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DOE InterLab 2003

DOE InterLab 2003. Weapons Knowledge Management Initiatives & Strategies at Sandia National Laboratories November 6 th , 2003 Presented by: Tamara Orth Technical Project Manager, Weapon Knowledge Management Sponsored by: Hank Witek Manager, Military Liaison & Knowledge Management Group

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DOE InterLab 2003

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  1. DOE InterLab 2003 Weapons Knowledge Management Initiatives & Strategies at Sandia National Laboratories November 6th, 2003 Presented by: Tamara Orth Technical Project Manager, Weapon Knowledge Management Sponsored by: Hank Witek Manager, Military Liaison & Knowledge Management Group Sponsored by: John Shaw Manager, Weapon Knowledge Management Department Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

  2. Strategic Mission Objectives Nuclear Weapons: Ensure that the Nuclear Weapons Stockpile is safe, secure, reliable, affordable and fully capable of supporting our Nation's deterrence policy indefinitely. Nonproliferation and Materials Control: Reduce the vulnerability of the US to threats of (1) proliferation and use of weapons of mass destruction, (2) nuclear incidents, and (3) environmental damage. Energy and Critical Infrastructures: Enhance the surety (safety, security, and reliability) of energy and other critical infrastructures. Emerging National Security Threats: Develop high impact responses to emerging national security threats. What Does Sandia Do? SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  3. Provide world-class weapons systems product knowledge support services to optimize the operational effectiveness, future capabilities and maintainability of the stockpile for the weapon systems stewards. Our services include enabling discovery, capture, evaluation, organization, and dissemination of weapon systems information to ensure the compatibility and operational readiness of our nation's nuclear weapons and their associated delivery systems. We develop and deploy capabilities for emerging operational information and education needs to the nuclear weapons community and other national security arenas. We exist to help maintain a comprehensive capability, expertise and information knowledge base for the nation’s weapons activities How Does Weapon Knowledge Management (WKM) Program Support Sandia Mission? SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  4. Knowledge Management Is a set of systematic approaches to help information and knowledge flow… • To the right person • At the right time • In the right format • At the right cost so they can act more efficiently & effectively Definition Source: American Productivity and Quality Center SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  5. The Complexity and Challenges of Weapons Knowledge Management The rest of the NW Community Stockpile Support Systems Manufacturing Knowledge PreservationProgram Nuclear Safety Information Systems Engineering Information Systems Nuclear Weapons Continuing Education Data Management Systems Corporate Training& Development Historical Data Library Services SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  6. Major WKM Components Knowledge Capture & Preservation Knowledge Education & Training Knowledge Search & Dissemination Knowledge Integration Via Education & Training Resources 1. Establish User Profiles 2. Use profiles/NTK controls to obtain relevant knowledge 1. What wasn’t written down 2. Problems with ROA 3. Get info from those who were there 4. Understand their thoughts 5. Get the art as well as the science and engineering 6. Build Traversable Taxonomy 1. Basics 2. Process and Mechanics 3. “The Big Flick” SNL (ML, NST, 1700, Mfg) LANL LLNL DOE DTRA/DNWS USN USAF Academia Industry Commercial trainers 1. Interns 2. Full time weaponeers 3. “Ins and Outs” 4. New Hires 5. Peripheral involvement 6. Mentorship 1. Best Practices and incidents 2. Throughout lab and complex 3. Feed into TBP process 4. Don’t reinvent the wheel 5. Look at industry All being delivered in a environment of no new weapons, no testing, and life extension KM provides one of the pillars supporting Excellence in Engineering Process -- Critical Thinking -- Innovation -- People SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  7. Weapon Knowledge Management Process Model Users Individuals, Teams, Departments, Orgs, NWC, Others Integrated KM Capabilities KM Portal, KM-SALSA, Lessons Experienced, NWie Portal, WFS, etc. Content (SMEs) Quality Weapons Product Knowledge Management, Education, and Training Program Presentation Quality and Appearance (Designer) Capture Video Services, Documentation Interviews Lab-Wide Support Top-Down Bottoms-Up Practice Transmission IIS Instructional Design (CETD) Theory Learning Instructor-led, Personal Experiences, Mentoring, On-line, Oral Communication, Self-directed SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  8. Weapon Knowledge Management at Sandia Nuclear Weapons Training teaches next-generation designers Advanced technology applied to stockpile Use MESA Share Collect Technical Library is central information repository Organize Knowledge Preservation Program captures tacit information SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  9. WKM Learning Model STRATEGIC Strategic Leadership • GLOBAL • Governance • Directives • Interactions w/other Agencies • ORGANIZATIONAL • Internal to Sandia • Business Rules (CPRs) • Contextual Learning • System Business Level Product Level Understanding&Transformation • TEAM • Processes • Product • Group Learning • Subsystem/Component Business Level • INDIVIDUAL • Job/Task Performance • Procedural/Technical • Self Learning • Piece Part Business Level TACTICAL SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003 Adapted from Source: Marsick & Watkins (1999)

  10. Nuclear Weapons Product Knowledge Supported Learning Deliveries Web Based Training Field Trip Training Classroom Training SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  11. Flexible NWC taxonomy supports grouping content for “multiple perspectives” along with the data,information and laboratories capabilities needed to solve the problems of the future Capabilities Subsystem & Components SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  12. Preview WKM Capabilities & Investments

  13. “All-In-One” Knowledge Presentation and Preservation Video Streaming Capability! Streaming Video To the Desktop Provides NTK Kerberos Authentication Controlled Access to Information Based on Owner’s Needs PowerPoint Presentations Synchronized with the Video as it is delivered Presentation Table of Contents Highlights Searchable Text Results using Transcripts OR Speech-to-text Recognition Transcriptions missile SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  14. NW101 Provides Required Training Capability for New Weaponeers SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  15. Weapon Intern Program Objective: Prepare the future generation of experts for critical positions in the nuclear weapons stewardship program. • Stockpile Weapons • Surety Principles • Subsystems and Components • Modeling and Simulations • Sandia Labs and Technical Business Practices • Information and Knowledge Management • Nuclear Weapons Community Program 1st year highly structured 2nd year individually driven • Course Work (20 wks) • Project Mgmt • Team Building • Mentoring • Class Projects • Site Visits • 30% Home Dept • Course Work (3 wks) • Mentoring • Elective Classes • Class Project • Rotations • 30% Home Dept Class of 2002 SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  16. Web FileShare provides the capability for enterprise-wide file sharing NTK controlled enterprise file cabinet for documents, images, and video files • Security foundation utilizes infrastructure elements put into place by ASCI • Authorization simplified by creation of the metagroup utility (with Boolean operators) • Access controls individually applied to each document, image, or video • Trust relationships between NWC sites foundation for classified information sharing • Web front end disguises corporate nature of application SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  17. Corporate Lessons Learned CaseStudy Portal Capability Within Reach Reusable vs. Historical Content Active vs. Inactive Context SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

  18. WKM Integration Capability with Nuclear Weapons Information Environment Portal WKM Portal SNL:tlorth:11/06/2003

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