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Tu aimes quel Look …?

Tu aimes quel Look …?. I can …describe someone’s look f rom the clothes they wear I will…Memorize clothe vocabulary Apply agreements to adjectives of color Describe different looks. Il aime quel look?. Il aime le look sport parce que c’est pratique et confortable .

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Tu aimes quel Look …?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tuaimesquel Look …? I can …describe someone’s look from the clothes they wear I will…Memorize clothe vocabulary Apply agreements to adjectives of color Describe different looks

  2. Il aimequel look? • Il aime le look sport parcequec’estpratique et confortable.

  3. Elle aimequel look? • Elle aime le look habilléparcequec’estélégant . Elle préfère le noir et blancparcequec’estdistingué. • Maisellen’aime pas le look sport parcequec’estmoche!

  4. Ilsaimentquel look? • Ilsaiment le look décontractéparcequec’estsympaet c’estchic! • Il adore les t-shirts amusantset elle adore les jupeslongues avec des fleursparcequec’estromantique.

  5. A toi: I can make a list of the different kinds of looks and adjectives to describe them

  6. Et toi? Tuaimesquel look ? • Pratiques avec ton partenaire : • A : Tuaimesquel look? • B: J’aime le look …… • A: Pourquoi? • B: Parcequec’est ………..et ………

  7. Now you can tell what someone’s look is about and describe it ! • Activité : Au travail avec ton groupe (to work with your group)

  8. Group activity: Each group chooses: (5mn) • 1- Le chef (leader ) • 2 – Le chronometreur(Time-keeper) • 3- Secrétaire( writer) • 4 – Le chercheurdans le dictionnaire (word searcher ) • 5- Find a name for your group! • 6 – Write the names on the card on the table

  9. With your group : 1- Select one of the photos secretly! 2 – Each member must answer 1 of the questions / Secretary writes their answers on template (laptop) (leader to organize the work) :15 minutes 3 - Group leaves the portrait on the laptopbefore rotating to the next station.4 – At next station: You have 1 minutes to decide who the celebrity is and write your group name and the celebrity’s name in the table provided.5- Rotate to the next station and do the same till you visited each station.6 – We check results and see which group found all results correctly! 1: Qu’est-cequ’il / elleporte? 2: Il/ elle a quel look? 3: Tuaimescettecélébrité? Pourquoi? EXTRA : If you are finished before the timer rings Choose a character (comics, actor, singer) and describe his / her looks Write the portrait on Word . The other groups will have to make another guess on who your character is!!!

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