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SaleAssistant. Group 5. Gergely Zachár , Saeed Mirzaeifar , Ville Arola , Yasir Ali. Bad weather outside ? You are lazy and watching TV with your friends ? And you need some food and washingpowder for your clothes ?. ?. ?. SaleAssistant. Your ultimate solution is.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SaleAssistant Group 5. Gergely Zachár, SaeedMirzaeifar, VilleArola, YasirAli

  2. Badweatheroutside? Youarelazy and watching TV withyourfriends? And youneedsomefoodandwashingpowderforyourclothes? ? ?

  3. SaleAssistant Yourultimatesolution is

  4. Create a software fordelivery service companies • Delegate a salesassistantforshopping • Collect and offeritemsfromstores • Handleuserrequestforitems • Collecttheorders • Planing and optimizingthetrips • OPTIMIZE most of thethings Basic ideas

  5. Basic ideas

  6. Good optimizationalgorithm • Analyzetheproblem • Findspecifictechnics and algorithms • Adoptmodularapproveforreusability • Web pagesforuserinterface • Web serviceswithvariousinterfaces • The endusercompanyfreelyselect and devellopspecificfrontends (custom web pages, phoneapp) • Each of themodulesarecustomisable Strategy

  7. Windows Azure • ASP.NET • Web pages, webservices • GPS • Deliverytracking, tripplanning • MVC architecture • Modularity, reusabity, customization • sumoPaint.com Technologies and tools

  8. DataBase Design

  9. Delivery Service Online Sopping applicant Authentication Service Third Party Organization (Optimization) Cloud Architecture Sale Assistant Users Admin

  10. Optimization:

  11. Application Demo!!

  12. Thankyou!

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