this ... dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  10. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... following this ... dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  11. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... this ... dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  12. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... and finally this? dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  13. The chain : static and/or rigid view That is not what you did see the first time, there you only saw ... : M.Bormans

  14. The chain : static and/or rigid view dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  15. The chain : static and/or rigid view dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y this... dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  16. The chain : static and/or rigid view dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y and this! dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  17. The chain : static and/or rigid view Why? M.Bormans

  18. The chain : static and/or rigid view Look again ... : dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  19. The chain : static and/or rigid view If you want to be able to do this ... dBase as exchanged dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  20. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... or this ... dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  21. The chain : static and/or rigid view ... or this ... dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  22. The chain : an evolutive view You need flexibility... : Here ... : and here : dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  23. The chain : an evolutive view Portima did offer a series of tools, and defined some « best practices » : • Converter : • A1 <--> P1 ( Assurnet/1 positionnal to/from Assurnet/2 positionnal ) • P1 <--> E1 ( Assurnet/2 positionnal to/from Assurnet/2 EDI ) • A1 <--> E1 ( Assurnet/1 positionnal to/from Assurnet/2 EDI ) • (Amand-)Parser : • reads, deconstructs and interpretes AS/2 EDI messages into segments, • delivers « segment events » = input to ... • but first do your type-conversions, and your code-translations using specific layers • ... and only then input to your systems or application layers • (Amand-)Generator : • first do your code-translations, and your type-conversions using specific layers • offers « segment methods » = output from our systems • interpretes, constructs, writes segments into AS/2 EDI messages • Traductor : • dBase-driven converter H1 <--> E1 (Cie-specific-Host to/from As/2 EDI ) • (an outdated solution) M.Bormans

  24. The chain : an evolutive view Remember the Euro implementation : • NO COMPULSION : • you could not impose your business-partners the usage of either currency • NO PROHIBITION : • you had the freedom to use either currency when doing business with your partners • ( At least if I remember the terms used correctly... • but you certainly do grasp what is meant ! ) • The similar is what we need AROUND Telebib/2 : • it is only similar, as the sole « Compulsion » and « Prohibition » acceptable are those based on TELEBIB/2 • full TB/2 implementation for inputs = « Good Practice » • TB/2 Message Implementation Guidelines implemented for outputs only = « Good Practice » • No Compulsion : • meaning no company or broker can slow-down the further evolution of TB/2 • No Prohibition : • meaning no company or broker should be slowed-down by a slower TB/2 M.Bormans

  25. The chain : an evolutive view You need flexibility... : Insurers must implement these different layers here ... : Brokers must do it here : this will be the « Real TB/2-compliancy » dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  26. The chain : static and/or rigid view If you do not; accept the consequences ... you (WE ALL TOGETHER) can only do ... M.Bormans

  27. The chain : static and/or rigid view dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  28. The chain : static and/or rigid view dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y this... dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  29. The chain : static and/or rigid view which can be called a « rigid evolutionary chain » dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y and this! dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  30. The chain : an evolutive view Questions ? • What is Telebib/2 ? • What has this to do with X-Link ? • How to give concrete form to this topic ? M.Bormans

  31. The chain : an evolutive view What is Telebib/2 ? • TB/2 is about « metadata », it is a repository • that repository can be used through an Access dBase • TB/2 is about « grammar », it is an EDI implementation • that EDI implementation is no longer positionnal as it was the case within TB/1, it ’s pre-decessor • TB/2 is definitely not intended to be a static dataset, it is to be seen as a system open to evolution M.Bormans

  32. The chain : an evolutive view What has this to do with X-Link ? • X-Link is a user-interface, that can be used within a Broker ’s Office, on his work-station(s) • When within X-Link, the broker is actually working within that X’s dBase • In addition, he can import from and/or export to his own dBase • The X-Link user-interface must not speak in TB/2 terms, otherwise it can only handle objects known in TB/2, and this again creates a rigid « evolutionary chain » Broker ’s Office • The X-Link user-interface can speak in TB/2 terms where possible, consider this a « nice to have » only X-Link dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  33. The chain : an evolutive view How to give concrete form to this topic ? • Do not concentrate on Broker ’s packages X, Y or Z • Create « translation layers », « in » and « out », based on your own metadata and on the TB/2 referential, • this way you do not create a rigid link within your part of the « evolutionary chain », • this way you do create a flexible link, which safeguards your « evolutionary independency » • If X-Link is more than purely a user-interface, then do transpose these same translation-layers there dBase of company X dBase as exchanged dBase of broker Y M.Bormans

  34. The chain : an evolutive view Material that might help to better understand it all ... (added 15.05.2008) • https://mail2003.portima.be/exchange/ with ID/pasword : DocGuest / DocGuest : enter the « public folders » :Folder « DocServer » contains the basic AS/2 material. (indicated as Portima...DocServer\) • C:\Mike\CiesBrokerPortima\Filecorp\Document distribution\TELEBIB2 :TB98_20080515b.mdb : the Relationships-view : which shows how TB2 refers to TB1, using 4 levels (situation as on 07.08.1997) ... • Portima...DocServer\Services\Traductor :sy_trdc1.doc and Description DB Traducteur.doc : how to convert TB2-messages to/from proprietary formats, using 10 levels (as documented 12.01.1999) ... • Portima...DocServer\Services\Parser :sy_apag1.doc and PrivateParser.h : read – isolate – act ... • Portima...DocServer\Services\generator :history.txt : started 27.06.1996 up to 27.06.2001 :xx.11.1998 : change from 4 to 10 levels ...It is interesting to see how such a generator/parser evolves over time, this can be recognised as a « fluid change capability » ... M.Bormans

  35. The chain : an evolutive view Material that might help to better understand it all ... (continued) Portima...DocServer\Documentation\package : PK_NLV4_20080515.DOC : • 3.1. : ... beschikken over een set voldoende generieke functies die gegevens in dit unieke opmaakformaat importeren en exporteren … • 3.2. : ... wordt geen enkele aanname gemaakt in verband met de verwerkingswijze, de gegevens en de uitvoeringswijze eigen aan elke toepassing … • 4.1. : ... Elke programmeur mag in het gegevensmodel naar eigen goeddunken te werk gaan, op voorwaarde dat de regels van de gegevensuitwisseling stipt worden nageleefd. … • : ... De gegevensinhoud van het nieuwe antwoordrecord is de werkelijke maximale inhoud (de maatschappij geeft alle door haar beheerde informatie waarvoor een TELEBIB2 code bestaat in het conceptuele gegevensmodel). Het pakket bewaart de deelverzameling (subset) die dit kan beheren ... • : ... Het nieuwe antwoordrecord is algemener dan … , en wordt gedefinieerd op basis van het conceptuele gegevensmodel van TELEBIB2. ... Trasys : conceptual work preparing AS/2 : exists only in print : • everybody doing his proprietary translations when parsing/generating edi-based messages and/or context-exchanges is a keystone.(They never said one should try to avoid translation-workload by internally implementing the standard...) M.Bormans

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