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Do you want to know to generate more leads for your business? So, you have to go through with SMS and email marketing trends.ttttt
SMS and Email Marketing Trends TOGENERATESALES
Digital marketers would benefit from knowing the SMS and email marketing trends of2020.
Making the email designs mobile-friendlywilltherefore increase open and click rates and improve profit generation. Email Marketing Trends Mobile-Friendly Email Designs EmailDesigns for Dark Mode Dark mode consideration goes together with mobile optimization. Thiscanbedonebysimplygoing for a darker palette.
User-Generated Social Media ContentInsertion Anotheremailmarketingtrendistomerge your email marketing with social media strategy.Inthepastsocialmediaintegration simply meant including social media links and icons in your promotional emails.
Reviews, Ratings& FeedbackInclusion Video&Animation Inclusion Brand Storytelling You need to communicate withyourconsumersthrough brand storytelling. Even if yourbrandisfaceless,you still have a mission and history, which you can weave together and share narratively. Stats say that simply by addingtheword“video”toan email title, you can increase your open rate by some 20%. It also makes your promotionalemailsmore accessible. By including your customer reviews, ratings, and feedbackinyouremails,you can increase your cus tomer base and brand loyalty and improve sales.
Cus tomer s ervice has a s upplementaryrole to play in your marketing department. F i rms largely rely on phone calls to delivertheir customerservice. Use SMS as a Promotional Channel S MS generates higher res pons e ratesthan email, F acebook, or phone calls . I t als o has a convers ion rate of almos t 1 4 %. And nearly 49 million cons umers agree to receive S MS from brands through s ubscription. TransactionalSMS Updates S tudies s ay that a vas t majority ( 77 %)of cons umers have a good impres s ion ofbrands and bus ines s es that keep them informed via S MS . T hey are increas ingly opting to receive order updates through texts. OfferCustomerService Through SMS SMS Marketing Trends
AI-Enhanced Chatbots A prominent S MS marketing trend that hasbegun gaining a lot of attention this year is S MS chatbots. T hes e automates everal areas of thecus tomer experience andprovide ins tant replies tocommon customerqueries. Trigger-Based Texting Trigger-basedmessagescan allow S MS marketersto radically s caleup communications , jus t the way email automation has. Marketers can place triggers to request feedback,remind abandonedcarts Review Requesting Cus tomer reviews havean immens e influence ona customer’sbuying decisions.72%of cons umers agreethat pos itive reviews abouta localbusinessbuildtheir trus t in it. S o,brands s hould focus on gathering customerreviews.
Combining Email and SMS marketingTrends By looking at the S MS and email marketing trends , you canunderstandthattoday’stwomostpowerfuldigital marketing tools are here to s tay for a whilelonger.
NotifyVisitors’ Email and SMS MarketingSoftware Notify Vis itors ’ email and S MS marketing s oftware has many features and tools for merging emailand S MS marketing and s ales automation. Y ou can us e it to nurture leads , run campaigns , and carry out marketing analytics.
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