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Model-Based Semantic Compression for Network-Data Tables

Model-Based Semantic Compression for Network-Data Tables. Shivnath Babu. Stanford University. with Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi, Avi Silberschatz. Bell Laboratories. NRDM, Santa Barbara, CA, May 25, 2001. Introduction. Networks create massive, fast-growing relational-data tables

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Model-Based Semantic Compression for Network-Data Tables

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  1. Model-Based Semantic Compression for Network-Data Tables Shivnath Babu Stanford University with Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi, Avi Silberschatz Bell Laboratories NRDM, Santa Barbara, CA, May 25, 2001

  2. Introduction • Networks create massive, fast-growing relational-data tables • Switch/router-level network performance data • SNMP and RMON data • Packet and flow traces (Sprint IP backbone -- 600 gigabytes/day) • Call Detail Records (AT&T -- 300 million records/day) • Web-server logs (Akamai -- 10-100 billion log-lines/day) • The data is important for running big enterprises effectively • Application and user profiling • Capacity planning and provisioning, determining pricing plans • The data needs to be stored, analyzed, and (often) shipped across sites

  3. Protocol DurationBytes Packets http 12 20K 3 http 16 24K 5 http 15 20K 8 http 19 40K 11 http 26 58K 18 ftp 27 100K 24 ftp 32 300K 35 ftp 18 80K 15 Compressing Massive Tables • Example table: network flow measurements (simplified) • Good compression is essential • Optimizes storage, I/O, network bandwidth over the lifetime of the data • Can afford “intelligent” compression

  4. Compressing Massive Tables: A New Direction in Data Compression • Several generic compression techniques and tools (e.g., Huffman, • Lempel-Ziv, Gzip) • Syntactic: operate at byte-level, view table as a large byte-string • Lossless: do not support lossless and lossy compression • Semantic compression • Exploiting data characteristics and dependencies improves compression ratio significantly • Capturing aggregate data characteristics ties in with enterprise data monitoring and analysis • Benefits of lossy compression schemes • Enables trading precision for performance (compression time and storage) • Tradeoff can be adjusted by user(flexible)

  5. SPARTAN: A Model-Based Semantic Compressor • New compression paradigm: Model-Based Semantic Compression (MBSC) • Extract data mining models from table • Derive compression plan using the extracted models • Use models to represent data succinctly • Use models to drive other model building • Compress different data partitions using different models • Lossless and lossy compression (within user-specified error bounds) • SPARTAN system implements a specific instantiation of MBSC • Key idea: Classification and Regression Trees (CaRTs) can capture cross-column dependencies and eliminate entire data columns

  6. Packets > 10 yes no error = 0 Bytes > 60K yes no Protocol = http Protocol = ftp Protocol = http Packets > 16 error <= 3 yes no Duration = 29 Duration = 15 SPARTAN: Semantic Compression with Classification and Regression Trees (CaRTs) error=0 error<=3 A compact CaRT can eliminate an entire column by prediction Outlier: Packets=11, Duration = 19

  7. SPARTAN Compression Problem Formulation • Given:Data table over set of attributes X and per-attribute error tolerances • Find:Set of attributes P to be predicted using CaRTs such that: • Overall storage cost (CaRTs + outliers + materialized columns) is minimized • Each attribute in P is predicted within its specified tolerance • A predicted attribute should not be used to predict another attribute -- otherwise errors will compound • Non-trivial problem • Space of possible CaRT predictors is exponential in number of attributes

  8. Two Phase Compression • Planning Phase -- Come up with a compression plan • Compression Phase -- Scan the data and compress it using the plan

  9. [e1,e2,e3,e4] Error tolerance vector DependencyFinder X1 X2 X3 X4 Random sample of input table Semantic-compression Plan SPARTAN Architecture: Planning Phase

  10. Education Profession Employer Income SPARTAN’s DependencyFinder • Goal: Identify strong dependencies among attributes to prune the • (huge) search space of possible CaRT models • Input: Random sample of input table T • Output: A Bayesian Network (BN) over T’s attributes • Structure of BN: Neighbors are the “strongly” related attributes

