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完全流体 QGP は 見つかったか?

日本物理学会 2006 年秋季大会於奈良女子大学. 完全流体 QGP は 見つかったか?. Tetsufumi Hirano 平野哲文 Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo 東大総文. Collaborators: U.Heinz, D.Kharzeev, R.Lacey, and Y.Nara. Outline. Discovery of Perfect Liquid QGP Basis of Announcement Three Inputs in Hydrodynamic Models

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完全流体 QGP は 見つかったか?

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  1. 日本物理学会2006年秋季大会於奈良女子大学 完全流体QGPは見つかったか? Tetsufumi Hirano 平野哲文 Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo 東大総文 Collaborators: U.Heinz, D.Kharzeev, R.Lacey, and Y.Nara

  2. Outline • Discovery of Perfect Liquid QGP • Basis of Announcement • Three Inputs in Hydrodynamic Models • Sensitivity of Assumptions to v2 in Hydro • Freezeout • Initial condition • v2 from CGC initial conditions • Summary and Outlook

  3. “RHIC serves the perfect liquid” http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/ pr/PR_display.asp?prID=05-38

  4. Basis of the Announcement STAR(’02) PHENIX(’03) pT dependence and mass ordering Multiplicity dependence Hydro results: Huovinen, Kolb, Heinz,…

  5. Three Inputs for Hydrodynamic Models • Final stage: • Decoupling prescription t • Intermediate stage: • Equation of State, P(e,n) • Initial stage: • Initial energy/entropy density distribution • Initial time z 0 Important to check the sensitivity of the above assumptions to final results

  6. Sensitivity of Different Assumptions in Early/Late Stages Initial Condition Glauber-type Color Glass Condensate Freezeout Sudden freezeout Discovery of “Perfect Liquid” ? Gradual freezeout (Hadronic rescattering) ? ?

  7. Consistency? Elliptic flow Particle ratio Hydro: P.Huovinen Data: PHENIX PHENIX white paper Issue: Conventional ideal hydro could not reproduce particle ratio. Solution: Introduction of chemical freezeout in hydro. Interpretation: Accidental reproduction by ideal hydro. Necessity of dissipation in the hadron phase. N.Arbex et al.(’01), TH and K.Tsuda(’02), D.Teaney(’02) TH and M.Gyulassy(’06)

  8. TH et al.(’06); in preparation. Highlights from a Hydro+Cascade Model Based on Glauber-type Initial Conditions

  9. Sensitivity of Different Assumptions in Early/Late Stages Initial Condition Glauber-type Color Glass Condensate Freezeout Sudden freezeout Discovery of “Perfect Liquid” ? Gradual freezeout Hadronic rescattering Discovery of Perfect fluid QGP & hadronic corona ?

  10. Two Initial Conditions Which Clear the First Hurdle Centrality dependence Rapidity dependence • Glauber model • Npart:Ncoll = 85%:15% • CGC model • Matching I.C. via e(x,y,h)

  11. TH et al.(’06) v2(Npart) from QGP Hydro + Hadronic Cascade • Glauber: • Early thermalization • Mechanism? • CGC: • No perfect fluid? • Additional viscosity • is required in QGP Importance of better understanding of initial condition

  12. Large Eccentricity from CGC Initial Condition Hirano and Nara(’04), Hirano et al.(’06) Kuhlman et al.(’06), Drescher et al.(’06) y x Pocket formula (ideal hydro): v2 ~ 0.2e @ RHIC energies Ollitrault(’92)

  13. Summary and Outlook • Much more studies needed for initial states • Still further needed to investigate EOS dependence • To be or not to be (consistent with hydro), that is the question! FAKE!

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