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Why Learning Styles are Important

Why Learning Styles are Important. Learn HOW we learn (metacognition) Recognize our Strengths Know what we need to Improve Develop Good Study Skills Understand different Teaching Styles. About Learning Styles. We usually have more than one learning preference

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Why Learning Styles are Important

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  1. Why Learning Styles are Important • Learn HOW we learn (metacognition) • Recognize our Strengths • Know what we need to Improve • Develop Good Study Skills • Understand different Teaching Styles

  2. About Learning Styles • We usually have more than one learning preference • Different ways (theories) to understand Learning Styles • Use more than one Assessment to see patterns

  3. Goal of Learning Style Assessments • To Succeed in ALL types of classes and with ALL types of instructors • To learn new strategies that strengthen our preferred styles • Improve and strengthen our less preferred styles

  4. Assessment # 1Modality Questionnaire Measures Learning Preferences in 3 Areas: VISUAL AUDITORY OR VERBAL KINESTHETIC (HAPTIC/ TACTILE)

  5. Visual Learners Learn best from what they see - diagrams, flowcharts, time lines, films, and demonstrations Do not like listening for long periods of time

  6. Strategies to Strengthen Visual Learners   • Add diagrams to your notes whenever possible. • Use matrixing and mapping. · Organize notes so that you can clearly see main points and supporting facts and how ideas are connected. Use outline or Cornell note taking. · Use visual organizers (graphs, charts, symbols, etc.) to help show relationships between concepts/ideas.

  7. Strategies to Strengthen Visual Learners   ·  Color-code notes to help you to see categories of information ·  Use visualization as a way to study/prepare for tests and to retrieve information.

  8. Auditory/ Verbal Learners Verbal learners gain the most learning from • reading • hearing • spoken words • participating in discussions, and • explaining things to others

  9. Strategies for Auditory/ Verbal Learners ·  Ask questions to hear more information ·  Record lectures and listen to tapes ·  Rewrite your notes, adding what you missed Recite and rehearse information orally, read out loud Talk about what your learn. Use study groups.

  10. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners • need to experience knowledge through their own actions either by "doing" or by getting personally involved in their learning • prefer quick paced instruction • prefer instructors that keeps things moving

  11. Strategies for Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners ·  Utilize as many senses as possible while learning · Go to labs, exhibits, tours, etc. to experience the concepts being learned · Teach the material to someone else ·  Study in a group ·  Relate the information to concrete examples as you read or listen in lectures .

  12. Strategies for Tactile/kinesthetic Learners · Think about how you will apply the information being presented · Pace and recite while you learn ·  Act out material or design learning games ·  Use flash cards with other people

  13. CLASS PROFILEModality Questionnaire • How many strong VISUAL Learners? • How many strong AUDITORY/ VERBAL Learners? • How many strong KINESTHETIC/ TACTILE/ HAPTIC Learners? • What is the Instructor’s learning style? • Implications for this class?

  14. Assessment # 3 Index of Learning Styles Measures these Learning Areas: Active --------------- Reflective Sensing --------------- Intuitive Visual --------------- Verbal Sequential --------------- Global

  15. Discuss or apply new material Try it out Prefer to learn/study in groups Need to think about things first Prefer to study alone Learn the practical application of material ACTIVE REFLECTIVE

  16. Like learning facts Good at detail Have to see how things connect to the real world Enjoy learning ideas, concepts, the abstract When learning factual material, ask instructor for theories that relate to material SENSING INTUITIVE

  17. Add diagrams to your notes Use matrixing and mapping. · Organize notes. Use outline or Cornell note taking. · Ask questions ·  Record lectures ·  Rewrite your notes Recite and rehearse information orally, read out loud Use study groups. VISUAL VERBAL

  18. Linear, logical, step-by-step Good at details Ask instructor to fill in missing steps Relate material to what you already know Good at understanding big picture Try to learn the details Skim material first Relate material to what you already know SEQUENTIAL GLOBAL

  19. Personal Style Inventory CLASS PROFILE • How many – -Active -Reflective -Sensing -Intuitive -Visual -Verbal -Sequential -Global • What is the Instructor’s learning style? • Implications for this class?

  20. Learning Styles and Preferences ORT 110 Flo Lucci & C. Doherty

  21. Assessment # 2 Personal Style Inventory or Jung Typology Test(MBTI) Measures these preferences: INTROVERT (I) ------------------ (E) EXTROVERT INTUITIVE (N) ----------------------- (S) SENSING THINKING (T) ------------------------ (F) FEELING JUDGING (J) -------------------- (P) PERCEIVING How you view/experience the world, learning styles and career choices.

  22. Work best alone Thinks carefully before responding Prefers Ideas/abstract Should earn to meet deadlines May need to improve verbal communication Need action and variety while learning Can pick up external cues and information easily Can work on more than one project same time Practice Listening and patience MBTI(I) INTROVERT (E) EXTROVERT

  23. Enjoys abstract topics Prefers essay tests Enjoys creative assignments Should pay more attention to detail Should practice explaining ideas Learns best by activating senses Good at details and step by step procedures Prefers Concrete learning tasks and materials Needs to work on seeing “the whole picture” MBTI(N) INTUITIVE (S) SENSING

  24. Prefers reason and logic Prefers to work alone Organized Needs intellectual challenges Be aware of and respect others’ viewpoints and ideas Prefers to work in groups Benefit from feedback Should practice logical and being objective MBTI(T) THINKING (F) FEELING

  25. Enjoys structure Good at planning and setting goals Should practice being flexible and open to new types of learning Enjoys variety Take- Charge Attitude Should practice planning and finishing projects Easily distracted MBTI(J) JUDGING (P) PERCEIVING

  26. MBTI CLASS PROFILE How many I Introverted E Extroverted N Intuitive S Sensing T Thinking F Feeling J Judgmental P Perceiving • What is the Instructor’s learning style? • Implications for this class?

  27. Summary – Learning Profiles with Similar Dimensions Group A -Intuitive -Global Group C -Introvert -Thinking -Reflective Group B -Sensing -Sequential -Judging Group D -Extravert -Active -Feeling

  28. Becoming a Versatile Learner Group A Memorize as Many Facts as Possible Group C Read the hand out and respectfully debate either position – TV leads to Violence or TV does not lead to Violence. Reverse position. Group B Write a paragraph summarizing the main themes of the hand out and NOT USE specific statistics or facts.

  29. Group D Have partner read half of the list, while other student listens, then have listener read the remaining list while partner listens. Then have each student select a statement that they agree with and present their argument without stating the way they feel, simply the facts. Have the partner give constructive feedback on their brief presentation, then reverse roles.

  30. Sources - North Carolina State University by Barbara A. Soloman and Richard M. Felder • CHARLES C SCHROEDER • Type Focus - Georgia State University - Muskingum College • Your College Experience 5th Edition byGardner/Jewler • Humanmetrics • Bucks County Community College • University of Missouri

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