  11. X1 X2 [e1,e2,e3,e4] Error tolerance vector X3 DependencyFinder CartSelector X4 X1 X2 X3 X4 Random sample of input table Semantic-compression Plan SPARTAN Architecture: Planning Phase

  12. SPARTAN’s CaRTSelector • Heart of SPARTAN’s semantic-compression engine • Output: Subset of attributes P to be predicted (within tolerance) • and corresponding CaRTs • Uses Bayesian Network constructed by DependencyFinder • Hard optimization problem: strict generalization of Weighted Maximum Independent Set (WMIS) (NP-hard) • Two solutions: • Greedy heuristic • New heuristic based on WMIS approximation algorithms

  13. Maximum Independent Set (MIS) CaRTSelector • Exploits mapping of WMIS to CaRTSelector problem • Hill-climbing search that proceeds in iterations • Start with set of predicted attributes (P) empty; all attributes materialized (M) • Each iteration improves earlier solution by moving a selected subset of nodes from M to P • Map to a WMIS instance and use solution • “Weight” of a node (attribute) = materializationCost – predictionCost • Stop when no improvement is possible • Number of CaRTs built (n = #attributes) • Greedy CaRTSelector: O(n) • MIS CaRTSelector : O(n^2) in the worst case, O(n logn) “on average”

  14. X1 X2 [e1,e2,e3,e4] Error tolerance vector X3 DependencyFinder CartSelector X4 X1 X2 X3 X4 Random sample of input table BuildCaRT [{X1,X2}->X3,e3] X1 X2 X3 X4 M P X2 > 16 Semantic-compression Plan yes no RowAggregator CartBuilder Outlier: X2=11, X3=19 X3=29 X3=15 SPARTAN Architecture: Planning Phase

  15. Experimental Results: Summary • SPARTAN system has been tested over several real data sets • Full details are in – S. Babu, M. Garofalakis, R. Rastogi. SPARTAN: A Model-Based Semantic Compression System for Massive Data Tables. SIGMOD 2001 • Better compression ratios compared toGzip and Fascicles • factors up to 3 (for 5-10% error tolerances for numeric attributes) • 20-30% on average for 1% error for numeric attributes • Small sample sizes are effective for model-based compression • 50KB is often sufficient

  16. Conclusions • MBSC: A novel approach to massive-table compression • SPARTAN: a specific instantiation of MBSC • Uses CaRTs to eliminate significant fractions of columns by prediction • Uses a Bayesian Network to identify predictive correlations and drive the selection of CaRTs • CaRT-selection problem is NP-hard • Two heuristic-search-based algorithms for CaRT-selection • Experimental evidence for effectiveness of SPARTAN’s model-based approach

  17. Future Direction in MBSC: Compressing Continuous Data Streams • Networks generate continuous streams of data • E.g., packet traces, flow traces, SNMP data • Applying MBSC to continuous data streams • Data characteristics and dependencies can vary over time • Goal: compression plan should adapt to changes in data characteristics • Models must be maintained online as tuples arrive in the stream • Study data mining models with respect to online maintanence • Incremental • Data stream speeds • Parallelism • Trade precision for performance • Eager Vs. Lazy schemes • Compression plan must be maintained with respect to models

  18. Future Direction in MBSC: Distributed MBSC • Data collection infrastructure is often distributed • Multiple monitoring points over an ISP’s network • Web servers are replicated for load balancing and reliability • Data must be compressed before being transferred to warehouses or repositories • MBSC can be done locally at each collection point • Lack of “global” data view might result in suboptimal compression plans • More sophisticated approaches might be beneficial • Distributed data mining problem • Opportunity cost of network bandwidth is high -- keep communication overhead minimal

  19. Root-cause analysis Anomaly detection Compression Data mining models Network data Future Direction in MBSC: Using Extracted Models in other Contexts • A crucial side-effect of MBSC -- capturing data characteristics helps enterprise data monitoring and analysis • Interaction models (e.g., Bayesian Network) enable event-correlation and root-cause analysis for network management • Anomaly detection -- intrusions, (distributed) denial-of-service attacks

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